
His right hand suddenly pinched the black boy’s whole arm and shattered, and then before the black boy screamed and exported, he slapped the black boy’s chest and directly lifted the other side out.
"get out!"
The boy in black screamed in horror like a rag sack falling from the mountain.
Li Xuandao turned a blind eye to the expression and patted the dust on his left hand. He turned around and continued to move forward. The practitioners around him were frightened and rushed to avoid it for fear of provoking this evil spirit.
Without the practitioner’s interference, Li Xuandao’s speed rose again in just one wick, and the cliff top was already far away.
Then suddenly there was a faint fragrance.
This fragrance is extremely weak, and the strong wind will blow it away, which is even more difficult to detect. If Li Xuandao was so powerful and smelled this fragrance, he would have almost ignored the past.
This is Tongyuancao, which is an important panacea for refining Zengshoudan.
I think that Li Xuandao and Chu used their great magical powers in World War I to consume a hundred years of life. Although his life span is enough now and the horse has to break through the realm of refining the gods, it is not too much for Shou Yuan.
What should I do if I encounter a strong enemy again after hard work?
"This is a good thing."
Li Xuandao followed the scent and traversed towards the left side of the cliff for nearly 3,000 meters. Finally, in a remote corner, he saw a perfect yellow grass that seemed to be dying. It was Tongyuan grass.
His heart secretly surprised and hurriedly reached for it.
At this time, a very violent knife gas attacked and killed from behind.
"Stop it, punk!"
Chapter 632 Have you had enough fun?
Chapter 632 Have you had enough fun?
Li Xuandao suddenly turned his right hand and caught a crimson knife mans! Then his finger force abruptly smashed the knife mans.
See Li Xuandao unarmed crush knife mans behind young eyebrows a wrinkly slightly.
He was haughty, dressed in a crimson robe and armed with a three-foot long knife. He was full of murderous look. He looked at Li Xuandao suspiciously and immediately became bloodthirsty. He smiled. "I found this Tongyuan grass first, so get out of here and spare you!"
"So what if you found out first?" Li Xuandao narrowed his eyes and eyes seemed to have a cold light flashing.
Just now, there was no room for the knife to remain hidden. Fortunately, he was powerful enough to easily resist the knife. If he were a practitioner, I’m afraid he would have been beheaded.
The strong are respected and the weak are bullied!
Li Xuandao finally understood the cruelty of the jungle law, but he did not reject it in his heart, but accepted it naturally. "The strong respect the weak, and the ants pass through the grass. Only the strong deserve to have the weak!"
"Ha, ha, ha, a semi-god-like loser dares to preach the truth in front of me?"
The red-robed boy laughed wildly at the sky, and immediately his face was cold and his eyes were fierce. He shouted, "Clap your mouth!"
Said the red boy’s right hand attack as fast as lightning, as fierce as thunder, and he came to Li Xuandao with a fierce wind.
A crunchy sound
A boy named Duanya stumbled backwards two steps, and a clear palm print appeared on his face.
"Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut. You should be slapping your mouth like a fool." Li Xuandao flicked her fingers and looked cold.
You!’ The broken eyes narrowed sharply and the fundus flashed with a shock.
Come on!
It’s too fast!
He didn’t see the other hand and got a slap in the face.
But soon his eyes were shocked, and he was replaced by anger. The five-layer master of God was slapped by a semi-god waste.
If this matter goes out, how can he get along with the vast state?
"Bastard, how dare you hit me?"
Duanya roared and a deep murder welled up in his heart. His eyes were red and his face was ferocious, like choosing someone to eat a fierce beast. "I want your blood to wash away my shame today!" "
The long knife wielded by the broken hand broke into a very sharp break.
More than 10 meters bloody knife mans carrying fierce ShaQi mountain plowed a deep ravine towards Li Xuandao to kill the past.
"Thousands of troops!"
A knife fell off the cliff, and the offensive continued. His right hand left a series of ghosting images, and several knives rushed out like an iron army overwhelming.
However, in the face of the bloody knife in the sky, Li Xuandao looked cold and humiliated
He slowly took out a dim sword from Gankun Ring and exuded mysterious momentum.
With a wave of his hand
Like a thunder exploding all over the sky knife mans crashing burst.
The third style of slaying god sword breaks a thousand troops.
A sword sweeps away thousands of troops!
Domineering double!
"What kind of fencing is this?" Broken career eyes red light a clot immediately crazy flashing.
An ant in a demigod’s land unexpectedly let him attack twice and return without success, but he was completely furious.
"Damn it!"
Duanya took a deep breath and exuded a faint blood. Even a three-foot long knife rendered a strange blood color and roared, "Smelly, I have to say that your strength really surprised me, but waste is waste. Today, you can force me to use this trick. You are full of pride."
Said the broken ya cold drink a long knife lotus flower flash is a split in the direction of Li Xuandao.
I didn’t expect knife gas, I didn’t expect blood mountain, and I didn’t even have a trace of prestige
Li Xuandao slightly one leng soon can feel the body to a tear pain like pieces, but this kind of feeling passed quickly let a person unprepared when the pain in the past, he closed his eyes and found a drop of blood missing.
Although there is a drop, Li Xuandao has a strong body and the purest dragon is flowing in his body. His blood coagulation is tens of millions of times that of ordinary people.
Only he can easily resist the strange trick of broken ya. If he were the practitioner, I’m afraid he would have been cut off and died of JingXie exhaustion.
"It turned out to be this trick!"
Li Xuandao suddenly opened his eyes and flashed, "You are a bloodthirsty blade. I wonder who the bloodthirsty devil is?"
"Hey, you know this avatar and my grandmaster’s name?"
Duanya’s eyes flashed a little surprised and immediately grinned. "Hey, hey, I don’t care who you are, but if you dare to grab Tongyuan grass with me, you will die!"
Broken ya hand knife mans flashing again to Li Xuandao flick knife to cut.
Another drop of blood.
Li Xuandao frowned deeply and wanted to say something, but Duanyagen didn’t give him a chance to speak and waved his long knife at him like crazy.
Two drops, three drops, four drops.

Simply dressed, it exudes a cold aura, and the green snake hair on the top of the head is vivid and clever …

Pei Hong is convinced at a glance that this woman is definitely not an ordinary person.
[When did my younger brother have such a ruthless role around him? 】
Chapter 10 You are not welcome here
"Go ahead! What do you want to do this time? "
Quietly staring at PeiHong Xiaoqing nature can’t help but know this man.
When she was in Ningxiang County, she had seen Pei Wende with her own eyes, and she knew that he was Pei Wende’s blood brother.
Just like Pei Wende, Xiaoqing didn’t give him any special treatment because of the other party’s identity.
On the contrary, with the "lead" of the old housekeeper, Xiaoqing has already had a bad feeling about Pei’s family.
As the saying goes, Xiaoqing will know that Pei Hong has never crossed the mountain for such a long time without thinking about it. This sudden mountain will definitely not be a simple search for relatives.
"Er, I want to see my brother and Zen master Lingyou this time."
Briefly hesitated a PeiHong so honestly confessed.
However, in response to him, Xiaoqing sneered at the straightforward expression of the world.
"This is the seclusion of the old monk Lingyou, and he knows exactly what happened outside."
"But he hasn’t come out to see you until now. He didn’t even ask you to go in. Can’t you understand him?"
Depending on PeiHong embarrassed Xiaoqing pointed to one side also embarrassed Zhang Chusheng continued.
"You are not welcome here!"
"Neither the old monk Lingyou nor Pei Wende welcome you."
Xiaoqing’s categorical tone at that time made Pei Hong not know how to meet us.
Pay attention to the way of the world, shrewd and tactful officialdom, and no one has ever said so bluntly that Pei Hong is more embarrassing than directly reprimanding and scolding.
Good Pei Hong is worthy of experiencing big waves, and the character quickly adjusted his mentality and expression.
"Little Niang, this is the first time you and I met, but I don’t know they welcome me."
"Besides, even if they really misunderstand me, I believe I can explain it clearly."
I have to say that Pei Hong’s response was really decent, which not only saved the faces of both sides, but also showed his sincerity to the maximum extent.
Nai, this time he is not facing a "person" but a snake demon.
Root too lazy to PeiHong too many words Xiaoqing stretched out his hand and was going to directly carry each other and the old housekeeper out of the hall.
At this time, a sigh suddenly entered four people’s ears.
"Pei benefactor, is this necessary for you?"
As the gate of the back yard of the Buddhist temple was slowly pushed open, I don’t know when the door appeared, and the Zen master sighed low.
"As early as twenty years ago, I agreed with the monk Pei Laoju …"
"He gave me Wende to take refuge in seclusion and never sent anyone to disturb me."
"But three years ago, your sister wanted to take Wende away."
"At that time, I didn’t insist that Wende didn’t want to go to the mountain. It was his own choice."
"But now that you have come to the mountains to be a monk, don’t I have any temper?"
The tone is not exciting, but everyone can hear the anger in Jackson Ling You’s words.
"Monk, I never do anything to break up people’s families, but I also don’t allow my brother to be threatened by people for mutual affection."
"Now that Wende has expressed his attitude, even if the old king comes, he and Pei have no"
"He’s my brother Lingyou, but I wish you something in Weishan Tongqing Temple, but Shangu blacksmith’ raises’ …"
"But it can’t be a gift from you, Pei Jiayou, and it’s not a gift from you, Pei Hong, to express filial piety."
Lingyou Zen master has been avoiding seeing each other because he has seen each other’s thoughts.
It’s a pity that Pei Hong doesn’t know whether to be stupid or not and directly stab the table with the things that both sides are most unwilling to face.
"It’s natural that Zen master can take such good care of his younger brother Pei Hong."
There was a slight pause in tone, and Pei Hong’s performance at this time was a real veteran of officialdom.
Not only did the tone remain humble, but even the face didn’t turn red, as if the other party said it wasn’t himself.
"But this time, Huier failed to take Wendeshan because Pei’s family was in a bad situation and he couldn’t bear to continue to suffer with us."
"Plus, anyway, we all live in Tanzhou. Sometimes, talk slowly about Wende."
"But this time it’s different. We have got specific news that my father will make a comeback and return to Chang ‘an in a few days."
"In other words, Pei Hong came here to pick up my younger brother and go to Chang ‘an to enjoy himself."
When this statement comes out, don’t say that it’s Ling You Jackson and Xiaoqing. Even Zhang Chusheng, who doesn’t talk, looks at him with scorn.
Let’s just say whether Pei Hong’s comeback is true or not. Just revealing the meaning in the other party’s words can show that he is hiding from Pei Xiu to find his own door this time.
This also confirms the statement of Zen master Lingyou from the side.
Pei Hong’s visit to the mountain may be partly because he wants to take Pei Wende to enjoy the happiness, but it is more likely that he wants to show his filial piety in front of Pei Xiu.
After all, I can see from before PeiHui that Pei Xiu is very concerned about PeiWende, a young man who avoids disaster.
"Ha ha, master, long time no see!"
Seeing that the scene was about to reach a deadlock, a hearty laugh suddenly came from the outside.
Then I saw Zou Qiwu, who took the moon, striding into the Buddhist temple and timely solving the embarrassment of some people in the place.
"Hey? Isn’t this the boss of the Pei family? "
"Why? Did you also worship Buddha today? "
No trace stopped Pei Hongling’s Zen master Zou Qiwu’s moon, who couldn’t bear to look straight in the eyes and looked at Pei Hong in surprise.
"Speaking of which, your grandfather told me about you when I was drinking with him yesterday!"
"I’m afraid he would have died when he was demoted to Tanzhou if you hadn’t been running for years."
"He also told me that you haven’t been home to see him for a long time …"
"He misses you and the loyal housekeeper so much now that you remember to go home and see him."
Looking at the bright and clear Zou Qiwu Peihong silently, I know that if I continue to stick to that topic just now, I’m afraid I will really be thrown away by someone in the place.

"It’s not that your grandson can’t have a bite to eat. Isn’t that how Shao Yuan became a talent?"

Chen ha ha smiled and wiped the knife in his hand. "You see, this is wrong. When did Shao Yuan become a success? When did their parents eat me? I am now raised by the second and third families. If you don’t raise me, let people come and eat my Zhao Qinhua. Sometimes I will go to your parents’ house to ask if your mother taught you like this?"
How did Zhao Qinhua become like this when she was stunned?
"Not me. I’m not."
Chen snorted and turned with a knife. "If you let him eat, bring food." She really didn’t come over to eat with a child. Besides, how much a child can eat is mainly because she can’t see Zhao Qinhua.
Sweeping the courtyard, Yue-e Li silently listened to her mother-in-law’s words, not to mention Yao Shangqing, and she would not get involved.
Zhao Qinhua, of course, can’t send rations to come over and take Chen Chengzhuang away. She is a white mother-in-law, and she can’t get good.
Chen Shaoyuan had something in his heart, but he didn’t come out again, so he dug out his things himself.
"Grandma, look, this is something that tripped Yuanyuan. I thought it was different, so I took it back."
Chen didn’t look up when he came, but he also wanted to say why he brought back things that tripped people.
As a result, I was shocked at first glance. "Oh, isn’t this a gold bar?"
Speak in a low voice
Chen Shui washed the things clean, touched them carefully and bit them again. He was still a little dizzy, thinking that his third daughter-in-law was well informed, so let her have a look.
"Third daughter-in-law, see if this is a gold bar?" Chen’s voice dropped when he said the word gold bars.
Yao Shangqing. Take a look at it. Is this really?
"Mom, where did you get this?"
Chen smiled and bent his eyes. "Your home Yuan Yuan got Shao Yuan and said that this is the thing that stumbles Yuan Yuan."
Yao Shangqing was completely stunned.
"Then what should we do?"
Chen took it and his heart was flattered. "Of course, I left it. This is something Yuanyuan will give to her when she grows up."
I have something to say. On the third day, I’m excellent with a 5,000-word chapter! ! ! ! ! ! Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel from 16: 5: 39 to 22-1-22 at 16: 41: 2 on 22-1-21 ~
Thank you for irrigating a bottle of nutrient solution, Little Angel Tears Dream Red Dust;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 32 Winter
Yao Shangqing has no idea. Her mother-in-law has already decided on this matter and there is nothing to say.
As soon as Chen got up the next morning, he saw a chicken and a duck in his own chicken coop.
Zhao Qin spent her yard face smiling, but it’s uglier than crying. She doesn’t want to raise chickens and ducks. She doesn’t want to eat and work. Who can serve them and simply return them? She can also get some luck in front of her mother-in-law
"Why don’t you raise it?" Chen Gherardini asked her
Zhao Qinhua coughed. "Yesterday, Mom was right. I didn’t take care of you with food, so it was our filial piety to send all the chickens and ducks back."
Chen sneer at ha ha two turned into the kitchen and believed her story.
Zhao Qin’s face is a little stiff, and it’s boring to look at it without asking for it.
After the autumn planting in the village was finished, it was considered that there was little work in the fields during the slack season.
Every family is idle, but there are more people on the hillside after the fall. Branches can be picked up when they are dry, and there will be some wild fruits when they are ripe in autumn. If you are lucky, you can meet wild ducks there all the time, and you can also pick up wild duck eggs. Of course, I still met Chen Laosan’s children and found them.
In November, Baijia village is already cold, and the temperature difference between day and night is very large. Who let them be surrounded by mountains on three sides?
Li Guihua came to ask Chen for a purse.
Yuanyuan is in the kitchen to see her rabbit. It’s cold at home, so the heat in the kitchen is not easy to disperse.
Chen’s clothes for Yuanyuan are also quite thick, and the cotton inside is fifty percent new, but this is a cotton ticket for Chen Yougong County.
Almost all the children’s clothes at home are stuffed with new cotton, and their adults pick up some old ones. After all, adults can resist freezing.
Chen went to the kitchen and took out Yuan Yuan’s purse.
Yuanyuan still has some reluctance. She has worn it for a long time.
"Grandma took it to your aunt Danju, and I’ll let you Li Nainai make you one of these." Chen patiently explained it to Yuanyuan.
Yuanyuan has a little head. "All right then."
Chen took out his purse and said, "Go home and give it to Dan Ju. I hope I can manage it."
Li Guihua touched his purse and was grateful for it.
"I’ll embroider one for Yuanyuan when I hurry. Anyway, there’s nothing at home."
Chen nodded and began to peel pumpkins in his hand.
Li Guihua took the things and hurried back.
Chen Yougong came back from the county just in winter. He stayed in the county furniture factory for a long time. The latest batch of furniture with new styles came out. The factory director was very satisfied with it. This time, we will see how the sales volume is. This time, we don’t want to go to the Canton Fair. It is good to be out of the county.
Chen Yougong got a lot of money and tickets this time, and when he came back, he returned five pounds of meat. He thought that he hadn’t touched animal products for a long time at home, so he specially changed the meat ticket and went to the queue early to buy it back.
Chen took a thick stack of tickets and was satisfied with it, so he was steadfast in his heart. A few children at home studied in school, two more Sauers, and they didn’t all get money for the paper.
"Ok, let’s have a good meal today. It’s just winter. If you don’t come back, I’m going to make a vegetarian dumpling. If there is meat, we are meat dumplings."
The villagers pay great attention to solar terms, so they have to eat dumplings this winter. No matter what they have at home, they must eat dumplings or not, so they should freeze their ears. When they get up early in the morning, Chen Shaoer covers his ears and is afraid of freezing them and cajoles Yuanyuan.
Yuanyuan learns to cover her ears when Chen Shaoer comes, and she is afraid that she will fall off without touching it for a while.
Chen Yougong past head hugged yuan yuan "do you want to dad?"
Yuanyuan giggled and she nodded. Of course, it’s been a long time since I thought about it.
Chen Yougong suddenly remembered one thing: "Niang Yuanyuan is two years old. What was the date of that year? I forgot."
Chen nodded. "The second daughter-in-law chopped the stuffing and made dumplings."

The black fox demon is ecstatic to find the white fox vein, and seeks to seize tian hu’s blood to lure the whole white fox clan to cultivate the black fox achievement method.

Elder Cang Jiu, who hides his identity, is afraid of the other side’s strength and can persuade him a little. As a result, he can’t escape from the black fox demon. He was arbitrarily found an excuse and was severely punished by the clan rules. He has been quiet and cultivated since then.
Later, when the big black fox demon overthrew him, Elder Cang Jiu looked on and saw that the ghost of the big demon was collected into the small tower. Only then did he take a group of small fox demons into the broken small tower to experience.
Elder Cang Jiu knew that the black fox demon had followed his footsteps into the small tower and was also trying to find tian hu.
I didn’t expect that Luo Li really got the virtual shadow of Kyubi no Youko tian hu in the end.
Elder Cang Jiu is delighted with this result, and it is even more gratifying that Luo Lixiu’s strength has advanced by leaps and bounds these days.
Today, I have to see the four-tailed incarnation of Luoli truly awakened. Elder tian hu was so excited that he simply told the whole story, which also made Baiyun Tower three people listen to a real story.
"So that’s it … the celestial world … the ancestral land …" After listening to the elders of Cang Jiu detailing Luo Li, I was deeply touched at the moment.
A moment later, Luo Lishen said, "Ancestors will say later that the celestial world is in trouble now. I will go to the world to help my brothers and sisters in a few days …"
"Going to the celestial world is a hindrance to the ancestors’ fox spirits. There are also immortals in the adult world …" For Luo Li’s going to the celestial world, the elders of Cang Jiu did not hinder each other, but they woke up another thing.
"Small master, this pair of practices is very compatible with tian hu’s blood, but it is harmful and can be promoted very quickly … but it is necessary to be temperate and break the foundation of flying public practice." Elder Cang Jiu told him in a hoarse voice.
Upon hearing the elders talking about double cultivation, Luo Li blushed and replied, "This … naturally knows that if I have other business, I will return to Kunlun …"
"Little master, please wait for the tian hu achievement method left by the fox spirit ancestors to be formally awarded …"
After saying this, Elder Cang Jiu hobbled towards a wooden house with a wooden stick.
Chapter one thousand and thirty-five Solid foundation
Three people from Kunlun Fairyland to Sendai Baiyun Tower received some words at one another during the recovery.
"The original white fox elder has this identity. It seems that there was a misunderstanding between the former and the former …" A moment later, Zhao-yang Xia sighed with emotion.
"The waves are caused by her. I think it’s not time for the future. Let’s talk about it in the future …" Ziyan rarely speaks.
"Theory, such as the great increase in the repair of Luoli, is also a great help to the repair of the celestial body …"
Looking at the Baiyun Building in Xuan Bing, West Kunlun, then said, "Chaoyang Ziyan, you go back to the boundary and wait a moment. I’ll go to Tianchi to have a look …"
"Well … the original brother is going to find Xiao Feiyang, so just bring him some fruit …"
Speaking, Xia Chaoyang took out a treasure capsule, and took a lot of spiritual fruits from the Haihua Palace, and put them into the treasure capsule, which was satisfactorily handed to the senior brother.
Took the treasure capsule Baiyun Lou corners of the mouth slightly bent to nod to the two school sisters and immediately stepped away.
"Brother, there are three purple fairy fruits in it. I have to watch the little flying eat them …"
"Okay …"
The collapse of the snow peak near Tianchi Lake in West Kunlun Mountain, Tingtao Pavilion is being rebuilt little by little.
A Hong Ying rowed from the east and fell to the peak, showing the elegant figure of Bai Dazhao.
"Master elder brother ….." The nangongshan flying exclaimed a loose tactic jumped out from the ruins.
The snow layer on the peak of the figure fell to the ground.
"Didn’t control the strength again …" The nangongshan flying some embarrassedly scratched his head and then looked up, finding seems a little curious that the teacher elder sister Chaoyang didn’t accompany him.
"Come here, let’s not make those imaginary brothers. I think it’s true that you’re distracted …" As soon as Party A met Baiyun Tower, she joked along with the gender.
"Hey hey, I didn’t expect my brother to come over suddenly …"
Staring at the broken ruins in front of me, Baiyun Tower sighed and said, "This calm wave of Tianchi must be named Tingtao, and it is also the right way to be reborn …"
Say, "raise my hand and condense the wind aura machine."
Wave the wind reiki machine into the ruins, and the whole Tingtao Pavilion is broken, so it rises and spreads out.
After counting the interest, these fragments suddenly stagnated and immediately stood in the original ruins with a brand-new Tingtao Pavilion.
Putting the Tingtao Pavilion back together is the beginning …
The real fire flashed in the virtual space, and the fairy treasure came out with the firm but gentle wind. When the white head was cut off, the god forging method was simply adopted, and this Tingtao Pavilion was re-refined as a magic weapon.
"Don’t be idle when flying. This is your second sister’s gift to you, and it’s said to mend your body …"
"mend? I this body hale and hearty where need to fill … "Looking at the emerging eyes, the nangongshan flying muttered reached out and took it.
"Oh, it’s tough … I’ll take a closer look at it, brother …" The corners of the mouth of Baiyun Tower are bent and a soul-splitting body is condensed to let the refining company listen to Taoge’s work and turn around and come to Feiyang to watch it.
"No ….." The master elder brother stared at the Nangong Feiyang Qi machine more and more churning.
Just a thought Baiyun Tower simply intends to stop shooting and pat Feiyang’s shoulder primly and said
"The double cultivation method is the orthodox fairy road achievement method, which needs to be too concerned, and it seems that the tian hu clan is very suitable. If you practice properly, it will be of great benefit to the two of you."
Upon hearing this, the Nangong Feiyang gradually relaxed his mind and slowly calmed down.
"Oh, brother, please help me to have a look. Recently, the true qi has been running like a tide, and my mind is boiling. When it is difficult to settle down, I am not sure that I can break the boundary …"
Say, "The Nangong flies in the sky and sits in the snow."
Looking at flying teacher younger brother’s mindfulness and meditation, Baiyun Tower secretly nodded and praised those double cultivation methods.
Some time ago, the situation of flying in the sky, Baiyun Tower has been seeing that the pure yang is too strong and impetuous.
Now it’s normal to meditate and settle down.
Just a sigh Baiyun Tower carefully induced the flying state.
The true qi really works like a tidal wave, so it took a long time to break through to the later stage of then, and it took more than two months to make a big progress again.
Judging from this progress, we may try to break through the current realm in another two or three months.
Once we break through to then dzogchen, it is not far from the fairyland.
To the surprise of Baiyun Tower, it seems that this pair of repairs not only failed to block repairs, but also eliminated the hidden dangers caused by the skyrocketing repairs.
Although the true qi in the abdomen was running like a tide, it was a bit solid.
Repair the Baiyun Tower and send out an idea of divine knowledge to explore the sea between the eyebrows and fly away.
Chaotic knowledge flying in the sea has extended to dozens of Fiona Fang.
The primordial qi churns, and the Yang Shen body is sitting on the enchantment to rest the soil.
It seems that my mind is too restless and tired these days. This time, I suddenly relaxed, and my yang body also fell into deep meditation.
From the appearance, this double cultivation method has helped the soul the most. The original pole is restless, the pure yang is peaceful, and the toughness of many yang gods is enhanced a lot.
Not only that, a double cultivation actually raised the realm of Yang Shen by almost one pavilion.
Of course, all these magical effects may also be double-cultivated for the first time.
Yin and Yang Jiaotai Tiandi Avenue wants to come to Naluoli to activate tian hu’s blood, which should also benefit from this.
After watching the Baiyun Tower of Feiyang Yang Shen Body, look at the suspended Xuanjia of Xirang Enchantment by the way.
After three months’ cultivation, the Xuanjia and the meteorite sword have a faint blue and dark awn, which not only increases the weight and tenacity of the stage transformation, but also increases greatly.
It seems that if you want to be mentally stable, you can manipulate the polar magnetic force at will in Xuanjia.

Then the bean-exploding matchlock gun shot also reached Weizheng’s ear.

The monocular telescope helped Wei Zheng to see with his own eyes that the infantry lined up with secret armies had lost their bodies again.
There’s a saying that morale is all played out …
In the face of more and more great achievements, it’s like taking stimulants, biting the cold wind, and going straight to the battlefield with bare arms. I’ll clear the gun and reload it as soon as possible …
When the enemy attacked with a bow and arrow in ten steps, the artillery battalion was very surprised to shoot five rounds of shells at Tatar.
Looking around, the dense attack army array is almost half short of troops, and the shield wall has become incomplete.
It is certain that it is not impossible for the two battalions to continue to hold their ground, and it is not impossible to attack the enemy with 500 infantry.
Chapter one hundred and twenty A Royal Guards
Kelly Y Zhou and Wang Feng several people gradually see some clues to persuade Wei Zheng to continue to stick to the fighters’ positions. When the white infantry followed the service, Wei Zheng had ordered in a firm tone in the previous step …
"The musket battalion covered the artillery horses to retreat … After that, the musket battalion quickly withdrew from the battlefield and we went to the third line of defense to continue to fight the enemy."
See a few faces quickly show hesitation expression Wei Zheng heart understand god continued to command, "why are you still leng ma execute orders …"
"I know you don’t want to miss this excellent opportunity to attack the enemy, but don’t forget that after entering ten steps, we can attack the enemy and the Tatar archers can also shoot us with arrows."
"Our strength is limited, and we can’t afford to lose even one soldier. Now the artillery battalion and the musket battalion will destroy hundreds of enemies without one soldier. This achievement is beyond our imagination. There may be a protracted war in the future. We must stop eating too many enemies at once, otherwise we will not only be unable to digest quickly, but also break our own teeth and let us pay the loss."
"Don’t forget that our total strength is more than 1,000 people, and almost one is killed, and one is missing. Now we have destroyed so many enemies in battle damage, which has not far exceeded our combat expectations."
Say that finish before a few people to react again mouth ordered "what are you still staring blankly horse to command … Dalai’s first round of arrows is coming, don’t you want to see your troops casualties …"
After the two battalions hastily withdrew from their positions, the battlefield was one-sided and the massacre scene quickly ended.
At the same time, three hundred archers of Tatar shot the first round of arrows and drew a beautiful silver light, followed by the retreat of the Tiger and Leopard Army, and the Tiger and Leopard Army had given up its second-line position.
As a result, it was not surprising that several white infantry soldiers were left behind to easily push the blasting shield wall to the new earth wall.
Facing the one-man second-line position, I’m too happy. The infantry seems to forget the pain just experienced and climb the earth wall directly to jump into the ditch in one fell swoop.
So they once again gave the Tiger and Leopard Army 100-person body count results for their arrogance.
On the battlefield, whether the Tiger and Leopard Army or the Tatars are ready for an offensive and defensive battle, a security guard rushed into Beijing as soon as he showed his waist tag, regardless of the guards at the gate.
Then the Royal Guards messenger rushed directly to the Royal Guards’ command office without stopping at all.
Since the fall of Zunhua and the appearance of Tatar cavalry around Beijing, the whole city has become nervous, fearing that the powerful Tatars will attack Beijing at all costs.
Chongzhen, the supreme ruler of the Great Dynasty, watched the Tatar cavalry galloping outside Beijing, while his own ruling army was like a little puss-head, shrinking the walls.
The whole person has been holding a mouthful of resentment since the news of Zunhua’s fall.
For half a month, I don’t know how many ministers have been given death by conceited Chongzhen because of this resentment.
Although Luo Yangyang, the commander of the Royal Guards, is the most trusted military commander in Chongzhen, Luo Yangyang has been repeatedly frustrated by the frontline war and has been scolded by Chongzhen many times during this period.
In addition, a number of civil servants in the court have continuously suppressed the Luo’s cultivation of the Royal Guards, and we can clearly feel that if there is no change in the court, it will become more and more difficult for us to stand on the court.
"We must think of some way to change the situation in the court so that the emperor can trust me again and believe in the Royal Guards …" Behind the desk, Locke secretly swore.
However, there are no changes to change the situation in the court.
When Locke raises his eyebrows again, a string of hurried steps suddenly rang at the door.
Then the voice of the confidant bodyguard came to Luo’s nourishing ear. "My Lord Zunhua is urgent …"
"Zunhua … Zunhua fell, didn’t it? How can there be an urgent report … "Locke raises a gender and asks with incomprehension.
Seeing that the bodyguard shook his head in front of him, Luo Yangyan directly waved his hand and ordered, "Let the messenger come in and hope to bring no bad news … I have received enough bad news at this time …"
Soon, a strong man, who is only thirty years old but wearing a hundred clothes in a royal guard, will be led by the guards before Luo raises a gender.
After kowtowing to Luo, he looked excited and said, "I have good news for your honor … I lost the battle by occupying a place called Mushroom Valley in Dourgen, Zunhua City, which not only lost thousands of real Tatars, but also made my own brother be captured by his opponent …"
"Which army played so badly … as far as I know, the whole Zunhua territory has not become an organized army … It must be a big army to be able to take thousands of typewriters at one time and capture Dourgen’s brother …" Luo asked with a full face of shock.
The messenger shook his head and replied excitedly, "My Lord, this army doesn’t belong to an army, but a bandit came from Zunhua. Because one of the bandits is my Royal Guards, we can get the news from the siege of Mushroom Valley by Dourgen’s army …"
Hearing the news, a bold idea quickly filled Luo’s mind.
"The horse will take this bandit to himself. In this case, this bandit will destroy thousands of Dalai prisoners, and the results of Baylor will become the results of the Royal Guards. By then, with this great result, the Royal Guards will surely turn over in court and regain the imperial trust."
Luo, a minister who has served Chongzhen for several years, is very clear about Chongzhen’s temper and character
A conceited and arbitrary emperor, Chongzhen, often looks at the results without seeing Cheng. If you let him know that the Royal Guards killed thousands of enemies in Zunhua and captured the fifteen Baylor Luo of Tatar, you can be sure that the Emperor Chongzhen will definitely praise everyone in the Royal Guards, so it is too necessary to win a victory to boost morale.
Thought of here Locke raises a gender just or frown quickly with a surprise.
The messenger in front of him ordered, "Ma will tell me everything you know about this bandit army. If I can tell it in detail, I will believe that it is absolutely necessary to report the command and make the government reward …"
"It’s your honor …" The messenger said with a face of excitement.
Chapter one hundred and three Chongzhen nai
Dozens of bandits survived the siege of the Tatars and took the initiative to attack and strengthen their own strength many times to build a strong city to fight against the siege of the Tatars, and successfully captured the fifteenth Baylor Duo Duo of the Tatars …
After hearing the messenger Yu Weizheng’s development, he looked excited. Luo Yang couldn’t help but shout, "This Weizheng is really a hero. If we recruit him into our security, we will have one more general who can be good at fighting. Then no one will look down on our security …"
Speaking of which, Luo Yangyang seems to have thought of something and continued to call out, "No, no matter whether this Wei Zheng is willing or not, you should join me. Because we need Wei Zheng Zunhua to achieve results, we will break the game and regain the imperial trust and regain our footing."
In front of Luo’s cultivation, he said, "My Lord, in this case, do you want to go to Mushroom Valley to surrender this bandit named Tiger and Leopard Army? Believe me, a hundred official positions at most will make it possible for the Royal Guards to join us."
"No …" Locke refused without hesitation.
"It’s too late to surrender to the Tiger and Leopard Army … you know, these achievements of the Tiger and Leopard Army were made before our Royal Guards surrendered him. Once we go out, this thing will not only change the impression in our emperor’s heart, but also give people a feeling that we are picking up cheap …"
A twist of the eyebrows puzzled and answered, "In this case, my Lord, what should we do to win the victory of the Tiger and Leopard Army in Zunhua? Although the news that Dourgen’s army is encircling the Tiger and Leopard Army has not come out yet, the paper will not catch fire after all. If we don’t pay close attention to it, this Tiger and Leopard Army is likely to attract others’ attention …"
"When the time comes, it will be even more unrealistic for us to think that the Royal Guards want to benefit the Tiger and Leopard Army …"
At this moment, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Locke’s face.
In front of the hundred faces, he said calmly, "This Wei Zheng will definitely become a member of my Royal Guards. No one can take it away from the butch and leopard army. It is also my Royal Guards who can’t take it away …"
"Don’t forget that counterfeiting is also our old line of Royal Guards …"
"Your horse let a person make a copy of Wei Zheng and join me a year ago. When the copy comes out, you will give Wei Zheng a small flag identity of a security guard. In addition, you will create a copy of Wei Zheng’s promotion to a security guard half a month ago … you must be quick and you can’t let people find clues …"
"To have these two copywriters, this Wei Zheng is the commander-in-chief of the Royal Guards, the Tiger and Leopard Army, which is an army of the Royal Guards. In this case, the results achieved by the Wei Zheng Zunhua territory are the results achieved by the Royal Guards."
Seeing a confident face in front of him, Luo quickly complimented him, "Your Excellency will do it …"
"Well, we must hurry up … tonight I will go to see the emperor with the good news you just reported …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Due to the financial pressure of the Forbidden City in Beijing, all branches of the Forbidden City were also compressed to the lowest state by Chongzhen.
After entering the night, except for a few palaces in the Forbidden City, there was still faint candlelight, and all his palaces were dark.
The hall of Chongzhen, the most diligent emperor of the Great Dynasty, is still lit by candlelight.
A few little eunuchs waited on a dragon robe. Chongzhen was sitting on the dragon case, and after a face of patience, she looked through the various memorials of the stacked dragon case. From time to time, cinnabar brushes wished to write her own reply …
At this time, the closed door of the hall was suddenly cracked, and an old eunuch flashed into the hall with a vigorous posture, and then quickly closed the door to prevent the cold wind from infiltrating into the hall.
After the ugly look at the dragon sitting case, the old eunuch slowly walked to Chongzhen with a long sigh and said, "It’s very late in heaven. You must keep the dragon body …"
Before the old eunuch finished speaking, Chongzhen shook his head with a tired face and replied, "How can I rest when the whole dynasty is outside Beijing …"
"I will go to rest after reading these memorials …"
Seeing that Chongzhen’s tired face flashed quickly with a firm expression, the old eunuch could shake his head like a patron saint and stop talking after Chongzhen’s side.
So half an hour passed again.
With a full face of heartache, the old eunuch is ready to persuade him again.
The closed door of the hall was pushed a gap again with a cold wind blowing into the hall. A thin eunuch quickly came in and walked quickly to the old eunuch to write something.
Just as the old eunuch frowned and prepared to say something, Chongzhen suddenly said, "Isn’t someone coming to see me …"
"It’s the emperor … the Royal Guards’ command made Locke’s adult inquire outside the main hall and said that he had something important to report to you personally …" The old eunuch Wang Chengen answered with a full face of nai.
"Luo raises a gender … what is he doing here? Isn’t what the Royal Guards have done during this period humiliating enough … The pro-army of Heaven didn’t even set an example. What do I want him to do with Luo raises a gender …" Emperor Chongzhen said with a full face of dissatisfaction.

"It’s a coincidence, but that’s what I want to ask you. How did you get here and who are those people?"

"I don’t really know that the largest group of mercenaries are from Sodoma. I don’t know who is sneaking around all day and it doesn’t look like a good thing."
Liu Yue couldn’t help but get angry. After talking a lot of this nonsense, he didn’t get to the point. The most outrageous thing is that he actually took risks with a group of guys who didn’t know where he came from. Is it true that he can’t kill Xiaoqiang?
However, on second thought, Jacques’ realistic power is not without a fight even when he meets a strange character, but it is just experience. His wings are always unfavorable, and his growth is even worse. He is surrounded by masters like Black Wings, but he can still escape, so he doesn’t have to worry too much. He might as well wait and see.
At this time, the volcano rumbled, but strangely, people were not nervous but brightened up when they heard the sound.
"Gee, it seems that I’m seeing my old friends again. Interesting, but it’s a strange thing!" Liu Yue’s mouth showed an intriguing smile.
Chapter 17 Old friends (in)
At the head of the procession is a masked man. He is obviously the leader of those mercenaries who claim to be from Sodoma, but judging from his dress, he seems to be more like a caster.
Jacques knows very well that these people can never be mercenaries, because no mercenary group can afford so many high-ranking figures. Generally speaking, they can enter high-ranking figures. Whether they practice martial arts or cast spells is enough, unless they have difficulties, people like this can’t be mercenaries
Although some novels describe the mercenary career as romantic and magnificent, it is just a novel after all. A simple comparison shows that the same army has the opportunity to become a nobleman and the mercenary group has only got some money at most. If there is a chance to become a regular army, those mercenaries will not refuse it, but such opportunities are rare.
Generally speaking, the army would rather recruit those untrained farmers than those with mercenary experience. The reason is simple. It seems that a farmer who does what he says honestly is far better trained than those who are used to mercenaries freely. After all, it is good to pay attention to team spirit in the battlefield and reduce one more unstable factor.
According to the facts, according to the information he obtained, the mainland of Flanders is not the kind of super-large mercenary group. Generally speaking, it is great that there can be hundreds of people. After all, some big cities, such as the standing army of Truth Gate, have only one or two thousand people, and it is impossible to support too many people by proper means. The army was originally a "monster" that devoured money. Even big noble could not support too many private soldiers except the country. Of course, if it is going to rebel, it is another matter.
Like the front array, even if all the mercenary groups in the whole eastern soil are pulled out, they may not be able to gather together one to Sodoma, which is even less likely to be a relatively stable country. Mercenaries are extremely small, but adventurers or gangs can like a duck to water.
Suddenly, there was another rumbling sound in the depths of the volcano, and the whole island seemed to tremble, and it seemed that you could still hear the roar of some huge creature.
The masked man raised his left hand to signal everyone to stop and listen to him. "Let’s take a rest here. This action is important and there can’t be any mistakes."
Behind him, many people are looking for places to sit and check their bodies, while the weapons and equipment spellcasters are meditating while recovering their physical strength and striving for the best state to meet the battle.
Taking this opportunity, Jacques told Liu Yue at the end of this matter.
It turns out that about seven days ago, there was a shocking news in the eastern part of the country. It is said that someone once saw a seriously injured red dragon in the sea. When they heard the news, all forces immediately stirred up. What does a white red dragon represent? It not only means extreme danger, but also symbolizes a lot of treasures. In addition to the so-called "Red October" dragon, where are there other red dragons in the Golden Sea?
People are shocked who can hit this dragon hard and have the idea of killing it at the same time. After all, such an opportunity can be said to be once in a blue moon, but even the gods dare not despise it. If it can be killed, the benefits will be unimaginable. The most important thing is that if this dragon is found, it will already be seriously injured and died. At that time, the Golden Sea is lively. tight encirclement vowed to put the title of dragon slayer in the bag.
However, it is also troublesome to have a large number of people. In the past few days, various casualties have emerged in an endless stream, and many people have not touched the starting line. So after coordination, all the participants were divided into dozens of groups, each of which searched Jacques according to different routes. It happened that the other two groups of people got together. Now it seems that their luck seems to be very good. Not surprisingly, most of the "Red October" is here.
To find the trail of the red dragon according to the agreement, the team will inform others. Of course, no one will actually do this. They have already given each other a face without fighting first. I hope they will give their mouths to others to report their roots. Don’t even think about it. There is no maneuverability. This agreement is naturally forgotten by everyone selectively.
To put it bluntly, Liu Yue was surprised by these three groups of people who didn’t fight first. It seems that they have already made an agreement on their way, but everyone knows in their hearts that this agreement is bound to be torn, and they don’t know how long it will last.
It’s like a joke that a team with hidden dangers wants to slaughter Longgen, even if Christopher? Yan Feng, the old red dragon, was seriously injured, but not everyone can provoke it. Liu Yue is very surprised that these people don’t look stupid. There is no reason to come and die specially unless they can be sure that Yan Feng is really dying or they can’t root.
Compared with Liu Yue, I would rather believe the latter is another strange thing, that is, what kind of red crescent mercenary group will come to join in the excitement. Even if Yan Feng is killed, it is not their turn to pick up cheap goods. With the least number of people, they may be forced into cannon fodder by many people. After all, compared with snipe mussels, it is naturally not so easy for human beings to be clever and want to be fishermen.
Schroeder is not stupid. On the contrary, he is a very wise man, and now he is still a leader of a small mercenary group. It seems that his birth is not noble enough, and his luck is a little bit worse.
He came from a farmer’s family. If he hadn’t witnessed a murder at the age of seven, maybe he would have spent half his life in the farmland like his ancestors, but everything was completely changed that rainy afternoon.
It was almost a perfect murder, if not a little mistake in the end. It was almost a perfect country road. It was always muddy in rainy days. The killer in the lurking grass made a little mistake at the moment of shooting, but the dagger in the back of the target was stabbed in the shoulder. Although the target was still highly toxic and died quickly, it gave him a chance to fight back, so the assassin’s own goal went to the loess and everything in them became Schroeder’s battle.
He didn’t know how lucky he was until a long time later when he could understand the pamphlet left by the killer. If it hadn’t been for the fierce struggle that triggered and destroyed all the small machine parts of the killer’s body, maybe he would have been buried with him at the first time, and Schroeder also completed his transformation with the knowledge of these two people. He knew that his future world would never be confined to a famous village.
Perhaps it is because he was born in Schroeder that he always subconsciously wanted to separate his peasant boy from him. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also worked hard to learn all kinds of etiquette and culture, and these efforts really made him change dramatically. In fact, if he wants to dress up and wear a gorgeous coat, no one will doubt that what he lacks now may be an opportunity.
Jacques will be his chance. He firmly believes that, just as he didn’t run away crying like other children after the murder, he will have an inexplicable premonition about something, especially when he decides the crossroads of fate. From the moment he sees Jacques, this feeling will completely drown him like a raging sea. He has not hesitated to send an invitation to Jacques until now, and his premonition is obviously as correct as ever.
Because of this, when Jacques decided to take part in this dangerous operation, he didn’t care about others’ stupid eyes and agreed without hesitation. Fortunately, Jacques’s previous performance won the recognition of his peers, and their small mercenary group didn’t disintegrate at the first moment.
Schroeder knows that Jacques may not be mature, but Black Wings is not a simple person. Schroeder smells some kind of danger, although it is lightly hidden, it inadvertently gives people a feeling as sharp as a blade.
A hidden guard with black wings beside him who can become a member of Sodoma’s floating society, and a teacher with a body and a leader, although Schroeder has a considerable deviation in the positioning of Jacques’ black wings, this does not affect him.
"If we don’t die here, we won’t lose anything. The Pope has already sent us an invitation, hasn’t he?" Schroeder privately said to others.
But deep down in his heart, he has another idea. "The problem that needs to be solved now is not whether to go or not, but what kind of identity to go to. Even if you can’t be a dragon slayer, you can be a friend of his students’ life and death. It’s better than just a mercenary colonel."
Chapter 10 Old friends ()
After everyone had a rest, the masked man said, "Do you have any objections to the docking action? If there is no problem, what do you think?"
Schroeder first agreed that the group of white people exchanged a glance and nodded, so they arranged it.
Masked men always carry bulging bags when they are on the island, and they take out many pieces of bags from it and assemble them skillfully. It won’t be long before a small siege crossbow is assembled with an unknown crystal crossbow, which looks very threatening.

The situation in Europe is getting closer every day, and the war is imminent. Everyone knows that once Pandora’s box is opened, it will definitely die before the end. The stakes are on national luck and the future. No one wants to lose the war. No one can afford to lose it. Whether it is from a personal point of view or based on national interests, Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer wants Heidi Selim back. He said in the previous step,

"Marshal Pavilion Heidi Selim used to be a liaison in the shipyard. In the past two years, he has been a naval consultant evaluation report writer in the Turkish Navy. No one is more suitable than him …"
Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer said a lot of high-sounding reasons. In fact, everyone knows the friendship between Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and West Lyme. Everyone knows that Marshal Erpitz, the Imperial Navy Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the High Seas Fleet, hates Heidi Sealem.
Erpitz cut a cigar himself, leaned against the soft sofa, tapped his desk with his thick fingers, and was silent.
Marshal Erpitz, the favorite of Emperor William, the founder of the high seas fleet, silently expressed his attitude. This warning brought pressure to Lei Deer. It is conceivable that sophisticated hippel pulled the sleeve of Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and suggested that Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer should not directly contradict Marshal.
"Since the marshal doesn’t like the commander of West Lyme, let Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer finish the evaluation report." Major General hippel stepped in for Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and pulled out Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer.
"General, don’t you want Selim back?" Just stepped out of the door of the secretary of the navy’s office and a few steps later, Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer broke out and asked, hopping around.
"Can you get Selim back by quarreling with Marshal Erpitz?" Major General hippel asks.
"But … but if you don’t try a west lime, you really can’t come back." Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer picked the cap and looked at the cap emperor * * emblem, which gave birth to a sense of discouragement.
Major-General hippel sighed and immediately remembered what a bright eye patted Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer’s shoulder sneaky way
"Colonel, didn’t you serve on the Royal Yacht hohenzollern?"
"From the Sailing Age to the Battle of Lisa, age of steam shelled Kagoshima in 163, and the guns were brought out of order in 179. 3 From protecting wooden warships to serving the Warriors in 161, the world navy has undergone earth-shaking changes in my naval career for more than 40 years. Really, I can’t see the magic of science and technology?"
In front of the window sill, Erpitz leaned over with scissors and a kettle to repair it. He regarded potted plants as treasures in the same place, but his mood was different ten minutes ago.
"Science and technology are not prosperous. 19 years ago, the German navy was poor and weak for decades, and after the emperor was eager for quick success, there were members of Congress eyeing up and the conservative veteran of the Admiralty was bound. If you don’t make achievements as soon as possible, not only the position of Minister Lian Haijun is in jeopardy, but also the cause of the rise of the navy is likely to be ruined. Did I have a choice at that time? Politics is an art of balancing progress and compromise. It has never been sentimental! "
The 66-year-old veteran was so angry that he repaired the potted branches and vines until the scissors cut his hand. It was bloody that he came to his senses and thought of Engel’s aggressive German Emperor William’s feelings and the anger that made him infamous, Sylmer Pitts, and threw the scissors out of his hand.
Scissors hit "Germany and a War" written by General Friedrich von Bernhardi, which was a must-read for Germans in the late 19th century and early 2nd century. Every time Erpitz was depressed, he would reread it.
Seriously worn, the old man shook his desk and smashed the Persian carpet. A letter slipped out of it and fell to the carpet. The postmark was Istanbul, Turkey.
1 Limpus, Rear Admiral of the United Kingdom, Chief Adviser of the Turkish Navy in 1913
Friedrich von Bernhard advocated that the desire for peace has no future, and it is purely immoral and inhuman.
In 3163, the British navy shelled the Japanese fleet in Kagoshima, and there were many breech gun explosions with heavy casualties. At one time, the British gave up the breech gun shooting, and it was not until 179 that the British battleship Sandel exploded the forehearth gun that the British gave up the forehearth gun.
The second gun The first chapter Turkish action (3)
In January 1914, the port of Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Sudden cold air mass has hit Eastern Europe and the Near East, and the temperature has dropped to freezing point. The crystal window sill of Domar Bahce Palace is thick with ice, and the ice layer on the north bank of Bosphorus Strait overlaps. Even the common olive trees along the Mediterranean coast are scared by the severe winter.
The cold wind Mare Malakhei ravaged the sea as if waking up, and the ancient evil beasts wrapped themselves in amazing power and clamored for a dozen meters of waves to tear up a hundred tons of boats instantly.
In view of the bad sea conditions, the Turkish Strait has been closed for a long time, and small boats of all sizes have entered the harbor to take shelter from the wind. Because of the topography and breakwater protection, the waves in the Golden Bay 1 can calm down a little. This is the case. Those old and vigorous Barbarossa-class coastal defense ships with 9,700 tons of Messudier-class battleships have just returned from Britain, and the American-made Hamidiye cruiser and the American-made Machitier armored cruiser still have the ability to bump in front of nature. They also have four 300-ton legal destroyers and four 600-ton German-made S-
Malakhei, Maldives, waves, waves, luxury decline, Istanbul is not much better. It’s windy and snowy, and the harbor city is overcast. Instead of going straight to the Ottoman naval command, those Italian-style buildings will be submerged in the German advisory group’s resident building. A quiet and crazy storm will almost blow the two German Reich tricolor flags and the Ottoman crescent flag in front of the inverted building.
The small apartment is very quiet. There is a rustling in front of the table. It says that the fire in the fireplace is flickering. Occasionally, the pine wood charcoal bursts and crackles, and then this quiet little room ripples.
"The 19-year Greek-Turkish War in 1911 and the Italian-Turkish War in 1912-1913, the Ottoman Empire lost most of its territory in Europe and the glory of its ancestors. It once crossed three continents to see the behemoth of the Mediterranean Lake and finally failed to support the weak Italy and the Balkan alliance. The Sudanese people did not fight back in the two Balkan wars, but the Turkish army trained by the imperial army did well in the battle; Although the crescent flag navy is vulnerable, it still has Hussein Raouf Albay, an outstanding expert in war-breaking. Just one Hamidiyah can turn the Mediterranean Sea upside down, but even so, the country has rotted from its roots, and no number of ships can save this dying dynasty, just like the Far East Qing Dynasty. "
"Compared with the naval performance of the Balkan Alliance of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the road, the Bulgarians had six torpedo boats before the war, but they still hit the armored cruiser Hamidiya hard. The Greek navy blocked the exit of the Da Daniil Strait and carried out the battle to seize the Aegean islands. They sank the 4,000-ton old armored ship Ashaliteff Fick 2 and the 2,700-ton Fatehi Brende cruiser wounded the former dreaded ship Barbarossa-Hereding. The British submarine allied forces showed aggressiveness in this war, and the rising naval strength deserves our vigilance."
The desk is full of Greek, Turkish local newspapers, German in Turkey, The intelligence sent by the Greek naval attaché s and the investigation report of the German Mediterranean Sub-fleet specially sent by Deng Nici’s alternate naval lieutenant in 1912, the Turkish people were defeated in the Balkan War, and the polar bear "pan-Slavism" expanded greatly in the Balkans, which caused the fear and dissatisfaction of Germany and Austria. Germany decided to intervene. The Mediterranean Sub-fleet, composed of the famous battle cruiser and the cruiser Brawles, stormed into the Adriatic Sea to block the port of Montenegro, and sent marines to prevent the Serbs from gaining access to the sea. Carl Deng Nici was the cruiser Brawles at that time.
The coffee at the table was cold, with some butter and rye bread as hard as stone, bacon and sausage as cold as ice, and the north wind roared in through the cracks in the doors and windows and refused to take away the last trace of heating in the room.
Otaku casually wore a shampoo, an old German navy coat and a Turkish navy felt hat, and his brow was locked and bitter, and he bit his pen and painstakingly conceived the evaluation report of the Greek-Turkish naval arms competition.
In 1912, when the exhausted Turks Bulgaria and Serbia signed an armistice agreement, the fiasco exposed the weakness of the Ottoman Empire. When the Sudanese people woke up in the morning, they would be surprised to find that the situation in Constantinople was so bad that the northwest was a tough magyars. There are Romanians and Tatars in the north; In the west, Slavs are intertwined with Greeks, Slavs, Muslims and Albanians. There are Armenians and Kurds in the east; There are hundreds of Arab tribal countries in the southeast and south, which makes it difficult to deal with the situation. The Romans and Gauls in the north are eyeing their old enemies. Russia is salivating over the Middle East, and the British and the East-West sea routes can’t shake off poverty after opening.
After the defeat, the Turks hesitated to help and were eager to rebuild its navy, especially the feud between the Greeks and the British naval consultants. So they helped the Turks rebuild their navy and took the opportunity to expand the influence of the German Turkish navy. At that time, the smoke in the Balkans was not exhausted, and the war might break out again at any time. The Turkish liberal cabinet, which had just been in power in Taiwan, was crumbling and had lost its control over the army. Defeatism and all kinds of absurd rumors spread everywhere in the German Admiralty, and everyone regarded Turkey as a dangerous road. There were married with children’s wayward otaku Wang Haidi and the fledgling teenager Deutscher Gunther Lutjens.
1913 can be described as the second Balkan War in the Balkans, the great powers in the Balkans stopped quarreling and intimidating, and the coup in Istanbul on January 23, 1913 made the future generations of Afghanistan and Iraq feel dejected. In 1914, the New Year bell sounded the gun and the smoke stopped. The eyes of the world still failed to shift back from the Balkans. The sick man of West Asia, the Ottoman Turkey Empire and the ambitious Greek Kingdom, just had a real fight and found a new game field-the navy.
The German-British naval arms race has been raging for more than a decade, and Europa people have long been used to it. Hilpitz, a pair of old enemies, has been "insulting" for ten years, which has become a lasting talk for Europeans after dinner. The jealousness-jealous naval competition among several countries in South America was really lively and noisy for a while. At last, the economic crisis hit the eunuch. People almost lamented that the arms race was not affordable for poor countries. That poor, backward and turbulent place in the Balkans, Greece and Ottoman Turkey, actually caught up with the fashion and started a vigorous arms race regardless of the fact that their respective countries were in economic difficulties.
In 1914, the situation in Europe became more and more tense, the war in Europe became more and more gloomy, and the powers of Europe persisted. The Balkan Peninsula was entangled in thorny issues such as ethnic contradictions, religious conflicts, cultural differences, border disputes and political differences, which were intertwined with each other. Emperor William naturally noticed this and instructed the German consultant team in Turkey to submit an evaluation report on the naval competition in Greece.
The Turkish Army is a German reservation, whereas the Turkish Navy is the British backyard. The British Empire Royal Navy is hegemonic. Only a few non-British naval consultants in the Turkish Navy are almost breathless under the pressure of the arrogant John, while Captain Heidi Silmer and Lieutenant Gunther Gunther Lutjens are German advisory groups. The Turkish Navy has achieved only a few results, so the evaluation report can naturally be handed over to these two people.
"The two Balkan wars made Greece and Turkey take the road of arms race. The second Balkan war exposed the essence of the so-called Balkan alliance. When the ink of the London Peace Treaty was not dry, the Turkish government brazenly sent troops to recover Edil, which made the Greeks even more frightened to prevent possible retaliation for maintaining the naval advantage. Greeks are waving money all over the world to buy warships despite financial difficulties."
Just as the otaku was struggling with his pen, the dilapidated door of the apartment was pushed open and wrapped in a military coat. Gunther Lutjens sneaked in holding a cup.
Gunther-Gunther Lutjens is the only and only partner in the barren land of Turk, an otaku. He was born in the German town of Wiesbaden and joined the navies Freya and Elsa in 197. ) In 1912, the Admiralty issued a call to the young people to know that Gunther Lutjens’s mind was hot, so he played a German intellectual youth, Shan Shan, packed his bags and went straight to Istanbul’s Golden Horn Bay, and rushed to the old-fashioned coastal defense ship Heleiding, Barbarossa, to carry guns and torpedo instructors.
"It’s really cold in winter in Turkey …" Gunther Lutjens took off his thick cotton gloves and rubbed it hard. His hands were blue with cold and he leaned over and rummaged through the otaku’s room.
Half a spoonful of brown sugar and half a spoonful of coffee beans Gunther Lutjens cheerfully made himself a cup of coffee and moved to a chair at will, leaning against the otaku to sit and smile happily. "I know that you have hidden a lot of local goods here and borrowed some coffee, brown sugar and hot water …"
"I’m really tired of your prologue. You’re not an Englishman across the Taiwan Strait. The prologue is always complaining about the cloudy weather …" The otaku lost his pen in his hand, rubbed his swollen eyes and yawned. "You can’t carry what you want, so you can’t say’ borrow’."
"Don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this …" Gunther Lutjens’s face turned red and he wisely changed the subject. He sat with his arms missing and his legs wobbled and set up his legs leisurely. The otaku just picked up an evaluation report at the beginning and read it while complaining. "Do you blame the Admiralty for cheating us into this hellhole in Turkey for many years, and suddenly it can push us to finish a Rush evaluation report? Didn’t we sell a Salamis 3 to the Greeks? The Turkish-Greek arms race may not be without our credit. The Admiralty should be more than us.
"Who knows …" Wang Haidi tightened her tight coat and stretched herself. She reclined in the armchair and recalled that the lonely otaku had laughed at himself in front of the mirror in the inlaid wardrobe over the years. "Maybe the Admiralty wanted to waste money!"
The topic is too heavy. Gunther Lutjens shakes his head and pretends to change the topic "How to solve the Tyne farce?"
"The Turks won the first prize," the otaku pointed to the table and spread out the newspaper coldly. "But the Greeks also won the consolation prize. The American cowboy is going to sell two battleships to the Greeks for 10 million dollars under the banner of’ maintaining peace in the Aegean Sea’."
The Greek government became suspicious in this huge naval competition. When the Athenians were scared and lonely, the exquisite Chinese jumped out and offered to sell two active battleships-Idaho and Mississippi.
"Why don’t the Americans rob the money …" Gunther Lutjens spat out that ten million dollars can buy two newest dread ships or a stack of old-fashioned former dread ships that are about to retire.
"The British in West Lyme have almost completely controlled the crescent flag navy, and we non-British naval consultants can struggle on the edge. If we add two British battleships, I am afraid that we will be pushed out of the Turkish navy by the British." The news of the naval competition in Greece and Turkey is overwhelming. The headlines of the newspaper in Constantinople, the main deck of the Hamidikh, the Turkish national hero Hussein Raouf Albay, look so dazzling. Gunther Lutjens frowned slightly and said, "There is an English cruiser (that is, the Hamedi Hector) and one.
"The Turkish military forces suffered heavy losses in the two Balkan wars, and the diplomatic environment was extremely bad. If the Ottoman Empire still wants to be a main country, the Turks must re-establish a strong army. The German army is enough to ensure our Turkey and the navy is a supplement to this influence." Wang Haidi turned his head and looked out of the window with confidence. "The Greeks are not necessarily the biggest losers in this arms race, and the Turks are not necessarily the biggest winners. The real winners can be Germans!"
Along the half-open shutter glass opposite the four-story mortar building, the British Empire M-flag is clanking in the snowstorm in Istanbul.
The Ottoman Empire used to be a naval harbor and a land blessed by Turks.
Another story is that the Ashaliteff Fick was badly damaged.
In 1913, Greece ordered a German ship equipped with a 14-inch main gun, Salamis. battle cruiser estimated that the water time was 1915.
4 Douglas-gamble British Rear Admiral Turkish Navy Advisor It was gamble’s lobbying that made the Turkish government determined to buy two feared ships
The second gun The first chapter Turkish action (4)
In January, 1914, after several days of raging, the snowstorm gradually dispersed, and the warm and warm sunshine pierced the sky, obliquely sprinkled the Golden Horn Bay, and the splendid Sultan Crystal Palace emerged from the sea fog, rowing boats and scrambling to sail to the Aegean Sea. The fishermen in Turkey complemented each other in a calm sea, and the oil tanker Sirius slammed its whistle and slowly sailed into Daniil.
The Barbarossa-Hereding No.1 old armored coastal defense ship near the Borus Strait is undergoing an artillery examination. It is a 15mm single-tube rapid-fire sub-gun. Knuber’s fine firing rate is 15 rounds per minute. The Turkish-eared gunners, wearing a high-top barrel felt hat with unique Anna Togna characteristics, are scrambling to complete the required movements next to the sub-gun of the Barbarossa-Hereding coastal defense ship.
"The fourth artillery group is ready to request instructions!"
Wearing a German navy standard coat, shiny high boots and a Sam Browne belt, Wang Haidi seems to have just woken up, loosened his eyelids, moved slightly, grabbed the clock and stopped this node for 327 seconds with a gorgeous shake of his arm.
"37 seconds? !” Lit the cigarette from the otaku’s left hand to his right hand and put it in his mouth. The choking smoke came out of the otaku’s mouth. All kinds of sharp and sarcastic words were like Gatling machine guns, a kind of metal storm gesture, which was sprinkled on the deck gunner for 37 seconds? ! It takes 37 seconds for a small tube to return the gun from adjusting the shooting elements to completing the shooting preparation! Tell me, are you professional soldiers in Turkey or herdsmen in Anna Togna Plateau? Are your instructors poor or do you have IQ problems? ! Can you be any worse than Stenzel? !”
The otaku Wang Haidi talks nonsense with his eyes open, no matter whether his mouth is mixed with a lot of northern German dialects and the sailors of the crescent flag can understand it or not. He is bent on finding a group of Turkish gunners with an average age of less than 20 years old in front of Kiel Wharf and Naval Academy. "If this ship is on the battlefield, we will sink an enemy ship five or six times on average. This is the best time for this Brandenburg class!"
"We’re here because the herdsmen have more income if they don’t work in the navy …" The fourth group of gunners screwed up the artillery examination. They were red-faced and clammed up, and they shrank their heads one by one, afraid to vent their anger for fear of causing the tyrant Wang Haidi to be more brutally suppressed.
"And I said I’m going to penetrator, but you-mom-gave me a high-explosive bomb. Well, I also recognized the high-explosive bomb. At any rate, it can destroy the building and cause anti-personnel personnel. But can you wipe the butter off the shells before loading them? We fire killing weapons instead of his-mom-bread and butter! " The deck-turning serf let the singing otaku vent his emotions, laughing and cursing at the gunners with poor data, and sneering until his mouth was dry and his throat was burning. "The fourth group’s weekly artillery training is doubled!"
"West Lyme, he’s really a devil. Poor gunners were scolded like this after a few seconds …" A boiler soldier on the bridge of Barbarossa-Heleiding was watching the scene of bustle and occasionally turned his head to express his concern for the logistics morale beside him.
"Who says it’s not? Heidi Selim is a nightmare for us Turks!" Looking at the fourth group of gunners, kitchen workers and logistics soldiers who were scolded by the tyrant Bacon, clutching their chests, they said, "Fortunately, I am a chef and no one has ever asked me to fix a meal in 3 seconds …"
"This Heidi-west lime exactly what position is worse than that help stuffy British consultants? How do you feel that you are all afraid of him? " When the boiler soldier and the chef were whispering, the young gunner timidly leaned over and helped him with his felt hat. He timidly inserted an inappropriate sentence, "You know, we are descendants of Suleiman the Magnificent, and the new moon flag navy also has two super-fearful ships!"
At the end of December last year, the news of successful negotiations in London came to Constantinople to become a sea of joy.
Ten Russian-Turkish wars, the 17-year Berlin Conference, the Greek-Turkish war in 1997, the Italian-Turkish war in 1911, and the two Balkan wars that just ended, the Ottoman Empire suffered too many humiliations and setbacks in modern times because Turks were more eager for independence and self-improvement than in historical times. After the fiasco of the first Balkan war, the Ottoman Empire mutinied, and the liberal army minister Nazim was killed. The political veteran Camille was forced to resign, and the young Turks replaced the liberal cabinet to regain power, and established a new cabinet for the defense minister Ensel, the navy minister Cemal, the minister From Thrace Peninsula to Anna Togna Plateau, from ordinary citizens in Constantinople to poor people in small fishing villages on the south bank of the Black Sea, Turkish civilians also generously donated money from the Navy Fund to raise money to try to save the dying rivers. In a sense, the Millennium Empire of Sudan Osman I and Risatieh have become the national rejuvenation of Turkey. It is hoped that the young sailors will have a little more confidence and confidence when they arrive at the dock.
"Aren’t you the Barbarossa?" The boiler soldier looked at the knower and feared the gunner with disdain until the young sailor explained that he was a newly enlisted recruit and was temporarily assigned to the sixth artillery group. Then the boiler soldier put away his surprise and covered his mouth. It was a pity.
"I wish you good luck, sailor. The British consultant sticks are great, but after all, it’s a flesh wound. Instructor Selim will never hit you, but he will use the sharpest and most vicious language to make your soul restless." As a logistics chef, he slightly looked up and patted the young sailor’s shoulder like introducing his own chopping block. "Heidi Selim, a German naval captain, joined the navy in 1994, graduated from Kiel Naval Academy in 1997, and was promoted to lieutenant. He participated in the German Navy Expansion Act in 19 years. In 1997, he became the commander of the German East African Marine Corps and was promoted to the lieutenant of the Navy. He came to Istanbul in December 1912 … "
"It took twenty years to get promoted to two levels?" For the sake of self-comfort, the in-service gunner carefully recalled the introduction of the chef’s cadence, grabbed the loopholes in the words of the chef and the boiler soldier and asked, "Can this color also make you fear the enemy like a tiger?"

"Miss …" She called hesitantly.

"What is it?"
"Handmaiden heard some smell outside …"
I looked up at her. "What’s that smell?" "It is said outside that the fact that the master’s body was stolen was attributed to the young lady …" I asked with a frown. "Where did you hear that?" Xinger mumbled something, "Handmaiden went to buy food and listen to the street today. Many people say …"
I hesitated for a moment, put the pen in the pen rack and asked her, "Do you believe it?"
"Handmaiden, of course, don’t believe! How can a young lady do such a thing when she is in the house every day and she is a delicate girl? " She said angrily, "I don’t know which one is gossiping about such a rumor!"
I sighed, "There are always some idle people-don’t pay attention."
"It’s …"
I wrote before the case, and when I saw the smoke coming in, I stuffed the written paper into an envelope, sealed it with wax and handed it to her. "You go to Dongxing Street and give this to Miss Chu in Wanxiang Building."
"Wan Xiang floor? ….. brothel? " She stare big eyes I glanced at her way "? What are you talking about? Go! "
"It’s …"
I stretched, leaned back on the couch and looked at the roof beam for a while, then got up and walked to the ancestral temple.
Today, the fifth day of September is the day when Taihang ascended the throne, and it is also the practice of Guan ‘an altar. When I got to the vicinity of Qingfeng Pavilion, I smelled a hymn. At that time, I felt a little worried and sat on the railing. There were Lao Jin and his wife Li, and they didn’t take care of much. Today is a family festival.
There was a maid sweeping the courtyard in front of Qingfeng Pavilion. I beckoned him to come over and take a closer look. It turned out to be Xinger, the maid in Qingyang’s room. "Why are you back again?" I suspect that Xinger plopped down on his knees. "Excuse me, Miss …" "Didn’t you leave?" I still asked Xinger sobbed and said, "The handmaiden deserved to die … but now her home has been ransacked by bandits, and her old father has been killed … The handmaiden can go and come back … Please spare the handmaiden and take her in!"
Without saying a word, I walked up behind Xinger and begged, "Miss … Please!" I stopped and sighed, "I can’t leave unfaithful people here, especially at this time-you go." But she hugged my leg. "Miss, please look at the children in the handmaiden’s belly … take the handmaiden!"
I suddenly shocked, "Are you pregnant?" She lowered her head. "Handmaiden …" I was furious. "You still don’t behave yourself and have an affair with men? !” "Young lady! Handmaiden, handmaiden is pregnant with … the second young master’s flesh and blood! "
"You talk nonsense! What if I can get you pregnant? !”
"It was before the young master was taken away!" She murmured with a face of no white flag above my door, "That night was the night when Miss Young Master came back from the Lily Garden to enjoy flowers. After drinking a few cups over there, Miss Young Master went back to her room and was met by a handmaiden … him, him …"
"Okay, stop it …" I stroked my forehead and looked at her. "I asked you, are you serious?" "I dare not cheat the young lady if I am a handmaiden!" I held back my heart and said to her, "Get up first." She looked up at me. "Miss … Will you accept the handmaiden?" I said indifferently, "Anyway, let the baby be born first, and then let Liuyan ask a doctor to help you, but I can warn you that you will be back soon. If you have half a lie, don’t blame me!"
"I dare not die!" She cried and kowtowed. I took two steps and turned around and asked, "In that case, what were you going to do?" "At that time, the housekeeper who was ill left the house, and there was not even a master in the house. I was afraid to worry that I would never be able to stay in the future …"
"Where did your family get attacked by bandits?"
"Handmaiden don’t know now in the capital has poured in a large number of refugees Liancheng has also been blocked …"
I thoughtfully indecision in my heart for a long time and then called her up and said, "You can move to Muxi Pavilion for the time being to see if Liuyan has come back and asked her to arrange a house for you."
"Handmaiden KouXie miss …"
When I came out of the ancestral temple, it was midnight, and I was greeted by cigarettes and lanterns, with a cloak in my hand at a distance.
"Wear this at night."
I buttoned my clothes and asked, "When will you be back?" "I won’t be long before I come back." I nodded and walked slowly along the lakeshore along the "Miss" flue. "Xinger also lived in Muxi Pavilion?" I tilted my head slightly. "She didn’t tell you?" "Didn’t say that the young lady ordered the handmaiden to clean up the house for her ―― what did you say, young lady?" I was slightly annoyed. "It’s not just a sin!" "Second young master? ……”
"Go and get a doctor." I gathered my skirt. It’s autumn, and it’s getting colder and colder, especially with frost tonight. "Doctor? Oh … the handmaiden is white, but miss, do you really believe in it with the second young master? " I looked at the crescent moon on the horizon and sighed, "I still don’t know about that personality?" He Xinger is involved in the early morning! ….. Even if the young child is not pregnant now, look at this world and how obedient she has been for so many years ―― although I said that, I can’t really ignore it. ""… Miss is kind! "
"By the way," I stopped, "did you give the letter to Miss Chu?" "The handmaiden has given it to the girl herself." "… did she say anything?" "The girl said that she didn’t want Miss Bai to do this, but she would still do as Miss Bai said. Besides, she asked the second young master if there was any news?" Then she looked up and stole a glance at me.
I didn’t have a good face and glared at the direction of Qingfeng Pavilion. "Miss, the gentleman and the second young master will really come back soon?"
I looked at her dimly and didn’t know what to say.
"The emperor is here-"
There was a eunuch shouting at the door, I adjusted my clothes and knelt down at the door, "Guan Yu kowtowed to the emperor."
"Get up on her!" The emperor stretched out his hand and lifted me up. I looked up and felt a little pain and joy in my heart. Days of hard work made his face gaunt and he looked like a king in a dragon robe.
"Emperor …" I was a little shy when he shook my hands. "I’ve come to pay my respects to her today." I was dazed and suddenly changed my mind about him. I claimed that I was not used to it, but this person was already an emperor before I finished being white.
"thank the emperor for his kindness"
I led the emperor and his party to the ancestral temple. The servants knelt on both sides and bowed respectfully before the crown was burnt. "I came to see you, officer …" I heard that I couldn’t help but feel sad and wiped my eyes.
"On her, in the future, I will decide that the contemporary prime minister will take care of it with all his heart and swear that he will never break his promise today!"
After that, he bowed down to the ground several times. I knelt down beside him with tears and thanked him. "The official family is so kind and kind to her, but I am grateful to help my two brothers to be safe and sound!"
The emperor sighed in my face, "You two brothers should arrange for her to have her own score in my heart. Don’t worry, take care of yourself." Say and pull me up together.
Stepping out of the mourning hall to the front hall, the emperor left everyone out and left me and him alone.
"The emperor …"
"I’m still willing to listen to you call me Brother Nine."
As soon as my heart warms up, my previous sense of alienation disappears. Some "nine brothers" smiled and put their hands on my back. "I didn’t come over these days. Are you okay? What is missing in the house? " I shook my head. "Thank you, my ninth brother. It’s good that I don’t have a master servant in the house now, and I don’t lack anything." He said happily. "That’s good-you won’t stay in this house alone for a long time. After this month, when the war subsides …" I saw that he stopped talking about going to the sidewalk. "What happened after this month?" He smiled. "Let’s keep it a secret first!"
"Nine elder brothers are really bad!" I glanced at him with anger. He smiled and held my hand close to his lips. I hung my head in shame. "It’s getting more and more indecent!" Instead, he said, "Brother Jiu loves her so charming …"
When I heard this, I said gloomily, "So Brother Jiu didn’t just avenge her father?" He listened to the put his hand was a heavy up "I don’t want to taste? But the queen mother … ""What happened to the queen mother? " "The queen mother doesn’t advocate withdrawing Lv Xintang. She said she wouldn’t change her mind when she got cold feet … Besides, some front-line soldiers are also their people. A withdrawal of Lv Xintang will definitely cause turmoil in the front-line army."
I crooned, "Will it always be like this?" He remained silent for a long time before saying, "A few days ago, the Queen Mother gave birth to Princess XIII, who married Lv Xintang’s younger brother and the official department’s daughter-in-law. It is even harder to have this layer …"

He said with his head to one side, that is, "It is recorded that the evolution of the fifth stage of the murderer has appeared, except for the guanyu, the fourth stage of the five elements, and the deep awakening of the natural selection."

"Recorded image input" is a woman. "In addition, I want to wake up Gu Qingshan Pavilion and defeat the opponent according to the method of personal combat model input."
"I have to drag him or all these people will die," Gu Qingshan said.
The goddess of justice quickly said, "reinforcements are being dispatched. Please hold your ground."
Gu Qingshan nodded slightly.
He looked at the young man seriously and said, "Hello to meet you for the first time."
Young people slightly one leng way "hello"
Gu Qingshan then said to him, "Although infected, some basic daily habits of human beings have not been eliminated, such as greeting and greeting."
Gu Qingshan looked at the young man again and said, "Do you remember your loved ones?"
Bang, that is, the lotus flower is scattered into flying pieces.
The young man’s face showed ponder and asked, "shouldn’t you write a legacy?" Or is that what you just said your legacy? "
"I seem to remember, but I don’t want to get up." Gu Qingshan looked at the damage and frowned. "It’s rude to destroy other people’s things casually."
Young people smell speech.
One second, the majestic blood fog emanated from him, and a series of dark blood turned into flames, and his hands rose endlessly.
"Bastard, don’t you dare say I’m uneducated." The young man’s scarlet eyes are full of crazy colors.
"I’ll let you die now!"
The bone spur behind him is once again attached to the blood mist and squirms like a living wing.
Wings spread, young people leap high.
He held out his hand to Gu Qingshan.
Gu Qingshan heart suddenly jump with a strong sense of crisis.
Shrink into inches and start!
A blood flame blasted a deep hole by the position where Gu Qingshan appeared.
"Dead-no one?" The young man’s face relaxed and suddenly stopped.
Gu Qingshan jumped up and flew at him.
"It’s strange that it disappeared in an instant?" Young people don’t worry about the oncoming each other gu murmured
"But what can you do?" He was greeted by Gu Qingshan.
Two people rapidly approaching.
Gu Qingshan’s sword is about to start when the secret sword breaks the water.
Looking at the sword suddenly and violently, the young man had a premonition that something was wrong, and suddenly accelerated and twisted lotus flower around Gu Qingshan’s back.
"It’s over," he said.
I don’t know when his five fingers are as long as a sharp knife
The young man grabbed Gu Qingshan in the middle of the back with his hands.
Gu Qingshan’s sword was closed, but he waved his sword and cut it behind him
A layer of irregular swimming thunder appeared instead of the long sword.
This sword is so wonderful that it doesn’t look like a temporary change.
The whole process from the sword to the sword and then to the sword is as natural as flowing water.
Hand knives and swords collide
"Out of control" start!
The young man lost his shouting and threw back his arms.
Gu Qingshan followed the sword.
Young people control their bodies, but they let the sword edge sideways by leaning back.
Gu Qingshan deceives himself and chases another sword.
The poor sword awn fills the air with the blade-moon chop!
Gu Qingshan flashed in the white sword mans of the whole humanized month.
The young man was cut in two and blown out by the sharp sword wind.
Gu Qingshan landed
The whole fight happened in just a few seconds.
The two men changed their offense and defense several times and won the game.
A group of soldiers and professionals were fascinated. No one expected that the fighting would end in just a few breaths.
Gu Qingshan has no light color.
He raised his head and looked half dignified.
See the two corpse lotus flower together again.
Young people appear in front of everyone intact.
"It turns out that people’s skills can be so strong."

These five elements of qi are even better, but after practicing for several months, Yi Yu feels that she has made great progress, and her qi runs smoothly. Her absolute strength has made great progress these days. However, if she wants to practice these five elements of qi successfully, it will not take a hundred years. If she devotes herself to practicing for a long time, she will always practice one day. But now Taoism is in great trouble. If she is in danger at that time, she will die.

Fortunately, there is another way in "He Zazie", that is, to practice one kind of true qi according to one’s own destiny after the five elements of true qi are formed, and then to practice one by one after the five elements are transformed into two, and then to practice Yi Yu’s life belongs to gold one by one, and there is Geng Jin’s firm but gentle spirit and thunder-fighting determination. It is natural to practice Jin Qi first, and Jian Qin is the weapon of the Emperor’s Dao. The five elements belong to Polygonatum, and it is natural to practice Jin Qi first.
Fix true years is a year in an instant. Yi Yu finally feels that five elements of gold have cultivated Dacheng, but it is not a year or two if you continue to practice. Yi Yu’s strength has greatly increased. The five elements of gold control Geng Jin’s firm but gentle thunderbolt is definitely more powerful, and Jian Qin brings out the best in each other, but it is also mighty, less violent and more awe-inspiring. Now that the thunderbolt is successful, it can naturally be upgraded to the congenital Taiyi Thunder Method. This is also a thing that Qingcheng Mountain has done.
Practicing Qi, congenital Taiyi god thunder and thunderbolt shock light escape method are the three major achievement methods of Qingcheng School. Now, both of them can be mastered, but it is the thunderbolt shock light escape method that can’t be seen because of insufficient practice. If it is said that this thunderbolt shock light escape method is the true school of Qingcheng School, the five elements of water, wind and fire can escape quickly. If thunderbolt escapes thousands of miles, the five elements of qi can be transformed into gold gas, but it is not true. If it is practiced in one step, the five elements of water can be used to cast water.
So-called people who fix the truth should also pay attention to both external and external cultivation. They should have both a foundation for cultivation and a magic weapon. Without one, it is difficult to become a real master. This Taiyi Wuyan Luo is naturally a protective treasure. It will take some time to sacrifice more life-saving assets.
Yi Yu stretched himself but didn’t get up and lie in bed. This practice not only made him make great progress, but also seemed to think about the past quietly sometimes. Maybe he was too nervous in the past few years and never felt safe and kept practicing since he came here. Yi Yu was very upset at the thought that a murderer like the green robe bodhi old zu could kill himself as easily as an ant. Besides being immortal, it was a stunt. There was really nothing attractive here. Yi Yu didn’t even think about it. This is the most important thing. There is no security for a policeman, let alone medical insurance, social security, three insurances and one gold. Yi Yu remembers reading a name in the past and forgot to say that I am afraid that I will continue to kill people after killing people …
But in any case, it’s still a day, so you can’t just stay here in the Minjiang River and wait for death! What’s the point of living! With a complicated mood, Yi Yu once again left the Minjiang River abode of fairies and immortals. But this time, Yi Yu’s heart is still practical. At least he is not worse than that Emei three-English four-show. Be careful not to cause any big trouble to save his life. There should be no problem.
Great at this time, I don’t know that Li Qiongying and Qiu Zhixian are here, and Yi Yu doesn’t cling to this fate. Think about it carefully. It seems that after Zhu Hong and his wife’s things, his mind has put a lot of things to let nature take its course.
It’s not difficult for Yi Yu and Tang Wan to sail in a canoe. It’s not difficult to sail along the Minjiang River and travel all the way across the Three Gorges. It’s also comfortable to avoid this world, but some things can’t be avoided. As the saying goes, people can’t help themselves in the Jianghu.
Meet Zhu Wen again in the thirtieth time
I abandoned the boat and landed on this day. I don’t know where I am. Tang Wan also likes this comfortable and leisurely life. These days, the carriage Yi Yu looks like a good wife and looks at her demure face with Wan’er’s leg on her head. The blue and clean sky behind her is this comfortable and perfect afternoon, which was broken by two white swords.
The sword light didn’t pass by and landed on a mountain not far away. I don’t know the name of the mountain, but it’s probably not a good place. It’s sunny and sunny, and it’s also a cold breath, and dark clouds hang over the top of the mountain
Yi Yu’s spirit vibrated to see that the two swords were light, upright and neat, unlike the heterodox people who brought them to this evil wind rolling place. It was not a good idea to get up and throw 50 taels of silver at the car owner, so Yi Yu went straight to the mountain and walked on foot. In front of them, it was dark and I couldn’t see anything. I heard a fight inside, so the two of them had already fought with the owner here.
After a few more steps, I didn’t see anything dangerous. The black fog showed that the black cloud on the top of the mountain was a small platform of more than ten feet in Fiona Fang. A high platform was set up in the middle of the platform, and colorful flags danced around it as if it were a sacrifice. But there were several bodies lying around the incense table, all of which were terrible.
The two swords that just arrived are two beautiful young women who are driving their own flying swords, and a coquettish heterodox woman fighting swords. The heterodox woman is red-faced but beautiful, and her eyes are full of rage and murderous look. The lacrimal glands in her eyes make people feel more rare. A short skirt is similar to that of a dove. Is it also a witch who teaches naked?
Look at the witch, though fierce, and it’s not that the two women’s joint rivals are gradually falling off the wind and their eyes are rolling around. Presumably, they are thinking about getting out of it. It’s that the two women are exquisite people who look at her in a trance and know that they are going to escape. They have made great efforts to leave this witch’s life here.
At this time, the red witch rushed to attack a few times and then walked away. The two women were not in a hurry. One person took out one thing and didn’t know it was a magic weapon. A golden light flew directly to the witch vest and hit her until she landed. It was already dead.
It’s good for Yi Yu to see in his eyes that he is secretly frightened. It’s a magic weapon but it’s not easy to reveal that when people escape, he suddenly kills people. Yi Yu and Tang Wan didn’t want to stay for many days, so they felt a little chatting. They just wanted to have a fun, but they listened to the female saying, "Sister Ziling, this demon is doing it here. I think the nest is not far from here. Why don’t we go and see the broken cave …" The little girl said that she was a little embarrassed at the end, but she heard her mother say that it was the first time for her to do this
Listening to his sister, he said, "Where do you want to go? Qingluo Mountain should pass through here. It is better to wait for Qingyun and them to come together and break its abode of fairies and immortals. We are here together. Let’s be sisters a little faster. If we don’t invite them to go together, it will be bad if we don’t say that we have bad feelings in our hearts."
The younger sister also felt right to nod, but it was not long before she saw a huge vulture coming in the wind. Three people, two women and one man were all excellent talents. The man was handsome and handsome, and the woman was beautiful and beautiful. If you take a closer look at one of the stunning women, who is not Zhu Wen, the elder sister was greeted with a smile. "Two sisters, we saw that there was a demon here who practiced that sorcery and harmed people’s lives, so we had to get rid of it. This is the only way to go to Qingluo Mountain. We must know that you must find me when you come."
See so easy jade also don’t want to avoid the natural appearance, the five people at first glance see easy jade and Tang Wan is still the witch accomplice Zhu Wen nature is aware of easy jade is her heart turned over before easy jade molestation, she saved her life and let her remember, I don’t know if I face that sister recklessly, don’t ask a sword light to fly directly to see the sword light fly, easy jade is not afraid to see him leap up five colored smoke to meet the cold calyx flying sword, and then I solved her sharp fencing. Everyone is surprised and ready to meet them at first sight.
Seeing that my sisters actually attacked Zhu Wen, they quickly shouted to stop it. But at this time, it was already a trick. Yi Yu didn’t fight back after dissolving the flying sword. He smiled at Zhu Wen and said, "I met your friends in Qingcheng School. I was reckless and didn’t say hello, which made you misunderstand and forgive me."
When the five people heard Yi Yu’s self-declaration, Emei Qingcheng Mountain has been on good terms with each other for generations. Although there were some personal disputes, they didn’t argue any more. It turned out that these five people were Situping, Zhou Qingyun and the purple spirit and cold calyx sisters, and they went to Qingluo Mountain to level the Qingluo Mountain together with the right brother.
Yi Yu smiled and greeted Zhu Wen, but she was annoyed and ignored. From time to time, she secretly took a look at Yi Yu’s face. Tang Wan’s face changed. I didn’t know what she was thinking. Yi Yu ignored her indifference and repeatedly took somebody else’s hand and told some jokes to make her heart. Zhu Wen struggled, but if it was better than Yi Yu’s bullying, how could she have heard those jokes? Naturally, she wanted to laugh, but she tried to hold her smiling face and just didn’t laugh.
The Stuart peace purple bell cold calyx see Zhu Wen a face flushed she chuckled quarrelling sample funny and that week light cloud nature also can see that two people are ambiguous Yi Yu behind with a smile does not dispute anger Tang Wan frown worry pool cheated.
Not long after, everyone had reached the cliff cave where the candle was very bright and found the back hole. Only then did they see two 12-year-old female Taoist children talking. "It’s just that the wind and thunder are shaking outside. It must be an alien attack. Isn’t it Master’s accident?" There is a saying, "Master is really good at committing crimes. That evil method will always kill many people. Even though his disciples look at him, we can’t bear to lose him." ……
Just then, I suddenly saw Yi Yu and others coming in. One of them just asked what Ziling didn’t want to delay drinking any more. He asked, "Your master has been killed by us, and the world will perish together with your master." The two female Taoist children heard this and hurriedly knelt down and begged Rao Ziling to see that the two female Taoist children were beautiful, with clear eyes and extraordinary faces, and there was no need to kill them.
At this time, Zhou Qingyun scrambled to say, "Sister don’t worry, although I have business to do, it’s a pity that the texture of this pair of little sisters is so good that I can’t give up. It’s a pity that I can’t go to Qingluo Mountain with my school sister, but I can’t do anything important by following the horse’s tail and waving flags from the side. This two people will be taken by me and my school sister. If they are enemies, one of them will take care of them, but when I see Sister Qi Lingyun, there will be a way to settle down."
Ziling first heard the light cloud saying and suddenly touched a worry. As soon as his face changed, he promised to come and ordered to leave at once. When the two female Taoist priests heard it, they not only failed to pursue the crime of following the demon and killing creatures, but had the opportunity to vote in the authentic door. Naturally, they were happy to decide that they would no longer delay coming out of the hole, and the vultures went straight to Qingluo Mountain.
Now, with this god vulture, you can take Yi Yu’s own sword. This god vulture is really a big one, and it is more than enough for people to sit by Yi Yu’s side, but she ignores putting the female Taoist child on the other side among them. Yi Yu said with a smile, "Don’t be angry, Xiaowen. I know I shouldn’t throw you next time, but if I go to Huangshan to see your master, master Xia, let’s not return …" Yi Yu left a limit in half.
Zhu Wen looked at the teacher elder sister and Situping anxiously, but their ambiguous eyes were even more annoyed. "Yi Yu, you big bad wolf, don’t forget that you did something to me!" Zhu Wen’s face flushed when she molested Yi Yu.
Yi Yu immediately put on a face of injustice. "Sister Wen, I was wrong! Yi Yu won’t be compatible (touching your ass) when you don’t allow it … "Listen to Yi Yu’s tone of voice, Zhu Wen immediately shivered and finally blocked Yi Yu’s mouth when he said the embarrassing words. He looked at them strangely, and both of them had a quick laugh.
"Yi Yu! If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will … I will … "Zhu Wen spent a long time and didn’t come up with anything to scare Yi Yufa. Finally, I was discouraged and sat there and ignored him no longer. Yi Yu knew that Zhu Wen’s strong personality was not good if it passed, and she wouldn’t tease her again. Tang Wan was resting on her thigh. It was really leisurely.
Aside, Situ Ping looked at Yi Yu and flirted with Zhu Wen. There was also a noble and beautiful woman who waited on posts. It was very envious, but fortunately, he was also a sister. This kind of warm day is not far away. He looked back, but now the cold calyx looked at Yi Yu with anger. I couldn’t wait to eat Yi Yu. This kind of bullying woman and thief, Situ Ping cut off this wonderful fantasy.
The giant vulture naturally travels fast and straight to Qingluo Mountain and enters Huainan. Although it is far from western Sichuan, it is also possible to see the mountains rise and fall and correct the depression of the tassels. However, after years of snow, the mountains are majestic and the mountains are full of weather. The famous mountains in the Central Plains are different and have gone for a while, but everyone is new here and can’t find the magic palace of Qingluo Mountain. I don’t know if Li Qiongying, the Qi Lingyun, will meet and break the magic mountain together.