What we want to hoard here is skills.

Fang you just pondered "thunder"
The orange thunder is constantly condensed and finally becomes a spear with a sharp ratio, full of strong murder and destructive power.
As solid as a magic weapon.
He put the magic thunder into the limited door and picked his eyebrows.
"It is so …"
"The skill of storing in the door is just like the food hidden in the refrigerator. It needs to be maintained without consumption, and it can almost go all the time."
It’s meaningless to have only one magic weapon.
Is he a little serious blow.
But what if there are 10,000, 10,000 and 100,000,000 thunder magic weapons stored in the door? Wouldn’t it kill all ghosts and gods?
The idea of killing evil spirits is exaggerated, but there is no doubt that the door is giving him an extra killer.
A … A ten-year-old one-second killer.
"The door has a storage limit, but it can be continuously expanded through its own cultivation. Even if it is a newborn, it will take me a lot of time and energy to fill it."
"There is one more item in daily life."
It’s not easy to get stronger. Fang’s tutor sighs slightly.
When he came, he still had to continue to practice the other shore and study ways to carve it into the inheritance.
Promotion is impossible.
Say that even if you can bear this skill, it will be scrapped after a few times.
But it is worthwhile for two or three people to learn.
Especially Iloshi.
"The first latosolic red level is that this girl’s life skills are cheaper than her."
Fang you glanced at the girl’s contribution balance and thought about giving the most appropriate exchange price.
It’s hard for him to get it done in a short time.
Fang You came to Fangbei Square before Fangbei.
Around the square monument, there are several people staring at the mysterious characters of the monument and wringing their eyebrows.
An Jian You and Qian Qiu are among them.
However, they stared at their eyes and couldn’t wait to stare at the inscription on the stone tablet, which was not normal.
"Why can’t you realize it?"
"Yes …" Qianqiu pulled a handful of hair like a chicken nest, and his eyes were still staring at the inscription. "It’s too difficult to understand the law at this time!"
"When I was not promoted to a high position, I was able to get started in more than ten days, but now I have a better understanding of the law at a high position, and I haven’t touched a threshold for several days!"
Fang you pour some curious.
Qianqiu life skills’ dream bubble’ involves a little time.
He can slightly adjust the gap between the bubble and the outside world. Normally, the outside world is only a moment, but he can lengthen it by one second, two seconds and three seconds.
Equivalent to three seconds of strong control.
With the cooperation of teammates, the dreamland is very dominant.

The nangongshan fine soft looked at him and suddenly remembered how he dealt with JiYan.

It’s Brother Yuan Ying’s condition that there will be a monty female emperor with him.
He and Monty killed Brother Taixu together …
Has this ever happened?
The nangongshan sunny soft inexplicably much a few minutes of confidence.
She reached for a jade slip and handed it to Gu Qingshan.
"We have been recording and preparing for the opportunity to kill him," she explained.
"You are thoughtful," Gu Qingshan praised the jade slips. "This is a good end, and a good end means that we have succeeded half way."
Chapter two hundred and nineteen Regression
At this time, the interface of Ares Operation has a series of indicators flashing constantly.
Gu Qingshan looked at the ares interface.
Several rows of firefly small print are staying noodles.
"Then/Yuan Ying double realm avatar extraction is over"
"You have completed seven times and got the opportunity to extract the double realm avatar."
"You succeeded in coming back to life (temporarily), and you gained a miraculous transformation."
These lines of fine print stayed there until Gu Qing finished reading them.
A new line indicator appears.
"Decisive Battle of Destiny ()"
"Describe the interweaving and gathering of the world and personal destiny, and everything will change with it."
"The goal is to keep the SHEN WOO world as it is in the future."
A few lines Gu Qingshan has seen the post-treatment fly ash.
New words appear
"You have finished the decisive battle of fate ()"
"Congratulations, you have won the Ares title option, and you will be able to keep the Ares title in future battles."
"You left the SHEN WOO world intact and designed to kill the culprit."
"You overfulfilled it."
"bonus: when you return to the real world, you can come back again at any time. There is no time limit."
"Players can now return to the real world immediately."
There are several lines of red wake-up symbols.
"special appearance"

She is a mage, but she is never a quiet mage.

However, watching Iloshi gradually enter the gods, and the mysterious verve rippled all over his body. As time went by, these verve became more and more profound, as if to brew a regular rhyme.
A few days later
"ding! 」
"The Apostle’ Iloshi’, who showed his destiny, realized the law, and the stone tablet was slightly enlightened, and his fire skills were greatly improved."
"Liu Shang, the Apostle of Destiny, realized the law, and the square tablet was slightly enlightened, and his wooden skills improved."
"The Apostle Liu Feng, who showed fate, realized the law of" cutting and cracking "…"
The current front in front of the sword tablet suddenly opened its eyes, and he pointed to a crack as black as paint and ink when the sword was lightly scratched.
Never leave for a long time
"The Law of Sword Cutting and Cracking!"
"After understanding this law, I have the confidence to directly penetrate the disaster star of that day."
"But even with the sacred object such as the square tablet, it took me several days to get started. Isn’t it a little slow?"
He was lost in thought.
Swim in the distance, lost in thought
Oh, Liu Feng is an old-fashioned demigod, so it’s okay.
However, even if Liu Feng understands the law, even if he has a high-speed rise in the next period, he is still far from the ninth highest position in the opponent.
The gap between high position and demigod is too big!
Almost as big as the dimension gap.
The experienced tutor has a lot of experience.
"The years and time are full, and Liu Feng and Zhou Bao will have to wait until at least."
This is still based on rapid growth.
Thinking about Fang You, he turned his attention to the pale red weapon of killing God.
On pure combat power, shallow red is still in the forefront, martial brothers
He came to a training ground at the base to take out the myth of Heihe camp and the divinity left after the fall of demigod and feed it to Pale Red one after another.
Pale red, half crouched, slightly mouthed, Zhang Ga Bagaba devoured divinity and was as happy as a few hundred tons of children.
It devours divinity very quickly, and it takes only half a day to eat dozens of strands.
But the divinity brings less and less ascension.
In the end, the progress of repairing the pale red weapon of killing the gods stayed at 799%, and no matter how it devours the divinity, it will also increase.
This is the limit
He tested the light red combat power at this stage, which is a semi-god, with limited energy and enemy defense.
However, the gap between light red and high position is still huge.
not enough
"But to like to repair it? There is no clue. "
It’s completely stuck
Fang you is most worried that the light red can be repaired here. It used to be too damaged after all, and its mind was completely broken and disappeared.
He wondered, "It’s no good to follow the conventional thinking. What about the unconventional thinking?"
He set his eyes on the light red secondary apostles and made a brief attempt.
"ding! 」
"Does it take fate points to enlighten the pale red repair of the killing weapon? 」
"Showing Destiny Point-1w Enlightenment in Progress …"
Next door, the exploration module of the mysterious world flashes, and a golden exclamation mark appears as striking as the blazing sun in the extreme darkness outside the explored area.
Middle paradox
There is no oasis here, and there is a very strong fog floating everywhere, but the fog can see the terrible scenes of blood moon, Heihe River, shadow, frozen soil and so on.
Occasionally, there are human myths that dare not look up when they set foot in the middle world.
Come and leave in a hurry
At this time, two figures looked up at the changes in the sky and showed sadness.
"Evil spirits will wake up and become more active and terrible, which is probably true."
"Yes, there have been signs of awakening in many places now. If it weren’t for the constant attack of various Baal camps, there would not be many raw places for us humans, but even so, Yun Hui’s vast area was almost in trouble."

Jiu Mo-zhi smiled slightly. "Taidian is welcome. This time, the poor monk led the pro-guard to join the Xixia."

Li Renxiao looked behind the Buddha’s wisdom, but he didn’t see the disappointment in the eyes of the Buddha’s figure. But the Buddha’s wisdom obviously noticed the change of Li Renxiao’s look. "Taidian can rest assured that the Buddha will definitely appear when the mountain should appear."
Listen to the dove mo-zhi say so. Li Renxiao put his heart at ease and said with some joy, "So everything is ready for Chu Yi to come and die."
A few days later, the mighty army broke Yancheng and broke the card and went straight into Xixia.
If hundreds of thousands of troops are scattered at this time, it will inevitably cause chaos to Xixia, but Chu Yi’s goal is very true, that is, the first world war will definitely dry Kun.
Xixia was able to grasp Chu Yi’s marching route. Similarly, the East Factory in Xixia Middle School was also clearly investigated. Chu Yi was naturally satisfied with Xixia Taitai Li Renxiao Chen Bing in Xiping Prefecture.
If Xixia is hiding and playing guerrilla warfare with him, to be honest, Chu Yi is not in the mood to go to the Raiders a little bit. Now it is better for Li Renxiao to cooperate and integrate Xixia military forces to win or lose the first world war.
After Yancheng, it was flat, but the original March was forty or fifty miles a day, and the marching speed dropped to twenty or thirty miles a day.
It’s not surprising that Song Jun’s marching speed has suddenly dropped. It’s obvious that Song Jun is saving energy in the middle of a slow March, otherwise it will collapse even before the warring armies March all the way.
Chapter nine hundred and fifteen Yue Bai method of heaven and man
As Chu Yi and his army are getting closer and closer to Ningxian, the scouts on both sides are fighting each other, which has entered a white-hot stage.
In order to grasp the dynamics of the opposing army and explore the terrain in all directions, it is naturally necessary for both sides to send out a large number of scouts. Once the scouts of the two sides meet, a fight is necessary.
It was only two or three days, and there were not many scouts killed by both sides alone.
Ningxian county has a plain more than ten miles away, and it is the Song Jun camp that appears in a stretch of more than ten miles.
It can be seen that this place is planned by Xixia party, and it is also the most suitable location in Fiona Fang for dozens of miles.
However, everyone can see that this location was specially reserved by Xixia for Dasong, which inevitably involved the planning of Xixia people.
If it were anyone else, even this location would be more suitable, but it would definitely not choose this location to camp.
But if it were Chu Yi, Chu Yi really didn’t think about it. Even this place is very likely that Xixia people deliberately planned Chu Yi, which is also muddy.
All schemes and schemes are absolutely powerful and can break all schemes.
Chu Yi has always been full of confidence in his own strength. If there is any intrigue in Xixia, Chu Yi is really not worried.
It is said that fire and water are the same as water and fire, especially for the army. However, there are not too many rivers near this plain, and there are no conditions for letting go. Obviously, it is obviously impossible for Xixia party to use fire and water to calculate them.
What are the plans of Xixia people? To tell the truth, Lv Shinang, Zhu Wu and others have failed to come up with a result if they want to break their heads.
In Xixia camp, Li Renxiao is discussing a detailed map with the generals of Jiumo Zhizhi.
Jiumozhi is proficient in Buddhism, but he doesn’t have much talent in military affairs. At the moment, he is looking at Li Renxiao with some curiosity. "Taidian, now Song Jun has been stationed in the plain more than ten miles away according to Taidian’s plan. I just don’t know what surprises Taidian Song people have prepared?"
Not Kumamoto, but even many generals looked at Li Renxiao with a curious face. After all, they were very curious about what Li Renxiao had planned. Now that Song Jun is in place, it seems that there is any plan that can be implemented.
However, Li Renxiao, a group of people looking forward to the eyes, slowly shook his head. "You Li has no plan. It’s just an open battle with Song Jun. More planning for absolute strength will not change the theory of fire and water, or he calculated that even the strength of heaven and man will not threaten the safety of the army."
It is conceivable that if it is really a fire and water attack, it will really not create any confusion. You know, if the heaven and man are strong, they can completely destroy the mountains and split the river if they want, that is, they can draw a big river to attract the heaven and man, and they can also dig a river to lead away the flood.
Everyone’s face was somewhat disappointed, and the dove Mo Zhi nodded slightly. "What Taidian said is that our Tubo Xixia Coalition forces combined two national powers and the Buddha Lord already has enough strength to fight with Dasong, so this world war I will be open and let the poets lose their hearts."
Li Renxiao said with a smile, "Although Li has no conspiracy calculation, don’t forget that our greatest advantage is the powerful cavalry, and the plain where Song Jun is stationed is the most suitable environment for cavalry to kill. This environment is enough."
Obviously, Li Renxiao is not without calculation, but his calculation is not as ordinary people think. What he wants is the big environment that can make the cavalry play their own combat power
On this day, Li Renxiao, Jiu Mozhi and others called for battle outside the Dasong military camp on the Xixia side.
I heard a general from Xixia shouting, "My family’s Taidian and Jiumo Zhizhi, this Chu Yi, don’t come soon."
It didn’t take long to see Chu Yi riding a horse and surrounded by several generals.
A faint look at the opposite Li Renxiao, Jiu Mo Zhi and others, whether it is Li Renxiao or Jiu Mo Zhi, can be regarded as an old friend of Chu Yi.
From Chu Yi’s appearance, he felt a pressure from Chu Yi’s body, but the thought of the Buddha hiding in the dark may at any time suppress Chu Yi’s pressure when he saw Chu Yi.

This reward is not bad.

Semi-platform of test secret realm
Dangdang Dangdang-
The loud bell rang and echoed in the secret world for a long time.
With the words "the trial site in March is about to close" from the trial officer, the secret of the trial is bright and magnificent, and it gradually fades like sunset.
Those who came to the trial from various fields left one after another, and some people were prepared to stay in the trial secret, but those who stayed in the secret were returned with the countdown, and the department was cleared out.
There are a lot of people and sundries around the lighthouse of the secret relics outside the country.
The sunrise demigod, huigang demigod and so on have long gone out of the secret realm in nature, and their eyes are fixed on the ruins of Candeira.
An indestructible white light curtain slowly rose outside the remains lighthouse.
The light curtain wraps the whole ruins building complex to form a huge white ball of light, and then the ball of light slowly shrinks to a certain moment, and the little black spots disappear after biu.
Several demigods are not surprised.
"Sure enough, the trial remains left once, and it was at least ten years later."
Chapter four hundred and fifteen Harvest statistics
Mi Jing Deng Deng tong
Miss trial officer is still drawing circles, and Fang has traveled all over the secret land.
The secret realm is not big enough as a whole, not as big as the secret realm of one’s own salary. It is all kinds of buildings, mountains and platforms, especially the materials. Every brick and stone here is about materials.
Fang was tempted to knock a little, but in the eyes of someone who wanted to cut the knife very much, he still stopped.
No, he’s just checking the secret.
It’s reasonable to be a secret administrator to inspect your own management area, isn’t it?
Now he can make ten mountain peaks at will, and at the same time, he can make them limited to people … But he still has to pay for them himself, just as he can’t withdraw the treasures stored in the secret land.
"I heard that the Candeira Empire, in which the super oasis bears land for a single time, consumes a lot …"
Also big!
After all, it is an epic ability to undertake a single mission, and it needs to consume one crystal, 10,000 mysterious crystals, and some miscellaneous accessories. These parts can be added to stew this pot of epic ability.
And the ground also has the ability to make CDs about five times a year.
Fang you is a little disgusted
May be saw his eyes dislike miss trial officer is not willing to "five times a year is not enough? How much is qualified to accept epic and inherit myth! Enough for you! "
Fang you also feel enough.
After all, Chengfeng Mountain consumes a lot of money, but he didn’t prepare too much. His crystal is precious.
However, his skills are even more precious and rare. If the number of learners is small, there is no need for skills to be engraved. Just let those who need to learn go to the secret realm.
It’s inconvenient for Yu Fang …
Fang you glanced at the panel.
[Base module]
[Can be included in the oasis quota of 3/6]
"ding! 」
"The detection shows that the secret realm has been controlled. Will this secret realm be included in the base module? Inclusion will occupy an oasis quota. "
Just think about traveling and choose … to be included!
In the future, the secret place of trial will be a place where firewood is officially used, so the convenience of transportation is very important. After all, members of the organization can’t spend precious time on the road, but they have to work and practice.
And the secret realm can be moved. If a passage is set up, it is equivalent to a movable shuttle door, which is even better.
In view of the fact that the secret realm of trials far exceeds the specifications of the training ground and accounts for the local tour, I am still wondering if I can turn the secret realm into a higher training camp.
At first glance, Miss Trial Officer is very knowledgeable and proficient in many skills. In this case, can you kidnap Miss Trial Officer … Ah, bah, advise her to be an instructor in training camp? After all, being idle is also idle.
Miss Fang, who has a bad eye shot, feels that this matter still needs a long-term view.
If the trial officer always thinks that the young man in front of him may be thinking about something, but she has no evidence.
Like a laid-back employee, she introduced all kinds of facilities in the secret world without any fluctuation in tone.
Suddenly the land trembled slightly.
"There are enemies?"
Miss trial officer suddenly shook her eyes and the light became as sharp as a blade.
Her vision is limited, and she can see everything in the secret, but outside the secret, she can see the lighthouse shining.

"here! It’s here! "

"Wait for me not to run so fast!"
"Stay behind, hurry up and pay attention to concealment!"
Miaomiao, the cat demon, suddenly came not far from the entrance of the international village, screaming and screaming.
In a short time, the fox appeared in the grass not far away in twos and threes, and looked at the old cat at the village entrance with a very humanized eye.
There is no doubt that these foxes have become fine foxes, each with an intelligence level not inferior to that of human children.
And you can see it from the spotless hair of these foxes.
They are not the kind of wild foxes in the mountains, but they are specially raised or looked after by people.
"Weishan fox family is really you!"
Miaomiao, the fox, cat and demon who appeared at the entrance of the village, had an unexpected expression.
Although Miaomiao, the cat demon, broke the seal for a short time, it did not prevent her from understanding what happened at Weishan boundary through various channels.
It is reported that the Weishan fox family, which was once popular about ten years ago, was exterminated by a sorcerer.
There is only one red fox left. With Hui Ji’s blessing, he survived and escaped to life.
Then the red fox somehow joined a mysterious organization called "Bu Tianzhong" and got the help of the nobles in the organization, which revived the Weishan fox clan.
And through some secret channel, Miaomiao, the cat demon, knows that this Weishan fox family Nafahai seems to have some close connection.
Since the death of Zen Master Ling You, Fahai has searched the whole Tanzhou boundary for those guys who have broken the seal and hidden the demons and are stirring secretly.
Reviving the fox family in Weishan is Fahai’s assistant who is responsible for delivering information for him throughout Tanzhou.
"I’ve been avoiding human beings since I got out of trouble. I’ve never done anything harmful again. Are you staring at me closely?"
Half confused, half excused …
Miaomiao, the cat demon, really can’t understand what Fahai will do to the monsters in Tanzhou.
You know, even when his master, Zen Master Ling You, came to Tanzhou, he killed some sinful monsters, and the monsters who were less guilty would be sealed up.
"Does Fahai really regard himself as a king?"
In the face of the cat demon Miaomiao, several foxes looked at each other and looked at each other.
Then I saw the song that the fox suddenly jumped out of the grass and suddenly became a small girl.
"It is a well-known fact that Zen master Fahai is the contemporary king."
The immature tone combined with the serious expression made this small girl look a little funny.
However, Miaomiao, the cat demon, did not dare to turn into a wrinkled old woman.
"But even if Wang is so bent on his own way, I’m afraid it’s against morality!"
The old voice is not urgent or slow, and the old woman’s eyes have begun to reveal murder.
Because she knew that the seemingly immature little fox demon across the street was far from being so simple.
At present, the Weishan fox family has a complete tradition, and whether it is a Taoist practice or magical magic is far stronger than its own wild road.
Chapter 40 Stop killing, Wang Xin
"Hum! Morality? "
"Now that you know that you are talking about morality, why didn’t you talk about morality when you slaughtered the blood of living beings?"
Fox since dare to track the cat demon Miaomiao nature is know each other in those days.
It’s not just as simple as killing people and drinking blood. Most of these evil spirits sealed by Master Ling You are covered with the blood of all living beings.
Ordinary human beings are better than those monsters with successful practice.
All these cruel and murderous monsters see is blood and food. They don’t care how many creatures they have slaughtered.
Hearing fox’s words, the murder in the old woman’s eyes suddenly dispersed, and the lack of generation was limited to regret.
"Master Ling You said it was true that this world is tit for tat after all."
In the past 30 years, the old woman who was sealed by Master Ling You has not been deaf to things outside the window.
Because Master Ling You didn’t kill these monsters in those days, but Zhou Zhang sealed them.
The purpose is not simply to punish them more, but to take this opportunity to influence and persuade them to go on the right path.
After all, those stubborn or sinful roots were killed by Ling You Zen Master by thunder when they could not hold the seal.
Therefore, in the 30 years of being sealed, Master Ling You kept the seal and kept telling them the scriptures and teaching them the true goodness.
Miaomiao, the cat demon, didn’t realize it was time to get out of trouble until Master Ling You died in the seal.
"I should have died that year."
"It’s worth living for more than 30 years now."
Slightly sigh with emotion an old woman’s face can no longer see murder at the moment.
"It’s a pity that Master Ling You’s practice is earth-shattering, and as a result, he hasn’t lived as long as an ordinary person. It’s simply a jealous talent."
Fox can hear that the old woman’s feeling at this time is from the heart.
After 30 years of edification, except for a few stubborn people
In those days, most of the monsters who were sealed by Master Ling You have been contaminated with Buddha’s nature and have a very deep understanding of their past sins.

"This is an order!"

Big noble’s throat wriggled, but he was caught in the pursuit of eyes and finally bowed his head without saying anything to show that he understood.
Is there an eventful autumn, but the root cause of not intervening is still …
Afraid of being hit by waves!
The horror of the night village is ahead! That’s much more tough than their falling star city. The hegemonic forces are still disappearing in a day and a night.
Of course, they don’t support Bluestar. They just take a quiet trip and touch Bluestar.
There is a high probability that it will not attract the attention of the evil camp
"How precious can a technical contract be? Is it still less for us to fall into the star city? "
This harvest is dispensable for them to fall into Star City.
Compared with it, it takes a lot of risks.
Moreover, their falling star city is not small, and even if other big oases leave traces on Blue Star, they will not cause hegemony. It is hard to say.
Such a risk is not worth taking.
"We are not afraid of the Baal camp. We can rely on the Star City for thousands of years, not only to hide ourselves, but also to have the means to be born in times of great crisis."
"In the past thousand years, our ancestors were also stared at by the Baal camp and finally continued."
"These secrets will be known when you are strong enough in the future."
A kindly-looking star, Lel XIII, is giving her own experience to Irene, a woman from san huang.
"The core of our oasis power management lies in the development of heritage exploration and treasure land excavation in a low-key manner, which is not impossible but we must measure the risks."
"Getting rich overnight also means that it is possible to disappear overnight, seek stability and enter our country, and the literary talent will go further and further."
Irene nodded in bewilderment.
When the old father, who likes to preach, finished speaking, she told about her’ adventure’ from the beginning to the turning point to the turning point, but she could sum up things in a few words and let her talk for more than half an hour.
Talk a lot, chatter a lot.
However, it may be that Xinglear XIII likes to listen to stories when he is old, especially the stories of future generations. He listens to them with relish.
Suddenly stop at a certain moment
A moment ago,
Irene talked about her experience of inspecting No.19 mining area and said with great interest that she had found out several corrupt officials by stratagem … It was all very normal.
But on the way back, I met a regular paradox?
Can you still be alive in the face of this horrible and mysterious evil? Even if he goes, it’s no use giving.


His right hand suddenly pinched the black boy’s whole arm and shattered, and then before the black boy screamed and exported, he slapped the black boy’s chest and directly lifted the other side out.
"get out!"
The boy in black screamed in horror like a rag sack falling from the mountain.
Li Xuandao turned a blind eye to the expression and patted the dust on his left hand. He turned around and continued to move forward. The practitioners around him were frightened and rushed to avoid it for fear of provoking this evil spirit.
Without the practitioner’s interference, Li Xuandao’s speed rose again in just one wick, and the cliff top was already far away.
Then suddenly there was a faint fragrance.
This fragrance is extremely weak, and the strong wind will blow it away, which is even more difficult to detect. If Li Xuandao was so powerful and smelled this fragrance, he would have almost ignored the past.
This is Tongyuancao, which is an important panacea for refining Zengshoudan.
I think that Li Xuandao and Chu used their great magical powers in World War I to consume a hundred years of life. Although his life span is enough now and the horse has to break through the realm of refining the gods, it is not too much for Shou Yuan.
What should I do if I encounter a strong enemy again after hard work?
"This is a good thing."
Li Xuandao followed the scent and traversed towards the left side of the cliff for nearly 3,000 meters. Finally, in a remote corner, he saw a perfect yellow grass that seemed to be dying. It was Tongyuan grass.
His heart secretly surprised and hurriedly reached for it.
At this time, a very violent knife gas attacked and killed from behind.
"Stop it, punk!"
Chapter 632 Have you had enough fun?
Chapter 632 Have you had enough fun?
Li Xuandao suddenly turned his right hand and caught a crimson knife mans! Then his finger force abruptly smashed the knife mans.
See Li Xuandao unarmed crush knife mans behind young eyebrows a wrinkly slightly.
He was haughty, dressed in a crimson robe and armed with a three-foot long knife. He was full of murderous look. He looked at Li Xuandao suspiciously and immediately became bloodthirsty. He smiled. "I found this Tongyuan grass first, so get out of here and spare you!"
"So what if you found out first?" Li Xuandao narrowed his eyes and eyes seemed to have a cold light flashing.
Just now, there was no room for the knife to remain hidden. Fortunately, he was powerful enough to easily resist the knife. If he were a practitioner, I’m afraid he would have been beheaded.
The strong are respected and the weak are bullied!
Li Xuandao finally understood the cruelty of the jungle law, but he did not reject it in his heart, but accepted it naturally. "The strong respect the weak, and the ants pass through the grass. Only the strong deserve to have the weak!"
"Ha, ha, ha, a semi-god-like loser dares to preach the truth in front of me?"
The red-robed boy laughed wildly at the sky, and immediately his face was cold and his eyes were fierce. He shouted, "Clap your mouth!"
Said the red boy’s right hand attack as fast as lightning, as fierce as thunder, and he came to Li Xuandao with a fierce wind.
A crunchy sound
A boy named Duanya stumbled backwards two steps, and a clear palm print appeared on his face.
"Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut. You should be slapping your mouth like a fool." Li Xuandao flicked her fingers and looked cold.
You!’ The broken eyes narrowed sharply and the fundus flashed with a shock.
Come on!
It’s too fast!
He didn’t see the other hand and got a slap in the face.
But soon his eyes were shocked, and he was replaced by anger. The five-layer master of God was slapped by a semi-god waste.
If this matter goes out, how can he get along with the vast state?
"Bastard, how dare you hit me?"
Duanya roared and a deep murder welled up in his heart. His eyes were red and his face was ferocious, like choosing someone to eat a fierce beast. "I want your blood to wash away my shame today!" "
The long knife wielded by the broken hand broke into a very sharp break.
More than 10 meters bloody knife mans carrying fierce ShaQi mountain plowed a deep ravine towards Li Xuandao to kill the past.
"Thousands of troops!"
A knife fell off the cliff, and the offensive continued. His right hand left a series of ghosting images, and several knives rushed out like an iron army overwhelming.
However, in the face of the bloody knife in the sky, Li Xuandao looked cold and humiliated
He slowly took out a dim sword from Gankun Ring and exuded mysterious momentum.
With a wave of his hand
Like a thunder exploding all over the sky knife mans crashing burst.
The third style of slaying god sword breaks a thousand troops.
A sword sweeps away thousands of troops!
Domineering double!
"What kind of fencing is this?" Broken career eyes red light a clot immediately crazy flashing.
An ant in a demigod’s land unexpectedly let him attack twice and return without success, but he was completely furious.
"Damn it!"
Duanya took a deep breath and exuded a faint blood. Even a three-foot long knife rendered a strange blood color and roared, "Smelly, I have to say that your strength really surprised me, but waste is waste. Today, you can force me to use this trick. You are full of pride."
Said the broken ya cold drink a long knife lotus flower flash is a split in the direction of Li Xuandao.
I didn’t expect knife gas, I didn’t expect blood mountain, and I didn’t even have a trace of prestige
Li Xuandao slightly one leng soon can feel the body to a tear pain like pieces, but this kind of feeling passed quickly let a person unprepared when the pain in the past, he closed his eyes and found a drop of blood missing.
Although there is a drop, Li Xuandao has a strong body and the purest dragon is flowing in his body. His blood coagulation is tens of millions of times that of ordinary people.
Only he can easily resist the strange trick of broken ya. If he were the practitioner, I’m afraid he would have been cut off and died of JingXie exhaustion.
"It turned out to be this trick!"
Li Xuandao suddenly opened his eyes and flashed, "You are a bloodthirsty blade. I wonder who the bloodthirsty devil is?"
"Hey, you know this avatar and my grandmaster’s name?"
Duanya’s eyes flashed a little surprised and immediately grinned. "Hey, hey, I don’t care who you are, but if you dare to grab Tongyuan grass with me, you will die!"
Broken ya hand knife mans flashing again to Li Xuandao flick knife to cut.
Another drop of blood.
Li Xuandao frowned deeply and wanted to say something, but Duanyagen didn’t give him a chance to speak and waved his long knife at him like crazy.
Two drops, three drops, four drops.

"It’s a coincidence, but that’s what I want to ask you. How did you get here and who are those people?"

"I don’t really know that the largest group of mercenaries are from Sodoma. I don’t know who is sneaking around all day and it doesn’t look like a good thing."
Liu Yue couldn’t help but get angry. After talking a lot of this nonsense, he didn’t get to the point. The most outrageous thing is that he actually took risks with a group of guys who didn’t know where he came from. Is it true that he can’t kill Xiaoqiang?
However, on second thought, Jacques’ realistic power is not without a fight even when he meets a strange character, but it is just experience. His wings are always unfavorable, and his growth is even worse. He is surrounded by masters like Black Wings, but he can still escape, so he doesn’t have to worry too much. He might as well wait and see.
At this time, the volcano rumbled, but strangely, people were not nervous but brightened up when they heard the sound.
"Gee, it seems that I’m seeing my old friends again. Interesting, but it’s a strange thing!" Liu Yue’s mouth showed an intriguing smile.
Chapter 17 Old friends (in)
At the head of the procession is a masked man. He is obviously the leader of those mercenaries who claim to be from Sodoma, but judging from his dress, he seems to be more like a caster.
Jacques knows very well that these people can never be mercenaries, because no mercenary group can afford so many high-ranking figures. Generally speaking, they can enter high-ranking figures. Whether they practice martial arts or cast spells is enough, unless they have difficulties, people like this can’t be mercenaries
Although some novels describe the mercenary career as romantic and magnificent, it is just a novel after all. A simple comparison shows that the same army has the opportunity to become a nobleman and the mercenary group has only got some money at most. If there is a chance to become a regular army, those mercenaries will not refuse it, but such opportunities are rare.
Generally speaking, the army would rather recruit those untrained farmers than those with mercenary experience. The reason is simple. It seems that a farmer who does what he says honestly is far better trained than those who are used to mercenaries freely. After all, it is good to pay attention to team spirit in the battlefield and reduce one more unstable factor.
According to the facts, according to the information he obtained, the mainland of Flanders is not the kind of super-large mercenary group. Generally speaking, it is great that there can be hundreds of people. After all, some big cities, such as the standing army of Truth Gate, have only one or two thousand people, and it is impossible to support too many people by proper means. The army was originally a "monster" that devoured money. Even big noble could not support too many private soldiers except the country. Of course, if it is going to rebel, it is another matter.
Like the front array, even if all the mercenary groups in the whole eastern soil are pulled out, they may not be able to gather together one to Sodoma, which is even less likely to be a relatively stable country. Mercenaries are extremely small, but adventurers or gangs can like a duck to water.
Suddenly, there was another rumbling sound in the depths of the volcano, and the whole island seemed to tremble, and it seemed that you could still hear the roar of some huge creature.
The masked man raised his left hand to signal everyone to stop and listen to him. "Let’s take a rest here. This action is important and there can’t be any mistakes."
Behind him, many people are looking for places to sit and check their bodies, while the weapons and equipment spellcasters are meditating while recovering their physical strength and striving for the best state to meet the battle.
Taking this opportunity, Jacques told Liu Yue at the end of this matter.
It turns out that about seven days ago, there was a shocking news in the eastern part of the country. It is said that someone once saw a seriously injured red dragon in the sea. When they heard the news, all forces immediately stirred up. What does a white red dragon represent? It not only means extreme danger, but also symbolizes a lot of treasures. In addition to the so-called "Red October" dragon, where are there other red dragons in the Golden Sea?
People are shocked who can hit this dragon hard and have the idea of killing it at the same time. After all, such an opportunity can be said to be once in a blue moon, but even the gods dare not despise it. If it can be killed, the benefits will be unimaginable. The most important thing is that if this dragon is found, it will already be seriously injured and died. At that time, the Golden Sea is lively. tight encirclement vowed to put the title of dragon slayer in the bag.
However, it is also troublesome to have a large number of people. In the past few days, various casualties have emerged in an endless stream, and many people have not touched the starting line. So after coordination, all the participants were divided into dozens of groups, each of which searched Jacques according to different routes. It happened that the other two groups of people got together. Now it seems that their luck seems to be very good. Not surprisingly, most of the "Red October" is here.
To find the trail of the red dragon according to the agreement, the team will inform others. Of course, no one will actually do this. They have already given each other a face without fighting first. I hope they will give their mouths to others to report their roots. Don’t even think about it. There is no maneuverability. This agreement is naturally forgotten by everyone selectively.
To put it bluntly, Liu Yue was surprised by these three groups of people who didn’t fight first. It seems that they have already made an agreement on their way, but everyone knows in their hearts that this agreement is bound to be torn, and they don’t know how long it will last.
It’s like a joke that a team with hidden dangers wants to slaughter Longgen, even if Christopher? Yan Feng, the old red dragon, was seriously injured, but not everyone can provoke it. Liu Yue is very surprised that these people don’t look stupid. There is no reason to come and die specially unless they can be sure that Yan Feng is really dying or they can’t root.
Compared with Liu Yue, I would rather believe the latter is another strange thing, that is, what kind of red crescent mercenary group will come to join in the excitement. Even if Yan Feng is killed, it is not their turn to pick up cheap goods. With the least number of people, they may be forced into cannon fodder by many people. After all, compared with snipe mussels, it is naturally not so easy for human beings to be clever and want to be fishermen.
Schroeder is not stupid. On the contrary, he is a very wise man, and now he is still a leader of a small mercenary group. It seems that his birth is not noble enough, and his luck is a little bit worse.
He came from a farmer’s family. If he hadn’t witnessed a murder at the age of seven, maybe he would have spent half his life in the farmland like his ancestors, but everything was completely changed that rainy afternoon.
It was almost a perfect murder, if not a little mistake in the end. It was almost a perfect country road. It was always muddy in rainy days. The killer in the lurking grass made a little mistake at the moment of shooting, but the dagger in the back of the target was stabbed in the shoulder. Although the target was still highly toxic and died quickly, it gave him a chance to fight back, so the assassin’s own goal went to the loess and everything in them became Schroeder’s battle.
He didn’t know how lucky he was until a long time later when he could understand the pamphlet left by the killer. If it hadn’t been for the fierce struggle that triggered and destroyed all the small machine parts of the killer’s body, maybe he would have been buried with him at the first time, and Schroeder also completed his transformation with the knowledge of these two people. He knew that his future world would never be confined to a famous village.
Perhaps it is because he was born in Schroeder that he always subconsciously wanted to separate his peasant boy from him. In addition to practicing martial arts, he also worked hard to learn all kinds of etiquette and culture, and these efforts really made him change dramatically. In fact, if he wants to dress up and wear a gorgeous coat, no one will doubt that what he lacks now may be an opportunity.
Jacques will be his chance. He firmly believes that, just as he didn’t run away crying like other children after the murder, he will have an inexplicable premonition about something, especially when he decides the crossroads of fate. From the moment he sees Jacques, this feeling will completely drown him like a raging sea. He has not hesitated to send an invitation to Jacques until now, and his premonition is obviously as correct as ever.
Because of this, when Jacques decided to take part in this dangerous operation, he didn’t care about others’ stupid eyes and agreed without hesitation. Fortunately, Jacques’s previous performance won the recognition of his peers, and their small mercenary group didn’t disintegrate at the first moment.
Schroeder knows that Jacques may not be mature, but Black Wings is not a simple person. Schroeder smells some kind of danger, although it is lightly hidden, it inadvertently gives people a feeling as sharp as a blade.
A hidden guard with black wings beside him who can become a member of Sodoma’s floating society, and a teacher with a body and a leader, although Schroeder has a considerable deviation in the positioning of Jacques’ black wings, this does not affect him.
"If we don’t die here, we won’t lose anything. The Pope has already sent us an invitation, hasn’t he?" Schroeder privately said to others.
But deep down in his heart, he has another idea. "The problem that needs to be solved now is not whether to go or not, but what kind of identity to go to. Even if you can’t be a dragon slayer, you can be a friend of his students’ life and death. It’s better than just a mercenary colonel."
Chapter 10 Old friends ()
After everyone had a rest, the masked man said, "Do you have any objections to the docking action? If there is no problem, what do you think?"
Schroeder first agreed that the group of white people exchanged a glance and nodded, so they arranged it.
Masked men always carry bulging bags when they are on the island, and they take out many pieces of bags from it and assemble them skillfully. It won’t be long before a small siege crossbow is assembled with an unknown crystal crossbow, which looks very threatening.

The situation in Europe is getting closer every day, and the war is imminent. Everyone knows that once Pandora’s box is opened, it will definitely die before the end. The stakes are on national luck and the future. No one wants to lose the war. No one can afford to lose it. Whether it is from a personal point of view or based on national interests, Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer wants Heidi Selim back. He said in the previous step,

"Marshal Pavilion Heidi Selim used to be a liaison in the shipyard. In the past two years, he has been a naval consultant evaluation report writer in the Turkish Navy. No one is more suitable than him …"
Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer said a lot of high-sounding reasons. In fact, everyone knows the friendship between Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and West Lyme. Everyone knows that Marshal Erpitz, the Imperial Navy Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the High Seas Fleet, hates Heidi Sealem.
Erpitz cut a cigar himself, leaned against the soft sofa, tapped his desk with his thick fingers, and was silent.
Marshal Erpitz, the favorite of Emperor William, the founder of the high seas fleet, silently expressed his attitude. This warning brought pressure to Lei Deer. It is conceivable that sophisticated hippel pulled the sleeve of Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and suggested that Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer should not directly contradict Marshal.
"Since the marshal doesn’t like the commander of West Lyme, let Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer finish the evaluation report." Major General hippel stepped in for Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer and pulled out Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer.
"General, don’t you want Selim back?" Just stepped out of the door of the secretary of the navy’s office and a few steps later, Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer broke out and asked, hopping around.
"Can you get Selim back by quarreling with Marshal Erpitz?" Major General hippel asks.
"But … but if you don’t try a west lime, you really can’t come back." Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer picked the cap and looked at the cap emperor * * emblem, which gave birth to a sense of discouragement.
Major-General hippel sighed and immediately remembered what a bright eye patted Lieutenant Colonel Lei Deer’s shoulder sneaky way
"Colonel, didn’t you serve on the Royal Yacht hohenzollern?"
"From the Sailing Age to the Battle of Lisa, age of steam shelled Kagoshima in 163, and the guns were brought out of order in 179. 3 From protecting wooden warships to serving the Warriors in 161, the world navy has undergone earth-shaking changes in my naval career for more than 40 years. Really, I can’t see the magic of science and technology?"
In front of the window sill, Erpitz leaned over with scissors and a kettle to repair it. He regarded potted plants as treasures in the same place, but his mood was different ten minutes ago.
"Science and technology are not prosperous. 19 years ago, the German navy was poor and weak for decades, and after the emperor was eager for quick success, there were members of Congress eyeing up and the conservative veteran of the Admiralty was bound. If you don’t make achievements as soon as possible, not only the position of Minister Lian Haijun is in jeopardy, but also the cause of the rise of the navy is likely to be ruined. Did I have a choice at that time? Politics is an art of balancing progress and compromise. It has never been sentimental! "
The 66-year-old veteran was so angry that he repaired the potted branches and vines until the scissors cut his hand. It was bloody that he came to his senses and thought of Engel’s aggressive German Emperor William’s feelings and the anger that made him infamous, Sylmer Pitts, and threw the scissors out of his hand.
Scissors hit "Germany and a War" written by General Friedrich von Bernhardi, which was a must-read for Germans in the late 19th century and early 2nd century. Every time Erpitz was depressed, he would reread it.
Seriously worn, the old man shook his desk and smashed the Persian carpet. A letter slipped out of it and fell to the carpet. The postmark was Istanbul, Turkey.
1 Limpus, Rear Admiral of the United Kingdom, Chief Adviser of the Turkish Navy in 1913
Friedrich von Bernhard advocated that the desire for peace has no future, and it is purely immoral and inhuman.
In 3163, the British navy shelled the Japanese fleet in Kagoshima, and there were many breech gun explosions with heavy casualties. At one time, the British gave up the breech gun shooting, and it was not until 179 that the British battleship Sandel exploded the forehearth gun that the British gave up the forehearth gun.
The second gun The first chapter Turkish action (3)
In January 1914, the port of Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Sudden cold air mass has hit Eastern Europe and the Near East, and the temperature has dropped to freezing point. The crystal window sill of Domar Bahce Palace is thick with ice, and the ice layer on the north bank of Bosphorus Strait overlaps. Even the common olive trees along the Mediterranean coast are scared by the severe winter.
The cold wind Mare Malakhei ravaged the sea as if waking up, and the ancient evil beasts wrapped themselves in amazing power and clamored for a dozen meters of waves to tear up a hundred tons of boats instantly.
In view of the bad sea conditions, the Turkish Strait has been closed for a long time, and small boats of all sizes have entered the harbor to take shelter from the wind. Because of the topography and breakwater protection, the waves in the Golden Bay 1 can calm down a little. This is the case. Those old and vigorous Barbarossa-class coastal defense ships with 9,700 tons of Messudier-class battleships have just returned from Britain, and the American-made Hamidiye cruiser and the American-made Machitier armored cruiser still have the ability to bump in front of nature. They also have four 300-ton legal destroyers and four 600-ton German-made S-
Malakhei, Maldives, waves, waves, luxury decline, Istanbul is not much better. It’s windy and snowy, and the harbor city is overcast. Instead of going straight to the Ottoman naval command, those Italian-style buildings will be submerged in the German advisory group’s resident building. A quiet and crazy storm will almost blow the two German Reich tricolor flags and the Ottoman crescent flag in front of the inverted building.
The small apartment is very quiet. There is a rustling in front of the table. It says that the fire in the fireplace is flickering. Occasionally, the pine wood charcoal bursts and crackles, and then this quiet little room ripples.
"The 19-year Greek-Turkish War in 1911 and the Italian-Turkish War in 1912-1913, the Ottoman Empire lost most of its territory in Europe and the glory of its ancestors. It once crossed three continents to see the behemoth of the Mediterranean Lake and finally failed to support the weak Italy and the Balkan alliance. The Sudanese people did not fight back in the two Balkan wars, but the Turkish army trained by the imperial army did well in the battle; Although the crescent flag navy is vulnerable, it still has Hussein Raouf Albay, an outstanding expert in war-breaking. Just one Hamidiyah can turn the Mediterranean Sea upside down, but even so, the country has rotted from its roots, and no number of ships can save this dying dynasty, just like the Far East Qing Dynasty. "
"Compared with the naval performance of the Balkan Alliance of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the road, the Bulgarians had six torpedo boats before the war, but they still hit the armored cruiser Hamidiya hard. The Greek navy blocked the exit of the Da Daniil Strait and carried out the battle to seize the Aegean islands. They sank the 4,000-ton old armored ship Ashaliteff Fick 2 and the 2,700-ton Fatehi Brende cruiser wounded the former dreaded ship Barbarossa-Hereding. The British submarine allied forces showed aggressiveness in this war, and the rising naval strength deserves our vigilance."
The desk is full of Greek, Turkish local newspapers, German in Turkey, The intelligence sent by the Greek naval attaché s and the investigation report of the German Mediterranean Sub-fleet specially sent by Deng Nici’s alternate naval lieutenant in 1912, the Turkish people were defeated in the Balkan War, and the polar bear "pan-Slavism" expanded greatly in the Balkans, which caused the fear and dissatisfaction of Germany and Austria. Germany decided to intervene. The Mediterranean Sub-fleet, composed of the famous battle cruiser and the cruiser Brawles, stormed into the Adriatic Sea to block the port of Montenegro, and sent marines to prevent the Serbs from gaining access to the sea. Carl Deng Nici was the cruiser Brawles at that time.
The coffee at the table was cold, with some butter and rye bread as hard as stone, bacon and sausage as cold as ice, and the north wind roared in through the cracks in the doors and windows and refused to take away the last trace of heating in the room.
Otaku casually wore a shampoo, an old German navy coat and a Turkish navy felt hat, and his brow was locked and bitter, and he bit his pen and painstakingly conceived the evaluation report of the Greek-Turkish naval arms competition.
In 1912, when the exhausted Turks Bulgaria and Serbia signed an armistice agreement, the fiasco exposed the weakness of the Ottoman Empire. When the Sudanese people woke up in the morning, they would be surprised to find that the situation in Constantinople was so bad that the northwest was a tough magyars. There are Romanians and Tatars in the north; In the west, Slavs are intertwined with Greeks, Slavs, Muslims and Albanians. There are Armenians and Kurds in the east; There are hundreds of Arab tribal countries in the southeast and south, which makes it difficult to deal with the situation. The Romans and Gauls in the north are eyeing their old enemies. Russia is salivating over the Middle East, and the British and the East-West sea routes can’t shake off poverty after opening.
After the defeat, the Turks hesitated to help and were eager to rebuild its navy, especially the feud between the Greeks and the British naval consultants. So they helped the Turks rebuild their navy and took the opportunity to expand the influence of the German Turkish navy. At that time, the smoke in the Balkans was not exhausted, and the war might break out again at any time. The Turkish liberal cabinet, which had just been in power in Taiwan, was crumbling and had lost its control over the army. Defeatism and all kinds of absurd rumors spread everywhere in the German Admiralty, and everyone regarded Turkey as a dangerous road. There were married with children’s wayward otaku Wang Haidi and the fledgling teenager Deutscher Gunther Lutjens.
1913 can be described as the second Balkan War in the Balkans, the great powers in the Balkans stopped quarreling and intimidating, and the coup in Istanbul on January 23, 1913 made the future generations of Afghanistan and Iraq feel dejected. In 1914, the New Year bell sounded the gun and the smoke stopped. The eyes of the world still failed to shift back from the Balkans. The sick man of West Asia, the Ottoman Turkey Empire and the ambitious Greek Kingdom, just had a real fight and found a new game field-the navy.
The German-British naval arms race has been raging for more than a decade, and Europa people have long been used to it. Hilpitz, a pair of old enemies, has been "insulting" for ten years, which has become a lasting talk for Europeans after dinner. The jealousness-jealous naval competition among several countries in South America was really lively and noisy for a while. At last, the economic crisis hit the eunuch. People almost lamented that the arms race was not affordable for poor countries. That poor, backward and turbulent place in the Balkans, Greece and Ottoman Turkey, actually caught up with the fashion and started a vigorous arms race regardless of the fact that their respective countries were in economic difficulties.
In 1914, the situation in Europe became more and more tense, the war in Europe became more and more gloomy, and the powers of Europe persisted. The Balkan Peninsula was entangled in thorny issues such as ethnic contradictions, religious conflicts, cultural differences, border disputes and political differences, which were intertwined with each other. Emperor William naturally noticed this and instructed the German consultant team in Turkey to submit an evaluation report on the naval competition in Greece.
The Turkish Army is a German reservation, whereas the Turkish Navy is the British backyard. The British Empire Royal Navy is hegemonic. Only a few non-British naval consultants in the Turkish Navy are almost breathless under the pressure of the arrogant John, while Captain Heidi Silmer and Lieutenant Gunther Gunther Lutjens are German advisory groups. The Turkish Navy has achieved only a few results, so the evaluation report can naturally be handed over to these two people.
"The two Balkan wars made Greece and Turkey take the road of arms race. The second Balkan war exposed the essence of the so-called Balkan alliance. When the ink of the London Peace Treaty was not dry, the Turkish government brazenly sent troops to recover Edil, which made the Greeks even more frightened to prevent possible retaliation for maintaining the naval advantage. Greeks are waving money all over the world to buy warships despite financial difficulties."
Just as the otaku was struggling with his pen, the dilapidated door of the apartment was pushed open and wrapped in a military coat. Gunther Lutjens sneaked in holding a cup.
Gunther-Gunther Lutjens is the only and only partner in the barren land of Turk, an otaku. He was born in the German town of Wiesbaden and joined the navies Freya and Elsa in 197. ) In 1912, the Admiralty issued a call to the young people to know that Gunther Lutjens’s mind was hot, so he played a German intellectual youth, Shan Shan, packed his bags and went straight to Istanbul’s Golden Horn Bay, and rushed to the old-fashioned coastal defense ship Heleiding, Barbarossa, to carry guns and torpedo instructors.
"It’s really cold in winter in Turkey …" Gunther Lutjens took off his thick cotton gloves and rubbed it hard. His hands were blue with cold and he leaned over and rummaged through the otaku’s room.
Half a spoonful of brown sugar and half a spoonful of coffee beans Gunther Lutjens cheerfully made himself a cup of coffee and moved to a chair at will, leaning against the otaku to sit and smile happily. "I know that you have hidden a lot of local goods here and borrowed some coffee, brown sugar and hot water …"
"I’m really tired of your prologue. You’re not an Englishman across the Taiwan Strait. The prologue is always complaining about the cloudy weather …" The otaku lost his pen in his hand, rubbed his swollen eyes and yawned. "You can’t carry what you want, so you can’t say’ borrow’."
"Don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this …" Gunther Lutjens’s face turned red and he wisely changed the subject. He sat with his arms missing and his legs wobbled and set up his legs leisurely. The otaku just picked up an evaluation report at the beginning and read it while complaining. "Do you blame the Admiralty for cheating us into this hellhole in Turkey for many years, and suddenly it can push us to finish a Rush evaluation report? Didn’t we sell a Salamis 3 to the Greeks? The Turkish-Greek arms race may not be without our credit. The Admiralty should be more than us.
"Who knows …" Wang Haidi tightened her tight coat and stretched herself. She reclined in the armchair and recalled that the lonely otaku had laughed at himself in front of the mirror in the inlaid wardrobe over the years. "Maybe the Admiralty wanted to waste money!"
The topic is too heavy. Gunther Lutjens shakes his head and pretends to change the topic "How to solve the Tyne farce?"
"The Turks won the first prize," the otaku pointed to the table and spread out the newspaper coldly. "But the Greeks also won the consolation prize. The American cowboy is going to sell two battleships to the Greeks for 10 million dollars under the banner of’ maintaining peace in the Aegean Sea’."
The Greek government became suspicious in this huge naval competition. When the Athenians were scared and lonely, the exquisite Chinese jumped out and offered to sell two active battleships-Idaho and Mississippi.
"Why don’t the Americans rob the money …" Gunther Lutjens spat out that ten million dollars can buy two newest dread ships or a stack of old-fashioned former dread ships that are about to retire.
"The British in West Lyme have almost completely controlled the crescent flag navy, and we non-British naval consultants can struggle on the edge. If we add two British battleships, I am afraid that we will be pushed out of the Turkish navy by the British." The news of the naval competition in Greece and Turkey is overwhelming. The headlines of the newspaper in Constantinople, the main deck of the Hamidikh, the Turkish national hero Hussein Raouf Albay, look so dazzling. Gunther Lutjens frowned slightly and said, "There is an English cruiser (that is, the Hamedi Hector) and one.
"The Turkish military forces suffered heavy losses in the two Balkan wars, and the diplomatic environment was extremely bad. If the Ottoman Empire still wants to be a main country, the Turks must re-establish a strong army. The German army is enough to ensure our Turkey and the navy is a supplement to this influence." Wang Haidi turned his head and looked out of the window with confidence. "The Greeks are not necessarily the biggest losers in this arms race, and the Turks are not necessarily the biggest winners. The real winners can be Germans!"
Along the half-open shutter glass opposite the four-story mortar building, the British Empire M-flag is clanking in the snowstorm in Istanbul.
The Ottoman Empire used to be a naval harbor and a land blessed by Turks.
Another story is that the Ashaliteff Fick was badly damaged.
In 1913, Greece ordered a German ship equipped with a 14-inch main gun, Salamis. battle cruiser estimated that the water time was 1915.
4 Douglas-gamble British Rear Admiral Turkish Navy Advisor It was gamble’s lobbying that made the Turkish government determined to buy two feared ships
The second gun The first chapter Turkish action (4)
In January, 1914, after several days of raging, the snowstorm gradually dispersed, and the warm and warm sunshine pierced the sky, obliquely sprinkled the Golden Horn Bay, and the splendid Sultan Crystal Palace emerged from the sea fog, rowing boats and scrambling to sail to the Aegean Sea. The fishermen in Turkey complemented each other in a calm sea, and the oil tanker Sirius slammed its whistle and slowly sailed into Daniil.
The Barbarossa-Hereding No.1 old armored coastal defense ship near the Borus Strait is undergoing an artillery examination. It is a 15mm single-tube rapid-fire sub-gun. Knuber’s fine firing rate is 15 rounds per minute. The Turkish-eared gunners, wearing a high-top barrel felt hat with unique Anna Togna characteristics, are scrambling to complete the required movements next to the sub-gun of the Barbarossa-Hereding coastal defense ship.
"The fourth artillery group is ready to request instructions!"
Wearing a German navy standard coat, shiny high boots and a Sam Browne belt, Wang Haidi seems to have just woken up, loosened his eyelids, moved slightly, grabbed the clock and stopped this node for 327 seconds with a gorgeous shake of his arm.
"37 seconds? !” Lit the cigarette from the otaku’s left hand to his right hand and put it in his mouth. The choking smoke came out of the otaku’s mouth. All kinds of sharp and sarcastic words were like Gatling machine guns, a kind of metal storm gesture, which was sprinkled on the deck gunner for 37 seconds? ! It takes 37 seconds for a small tube to return the gun from adjusting the shooting elements to completing the shooting preparation! Tell me, are you professional soldiers in Turkey or herdsmen in Anna Togna Plateau? Are your instructors poor or do you have IQ problems? ! Can you be any worse than Stenzel? !”
The otaku Wang Haidi talks nonsense with his eyes open, no matter whether his mouth is mixed with a lot of northern German dialects and the sailors of the crescent flag can understand it or not. He is bent on finding a group of Turkish gunners with an average age of less than 20 years old in front of Kiel Wharf and Naval Academy. "If this ship is on the battlefield, we will sink an enemy ship five or six times on average. This is the best time for this Brandenburg class!"
"We’re here because the herdsmen have more income if they don’t work in the navy …" The fourth group of gunners screwed up the artillery examination. They were red-faced and clammed up, and they shrank their heads one by one, afraid to vent their anger for fear of causing the tyrant Wang Haidi to be more brutally suppressed.
"And I said I’m going to penetrator, but you-mom-gave me a high-explosive bomb. Well, I also recognized the high-explosive bomb. At any rate, it can destroy the building and cause anti-personnel personnel. But can you wipe the butter off the shells before loading them? We fire killing weapons instead of his-mom-bread and butter! " The deck-turning serf let the singing otaku vent his emotions, laughing and cursing at the gunners with poor data, and sneering until his mouth was dry and his throat was burning. "The fourth group’s weekly artillery training is doubled!"
"West Lyme, he’s really a devil. Poor gunners were scolded like this after a few seconds …" A boiler soldier on the bridge of Barbarossa-Heleiding was watching the scene of bustle and occasionally turned his head to express his concern for the logistics morale beside him.
"Who says it’s not? Heidi Selim is a nightmare for us Turks!" Looking at the fourth group of gunners, kitchen workers and logistics soldiers who were scolded by the tyrant Bacon, clutching their chests, they said, "Fortunately, I am a chef and no one has ever asked me to fix a meal in 3 seconds …"
"This Heidi-west lime exactly what position is worse than that help stuffy British consultants? How do you feel that you are all afraid of him? " When the boiler soldier and the chef were whispering, the young gunner timidly leaned over and helped him with his felt hat. He timidly inserted an inappropriate sentence, "You know, we are descendants of Suleiman the Magnificent, and the new moon flag navy also has two super-fearful ships!"
At the end of December last year, the news of successful negotiations in London came to Constantinople to become a sea of joy.
Ten Russian-Turkish wars, the 17-year Berlin Conference, the Greek-Turkish war in 1997, the Italian-Turkish war in 1911, and the two Balkan wars that just ended, the Ottoman Empire suffered too many humiliations and setbacks in modern times because Turks were more eager for independence and self-improvement than in historical times. After the fiasco of the first Balkan war, the Ottoman Empire mutinied, and the liberal army minister Nazim was killed. The political veteran Camille was forced to resign, and the young Turks replaced the liberal cabinet to regain power, and established a new cabinet for the defense minister Ensel, the navy minister Cemal, the minister From Thrace Peninsula to Anna Togna Plateau, from ordinary citizens in Constantinople to poor people in small fishing villages on the south bank of the Black Sea, Turkish civilians also generously donated money from the Navy Fund to raise money to try to save the dying rivers. In a sense, the Millennium Empire of Sudan Osman I and Risatieh have become the national rejuvenation of Turkey. It is hoped that the young sailors will have a little more confidence and confidence when they arrive at the dock.
"Aren’t you the Barbarossa?" The boiler soldier looked at the knower and feared the gunner with disdain until the young sailor explained that he was a newly enlisted recruit and was temporarily assigned to the sixth artillery group. Then the boiler soldier put away his surprise and covered his mouth. It was a pity.
"I wish you good luck, sailor. The British consultant sticks are great, but after all, it’s a flesh wound. Instructor Selim will never hit you, but he will use the sharpest and most vicious language to make your soul restless." As a logistics chef, he slightly looked up and patted the young sailor’s shoulder like introducing his own chopping block. "Heidi Selim, a German naval captain, joined the navy in 1994, graduated from Kiel Naval Academy in 1997, and was promoted to lieutenant. He participated in the German Navy Expansion Act in 19 years. In 1997, he became the commander of the German East African Marine Corps and was promoted to the lieutenant of the Navy. He came to Istanbul in December 1912 … "
"It took twenty years to get promoted to two levels?" For the sake of self-comfort, the in-service gunner carefully recalled the introduction of the chef’s cadence, grabbed the loopholes in the words of the chef and the boiler soldier and asked, "Can this color also make you fear the enemy like a tiger?"