The other is called "Three-year Simulation Five-year Test Preparation"

At this time, there was a noise from outside, and the monkey-faced peddler was able to hide the two quickly back to the trap before he took a glance outside.
"It turned out that it was not the college law enforcement team, but the red sand country came."
"Red sand country?"
The peddler glanced at the jealous headscarf strong man, which was a bit strange but didn’t care too much. "The red sand country is the seven great powers of Yunhui, and it has unparalleled power."
distant place
A khaki aircraft in the shape of a triangular cone flew out of the fog and landed slowly at a place about three or four kilometers away from the entrance of the college.
Since this aircraft, several elite armored soldiers have trotted out and lined up on both sides.
Meet the coming out of a revered myth.
"Three myths!"
"Rahman the quicksand hand!" "Huangshabiyi!" "… Dora the Red Sand Lion!"
"What’s the myth of red sand country doing here?"
"They seem to be … furious?"
During this period, there were a lot of intrigues and intrigues around the salary college.
There are three cases involving mythical power.
However, the firewood college quickly suppressed all the riots and put another myth on it. Since then, this small area in front of the college gate has been much calmer.
But today seems to be fun again?
Several people are talking about it, and there are many people who are puzzled.
At this time, the monkey-faced hawker said with pride, "This is normal."
"The boss behind many bounty guilds in Yunhui is the mythical bounty guild and college in Chisha, but there is nothing on the surface. However, many students who are paid for the fire were previously the heads of mercenary groups, and the hall of the firewood college is also equivalent to an alternative bounty guild."
"Of course, the most important thing is that among the seven countries of Yunhui, Chisha is the most barren in resources and the most lacking in training facilities."
The peddler lashed out at Fang Qiu for making a clear statement about the general trend of the seven countries.
And that myth of the menacing red sand country also express its own purpose.
Come to the door and …
Kick the pavilion!
Chapter four hundred and thirty-six From the little magic stress!

A great event happened not long ago.

Two ancient people in Paradise have broken through the ninth-grade oasis of Shadow clan and taken away the treasure of this clan.
The Shadow Clan is a mysterious group with strong human and element elements.
This clan has two high positions.
Their personnel are extremely scarce and there is no vassal race active in the corner of the paradox, so their names are not obvious.
But …
"Shadow clan masters gather together in their only oasis. It’s true that the ability of the shadow clan’s lair to resist foreign enemies is much stronger than that of human beings."
Not to mention the burning city is a city that outsiders can enter and leave at will.
It’s a hundred times easier to break through
Of course, in the view of the moon Lord, the burning city can’t stop the ghost-faced shark statue and the black smoke Lord, the two ancient people in the tenth territory, even if they don’t let go.
It seems that there is no difference.
The moon master is not prepared to do anything.
She is, she is burning the fire, she is burning the fire, and she is silently waiting for the development.
Will the coach show up?
"The instructor might be able to compete with these two guys with one enemy and two."
"But …"
The tenth battle, if the whole burning city of generate will be erased in an instant, after all, the two ghost-faced sharks have stepped into the oasis department
This is the Achilles heel of Burning City. It’s too easy to sneak in!
It is more likely that the ghost-faced shark statue and the black smoke Lord robbed the city treasures and left before the fire-paid mentor could react.
This is more likely.
The tutor is probably out of town because of the fire.
Ghost-faced sharks and black smoke owners are also prepared.
"Seize the high position of the burning city and search for them, and you will know everything."
Ghost face shark statue grinned.
This is their plan.

"Hey, that’s …?"

The myth turned to look into the distance.
In my perception, there are strands of familiar breath flying from afar at a very fast speed. The first ones are the sunrise demigod, the palace lady and the old man from the south.
It is a team of Gu Yue dynasty!
The sunrise demigod locked in the mythical flavor of Esvers and so on, slowly slowed down and finally stopped in front of them. He leaned out and swept the surrounding waters for hundreds of miles, then set his eyes on several mythical bodies who were badly injured after a big war.
"Looks like we’re a little late. You’ve got rid of the pursuers."
He smiled.
I saw a big question mark popping up in Esfus’ stupefied forehead. "Didn’t the Golden Flame God of War just now arrange reinforcements for you in Gu Yue?"
Silver armor, blonde hair, golden flame, white flame
After listening to Aeschylus’ description of the sunrise demigod and the lady of the palace, and the old man in the south looking at one person, these three Gu Yue dynasty figures also slowly raised a question mark.
“? ? ?”
"Then who is this strong helper?"
Aeschylus was also lost in thought.
Being hotly debated, the seven-sense-top power, Jin Yan, the god of war, Hitina is biting her lip at the moment, and the bunch of people who have stood up and have drooped are somewhat depressed.
"I lost my mentor."
She has accumulated a certain fighting spirit and entered a double explosive state. Sidina’s fighting power can no longer be strong. She can be described as a god blocking the killing of God and a paradox blocking the killing of paradox.
Moreover, her combat body is quite similar to that of Iloshi, which is not limited by the environment and has obvious weaknesses, nor is it like punishment and thunder. She has strong defense and insufficient attack. She has high output, strong defense, strong vitality and fast speed, and she is not afraid of sneak attack on single groups, and she has the ability to crush evil servants by means of deviant means.
But she still lost it.
It may be that the dirty sea is dark and easy to get lost. It may be that the servants of the evil gods are scheming. Sidina, the three servants of the evil gods, did not chase any of them.
After cutting off the servant of the evil spirit, she can look around and find no trace of the dark sea, sulking.
"If you lose it, you lose it."
Fangyou avenue
He was not surprised that these evil servants’ ability to survive was not weaker than oasis myth at all, perhaps even stronger. After all, evil servants could influence the seven stars to hide in the dark and attack.
But Sidina didn’t chase a statue of an evil servant … E did pull a little, maybe she was a little road-crazy.
No, you can’t be so eager to find and pursue filth in an environment full of filth. Compared with orthodox mythology, it is as striking as a torch in a polluted sea. It is not surprising that it is difficult to get rid of the pursuit.
He actually cares more about Sidina. She … No! Yes! Hold! Home!
What did she just do? Strong slay several seven-star cunning evil spirits, but the root didn’t pick even one material! Let them fall into the darkness.
Not to mention that if she stays and is saved, several myths have to be expressed.
These things have never been thought about by Sidina, and the tutor can’t help but think about it!
Fang teacher sighed.

It is the alliance that considers that intelligent creatures may affect the stability of the alliance.

After all, extraordinary creatures of the same type as fierce beasts are not so easily accepted by ordinary people.
It’s one thing to pet animals and extraordinary creatures.
Being on an equal footing with humans can even become extraordinary creatures in their class, which is another matter.
If even supernatural creatures can become alliance leaders, what is it that they have been fighting fierce beasts for thousands of years …
However, the heavenly king war is a good opportunity.
The alliance has also faced many foreign enemies, and the alliance feels that it is time for intelligent creatures to enter the general public’s field of vision.
This time, there are many extraordinary creatures who participated in the Tianwang War.
Among them, Su Meng thinks that he can become Liu Yuan’s opponent Moon Ice.
Tongtian Tower Fantasy Veterinary College
"Teacher …"
Is the science of uniting the burn feather slowly opened his eyes to see in front of people.
See this is a special humanoid creature covered with snow white and ice crystals.
The body made of ice crystals and the cold and delicate noodles
Give people an inexplicable sense of nobility and coldness.
This man is burn feather brother body congenital Xuan Bing on ice.
And even the temperature around the moon ice has started to drop at an alarming rate.
Snow began to float in the air.
These snowflakes are very strange, even if they burn feathers and nirvana, it takes a while to melt them.
It can be seen that these snowflakes are powerful.
Burn feather looked at her and said, "Moon Ice belongs to you in our college, and you have the best chance to win the position of chief champion. I hope you can gain something in the battle of kings this time …"
"student white"
"By the way, one of the opponents this time, I hope you can pay attention to it. Although his physical fitness is quite different from yours, you may not be his opponent when you really fight."
I heard that the ice suddenly came to me this month.
"Teacher, who is this person?"
"The wild royal beast college is now the chief … Liu Yuan"
"Liu Yuan …"
Hear even the first strong burn feather this alliance so seriously the human foot said each other’s strength.
Think of this month’s ice also wrote down this name, ready to go back and get to know a …
Chapter 76 King War begins!
Great Wilderness Tower of Great Wilderness Veterinary College
The Great Wilderness Tower in the central area of the Great Wilderness is the most eye-catching place in the whole Great Wilderness.
Every move here attracts the attention of the whole wilderness
Any sign of trouble may cause a riot.
And with the Bi Meng clan and the later royal bear clan leading the wild to join the alliance.
The wild eyes have long been different from the fierce and miserable eyes of ordinary people.
But decades of hatred can’t be erased in a short time.
Although in order to reconcile the contradiction between the wild land and the alliance, both the Bi Meng royal family and the Xiongren family sent people to join the Wild College.
But it will take a long time to completely reverse the people’s views on the alliance, just like the elves.
However, although there are contradictions with the alliance, a major event six months ago attracted everyone’s attention.
When everyone pays attention to the same thing, the so-called ethnic conflicts will naturally be melted.
This is exactly what the alliance is holding.
After half a year’s brewing, the alliance king war has finally started.
At the beginning, everyone has a very high threshold. It is reasonable to say that there should not be too many talents.
But I didn’t expect a dozen or twenty people to participate in each of the six major divisions.
You know, these 40 or 50 people are all platinum in their thirties.
The outside world is the overlord who can become the domain master.

In the ninth territory, the Great King held out a finger like mud and slowly pointed out that it was not fast but seemed to slow down the surrounding time.

Fly a demigod and digital myth straight away.
A few mythical bodies are flying backwards, and gradually become thin, and the cheeks are sunken like the whole body is completely cut out.
Even the one who propped up the demigod’s cabinet method cracked several cracks, and black water infiltrated and spread continuously.
And this is just a random finger of the silt-exhausted monarch
Just a little fighting spirit has risen, and the eyes of the myths have faded.
I can’t beat it, but I can’t beat it anyway!
"Sword up!"
The front of the stream, the feet, the flying sword, the fingers together, the left and right changes, and several marks are pinched out.
In an instant, one golden lightsaber after another emerged and rushed to the sky.
Hundreds, thousands, and thousands of handles of Jin Jian gathered together to form a golden sword that suddenly cut off.
This sword has broken the slow time! Cut the imprisonment of the law!
But also cut a gap thousands of meters long in the body of the silt-exhausted monarch.
Gouge where whole pieces were missing the day after tomorrow, all the earth and fog were chopped to form a huge hole with no end, which seemed to reach the other side of the big territory.
"It’s Dean Liu Feng!"
"PSST this is demigod ceiling power? !”
"I can’t wait to fall into the name of the seven great countries."
Seize the opportunity of being cut when he was slow, and the Red Sand Lao Guo Lord brazenly tried his best, and the gravel poured in from all directions, eroding the body of the King.
In the cloud picture, there are many mysterious symbols in the body of the old man in the demigod cloud.
These are ceremonial symbols.
The old man in the cloud engraved the rituals on himself, and he found another way out of the special road. He just moved the large ritual array.
These symbols fly out of his body and lock around like a net.
Water overflows the top of the country, and the pure water is a demigod. He suddenly bulges his mouth and opens it wide. In a moment, he spits out the water like a river and sea, which seems to dye the Heihe River white all over the sky.
Running sand! Yunfu! Clean water!
Although the three demigods came from different forces, they seized the opportunity by experience and cooperated tacitly.

"The gods … suddenly attacked our headquarters and the base has been destroyed."

After saying this, the monk froze and lost his interest.
Everyone in the earth fell silent.
The monks didn’t recover at the moment.
And another world in the sky is gradually approaching the original heaven.
Gu Qingshan absence looked at this scene.
For a moment, everything was gone.
Gu Qingshan found himself once again barren land.
He came out from that time segment.
Chapter seven hundred and twenty-seven Avatar granted
Gu Qingshan is in the wilderness
He mused on what he had just seen.
A surprise sounded, "You’re alive?"
Gu Qingshan looked up.
Seeing Linggui floating in the sky is looking down at him.
"You’re a monk in the land of emptiness-how were you born in that war? No, even if you find a place to hide and drag out an ignoble existence, that clip won’t let you out. You can always stay inside and relive it, "Linggui thought."
"I have a magical power that can play a big role in the war," Gu Qingshan said.
Linggui’s eyes gradually changed.
I see. Although his strength is as low as dust, he has the magical power to control the war.
This small war has made great contributions, and only then will the fragment recognize him and let him out.
Linggui sighed, "It’s not a dream that someone can finally live outside the Heavenly Palace after several years."
Its tone is full of vicissitudes of life, and Gu Qingshan doesn’t know what to say.
Gu Qingshan thought for a moment and tentatively said, "Can the seniors be allowed to enter the Wild Cloud Palace now?"
Linggui came to her senses and suddenly said, "Of course, there are two ways to enter the Wild Cloud Palace. From my eyes, I think one of them is very suitable for you."
"I’d like to hear more"
"I’ll take you to steal the jade dish in a moment-it’s the fastest and most direct way."
"Stealing jade dishes?" Gu Qingshan doubt way
Linggui explained, "There are two jade plates in the passage, one is the head of the jade plate in the past dynasties, and the other is the guardian jade plate that has been kept in Zhu Nestle."
"Although Suzaku is dead, its ghost is still alive. We have to steal the jade dish from its nest."
Gu Qingshan asked, "What should we do?"
Linggui said, "I’m going to fight Suzaku after a while. When I fight it, you can take the opportunity to go to its nest and take the jade plate."
"Suzaku won’t be too far away from the nest. If I fight it, it will probably wave you. If your strength is touched by the aftermath of our battle, you will die."
"That how to do? Can’t we do it another way? " Gu Qingshan asked
Linggui said, "No, I will give you an avatar that can help you save your life in this battle."

"Oh ~ our wave country is really amazing!"

Facing a pair of eyes, the captain coughed and looked up to heaven.
In fact, he is also very curious.
He knows that this ability is called’ Eye-in-the-Sky Technology’, but how did this technology come about? According to his understanding with colleagues in the Ministry.
It seems, seems, probably, probably … Nothing to do with them.
This is embarrassing.
Can he talk? He can’t!
Similar scenes took place in various parts of the spray country, and the effects of eliminating evil spirits in various places were summarized in the headquarters of the Super War Department.
Embarrassment is more of a surprise.
"Compared with the description, the actual effect of Tianyanchong is not bad at all, even if it is beyond."
"At most, we will be able to maintain the environment at a low level in half a month."
"No, half a month is too long. We have to make it ten days faster and even a week to reduce the density of evil spirits!"
Anderson road
If only they, the spray country, get the eye of the sky, they can act leisurely and slowly.
But not now.
At sunset, the border is installing this unification, and they can’t lose even the most basic first-Mover advantage.
They must be faster than sunset country.
Anderson’s map set covers the whole spray country, and there are red dot areas in it, where cities are located.
Compared with the most red dot, it is much thinner.
Especially in their national capital, Langhua City, which is the earliest layout and the earliest cleaning of the city, the scope of red dots is very small at this time, which makes people feel happy.
Outside the city, the mountain forest area is dark.
After all, Tianyanchong is a city owner, covering all urban areas, but there are more than a dozen places outside the city that can’t be detected, and harsh red warning signals emerge.
"There are a large number of paradoxical reactions in these areas, which means that it is very easy to form a wave of paradoxical evils in a large number."
In particular, these places are more likely to breed evil spirits, and the suggestion is to eliminate and reduce the number of evil spirits as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the more difficult it is to clean up and the more dangerous it is.
An expert mouth
This is an expert who learned all kinds of exercises from the firemen.
The elite of the Super War Department looked at each other.
They have seen it, and they dare not ignore the warning.
They also conducted reconnaissance and entered those areas by root method, and also sacrificed several members of the Super War Department.
It’s even more dangerous
"It’s not that we don’t want to clean up, but go deep into the mountains to deal with groups of fallacies …"
Nowadays, it’s quite safe to fight more and less when dealing with cunning evil.
But in the wild, it is different. There is no specific information yet.
The top of the Super War Department frowned.
I don’t really want to, but I suggest it.
A senior official said, "Is it true or not that you can ask them for support when you encounter thorny problems in dealing with evil spirits?"
"It’s probably a true red crescent disaster. Isn’t there a strong man who pays the fire?"
"So we can ask the strong in Bai Piao to clean up the country’s evil for us."
Anderson denied that "it sounds good, but it will reduce the impression on us."
At present, the salary is still in the honeymoon period with them.
Ahem, and they want to get more from the salary fire. If it really goes wrong, I’m afraid it will expire, and there is a competitor named Sunset Country next door.
Nothing can be compared with the sunset country!
"We want to contact the firewood, but at the same time, we should also send the strong of our spray country to let the firewood see the power of our spray country!"
"Only by showing the true strength of our spray country can we make the negotiations easier."
"Now is a rare opportunity"
Kill two birds with one stone!
In front of the mountains in the south-central part of Langhua
Members from headquarters and regional super-war departments gathered here.
This time, the commander-in-chief of the campaign is deputy minister Katrina Anderson, and he has also sent his first hand-there are several strong’ skull crusher’ Arthur in the Super War Department!
This is a tough guy with a height of more than two meters and five towers. His arms are covered with a layer of gray cuticle, which has become a part of his flesh.
Although this is the sequela of physical alienation and awakening, it also brings strong defense and hardness to skull fracture.
His body is very hard, especially his arms.

Chu Yi’s look in the face of more than a dozen arrows has never been flustered. Even if he is a first-class player, I am afraid that he will be shot on the spot in the face of such a dozen military crossbows.

However, Chu Yi’s figure flashed. In the eyes of those who killed Chu Yi, Chu Yi disappeared like a ghost. When more than a dozen arrows reappeared, they were caught one by one.
With a flick of the arrow, the arrow immediately followed the route and returned with a scream. Suddenly, I heard heavy objects falling to the ground. Someone fell from the roof and fell to the ground from the wall.
Several masked men dressed in black rushed out of their hands all around, and their long knives flashed like lightning, so they were very sharp.
Chu Yi, a flicker, takes the key knife light, reaches out and pats it. Every man in black is photographed and flies out.
Blink of an eye, several masked men in black will be left with the first man holding a cold light shining Japanese knife. The knife method is not like the Central Plains Wulin routine. Chu Yi’s eyes flashed a cold mountain, and he stepped out to avoid a knife and printed his chest when he was about to fly.
At this time, I have already arrived at the East Factory, and I immediately took a person, but then the man with a knife crashed to the ground. When I drank a low drink, I suddenly stabbed the knife into my stomach, so I lost my interest.
Several of his injured men in black were actually fierce and fearless, and they were more decisive than drawing a sword and laparotomy.
Before Chu Fang pulled these face towels, he saw rough faces coming into view. He took a closer look at the line. Chu Yi said, "Governor, these people have rough skin and faint fishy smell. It is by no means that Jiangnan Renshi is likely to come from the southeast coast."
Chu Yi slowly reached out and grabbed a Japanese knife and fell into his hands for a moment. When the knife light flashed, he saw the crotch of the man who committed suicide by caesarean section in front of him, revealing fluffy short legs.
Chu Yi’s ambush naturally shocked many people. Seeing Chu Yi’s illness safely, not to mention the natural disappointment, and seeing Chu Yi’s behavior, he felt that Chu Yi was really crazy. The other party had committed suicide and even humiliated the other party’s body.
Chu Yi swept the crotch cloth of the body and looked at these bodies. They were a little shorter, and combined with some characteristics that Chu Fang said, Chu Yi was almost sure of the identity of these people.
These Japanese ronin are the ones who invaded the southeast coast decades later. These Japanese ronin were able to enter the south of the Yangtze River and kill Chu Yi in this Nanjing city. The deep meaning behind this is clear enough.
He threw the Japanese knife aside with his hand behind his back and looked around with a sigh, "Some people even dare to collude with foreigners in Japan. Isn’t the knife in Chu’s hand biting enough?"
Chu Fang clearly heard Chu Yi whispering beside him. He couldn’t help but look at the bodies with a slight change and said, "Governor, do you mean that these people are Japanese aliens? They are here, and someone in Nanjing has colluded with aliens!"
Chu Yi sneered at Chu Fang’s words, "Otherwise, if there is no one to help, how could these people sneak into Nanjing so easily and even ambush this long street?"
With a flash of cold light in Chu Yi’s eyes, he said coldly, "It’s a pity that these people shouldn’t use the strong crossbow of the army to ambush the governor!"
Chu Fang pointed out, "Even strong crossbows dare to move. How can there be more than a dozen killers without military personnel intervening?"
Such a strong crossbow is absolutely forbidden by the imperial court. You know, even the first-class players in the Jianghu can easily surround and kill the top strong people. If they are unguarded, they may lose their lives. For ordinary people, it takes three or two to kill people easily.
Said Chu Fang a flicker to wait until come back again after several times have come back with a dozen strong crossbows.
"Look, Governor!"
More than a dozen strong crossbows are different in old and new, and you can tell by their appearance that they are not made in recent years, but they are obviously new and made not more than one year.
Yes, I glanced at Chu Yi’s sidewalk. "Well, these people are really reckless. The killers in the mobile army didn’t even erase their face marks. Is it certain that they can shoot the governor?"
However, if the imperial court forbids killing devices, it will inevitably erase all clues, even if the crossbow is erased, bearing in mind that the performance of the crossbow may be affected, but nine times out of ten, the clues should be erased to avoid accidents.
However, apart from a few of these dozens of strong crossbows, it has been quite a long time since they were erased. Maybe they were deliberately erased when they were used to assassinate others.
Look back from this dozen strong crossbows ChuYi corners of the mouth full of smile just this dozen strong crossbows ChuYi will see too many problems.
Chapter ninety-three From hope to despair
First of all, a strong crossbow has new and old certificates. These people dare not hide too many strong crossbows at once. After all, every direction of such a killer will be recorded in detail. Of course, it is not impossible for some people to get more strong crossbows, but that is too dynamic. They would rather spend a little time accumulating them.
It is said that from the new and old crossbows, it can be seen that these people have been holding crossbows for a long time instead of a day or two.
Another point is that some inscriptions have been erased from the crossbows, but some have not. Chu Yi even speculated that these crossbows may not belong to one family, but were made up by several families in a short time.
More than a dozen crossbows plus Chu Yi have no precautions. The person who presided over this matter is obviously very confident. It seems that more than a dozen crossbows can be regarded as iron men, so even some urgent crossbows have not been erased.
Anyway, it’s impossible for a dead East Factory Governor to take revenge on them one by one along the strong crossbow clue.
However, everyone underestimates Chu Yi’s strength, or the gentry, and the first thing they value when Chu Yi is, Chu Yi’s identity tends to say whether Chu Yi is pregnant with unfathomable martial arts, and they really haven’t thought about it
After all, the Sunflower Collection is a secret magic, and there are not many qualified practitioners. Moreover, even if these people have studied the Sunflower Collection, they have spent almost all their lives in the palace, so there is no chance to display them.
In particular, what happened to the governor of Shendong Factory was mostly done by the people. Besides, Chu Yi was too young, so those who killed Chu Yi never thought that the assassination of Chu Yi might fail.
In an attic in the distance, a middle-aged man with a good face is holding a cup of green tea in his hand at the window, which is carefree. If you don’t know, you will never think that this person presided over the long street ambush.
Zhou Zhipeng looked at the horse from a distance, and Chu Yi and his party’s eyes were full of excitement. It took him a lot of effort to win this time to kill Chu Yi.
If Chu Yi can be killed successfully this time, then Zhou Zhipeng will make Jiangnan adults admire celebrities and the family behind him will benefit a lot.
According to what Zhou Zhipeng has seen from the soldiers, he has done everything he can to prepare for this. He has a strong crossbow and a close combat against the Japanese ronin. Even if Chu Yisheng has superhuman powers, he will not escape his calculation.
When the fire ignited Chu Yi’s prancing and shooting with a strong crossbow, Zhou Zhipeng was excited to hit the window edge with one punch and twisted his teeth but stared at Chu Yi intensely.
"Go to hell, eunuch. Haha … Hiccup …"
However, Zhou Zhipeng’s eyes were dumbfounded, and he looked at the moment and disappeared. Chu Yiyou was especially when Chu Yi turned his hand and shot those strong crossbowmen. Zhou Zhipeng felt that he was all bad.
"How is it possible that nothing can kill him …"
Zhou Zhipeng mercilessly smashed the teacup in his hand and stared at the distant strip with a crossbow. Fortunately, he made follow-up arrangements.
Zhou Zhipeng clenched his fist when the masked Japanese ronin dressed in black killed Chu Yi, and his eyes were full of hope.
If these Japanese ronin can kill Chu Yi, then everything can end perfectly. This Nanjing city is really free from these expensive things, even if an imperial governor dies, there will be no waves.
It’s a pity that Zhou Zhipeng newspaper greatly hoped that the Japanese ronin Sanliang was killed by Chu Yi. Zhou Zhipeng angrily denounced "Waste is a group of waste, so arrogant on weekdays that even a eunuch can’t be killed …"
At the moment, Zhou Zhipeng is a little scared. He never dreamed that he would fail if he thought that the sky was sewn in the bag and killed him.
Especially when Chu searched out the strong crossbows, Zhou Zhipeng couldn’t help sitting on the ground. He didn’t forget that several new strong crossbows were recently brought by his family at great cost to enrich the family’s details.
It’s not terrible to lose the crossbow. The most terrible thing is that he didn’t erase the inscription of the crossbow.
Moreover, the strong crossbow was sent only recently, and as a result, they bribed General Zhaowu to get it out, which cost two thousand silver.
If Chu Yi takes those strong crossbows to check, the inscriptions on his strong crossbows have been erased. Naturally, nothing can be found, but their new strong crossbows can be found when checked.
Think of these and look at the distant Chu Yi’s figure. Suddenly, the Hu clan and Wu Jingbo, who were destroyed by property, came to his mind.
Zhou Zhipeng couldn’t help but burst into fear in his heart, and his eyes murmured, "It’s over …"
Chu Yi didn’t know that he didn’t do anything, so he killed the person behind the scenes in the strip and scared the six souls.

The black fox demon is ecstatic to find the white fox vein, and seeks to seize tian hu’s blood to lure the whole white fox clan to cultivate the black fox achievement method.

Elder Cang Jiu, who hides his identity, is afraid of the other side’s strength and can persuade him a little. As a result, he can’t escape from the black fox demon. He was arbitrarily found an excuse and was severely punished by the clan rules. He has been quiet and cultivated since then.
Later, when the big black fox demon overthrew him, Elder Cang Jiu looked on and saw that the ghost of the big demon was collected into the small tower. Only then did he take a group of small fox demons into the broken small tower to experience.
Elder Cang Jiu knew that the black fox demon had followed his footsteps into the small tower and was also trying to find tian hu.
I didn’t expect that Luo Li really got the virtual shadow of Kyubi no Youko tian hu in the end.
Elder Cang Jiu is delighted with this result, and it is even more gratifying that Luo Lixiu’s strength has advanced by leaps and bounds these days.
Today, I have to see the four-tailed incarnation of Luoli truly awakened. Elder tian hu was so excited that he simply told the whole story, which also made Baiyun Tower three people listen to a real story.
"So that’s it … the celestial world … the ancestral land …" After listening to the elders of Cang Jiu detailing Luo Li, I was deeply touched at the moment.
A moment later, Luo Lishen said, "Ancestors will say later that the celestial world is in trouble now. I will go to the world to help my brothers and sisters in a few days …"
"Going to the celestial world is a hindrance to the ancestors’ fox spirits. There are also immortals in the adult world …" For Luo Li’s going to the celestial world, the elders of Cang Jiu did not hinder each other, but they woke up another thing.
"Small master, this pair of practices is very compatible with tian hu’s blood, but it is harmful and can be promoted very quickly … but it is necessary to be temperate and break the foundation of flying public practice." Elder Cang Jiu told him in a hoarse voice.
Upon hearing the elders talking about double cultivation, Luo Li blushed and replied, "This … naturally knows that if I have other business, I will return to Kunlun …"
"Little master, please wait for the tian hu achievement method left by the fox spirit ancestors to be formally awarded …"
After saying this, Elder Cang Jiu hobbled towards a wooden house with a wooden stick.
Chapter one thousand and thirty-five Solid foundation
Three people from Kunlun Fairyland to Sendai Baiyun Tower received some words at one another during the recovery.
"The original white fox elder has this identity. It seems that there was a misunderstanding between the former and the former …" A moment later, Zhao-yang Xia sighed with emotion.
"The waves are caused by her. I think it’s not time for the future. Let’s talk about it in the future …" Ziyan rarely speaks.
"Theory, such as the great increase in the repair of Luoli, is also a great help to the repair of the celestial body …"
Looking at the Baiyun Building in Xuan Bing, West Kunlun, then said, "Chaoyang Ziyan, you go back to the boundary and wait a moment. I’ll go to Tianchi to have a look …"
"Well … the original brother is going to find Xiao Feiyang, so just bring him some fruit …"
Speaking, Xia Chaoyang took out a treasure capsule, and took a lot of spiritual fruits from the Haihua Palace, and put them into the treasure capsule, which was satisfactorily handed to the senior brother.
Took the treasure capsule Baiyun Lou corners of the mouth slightly bent to nod to the two school sisters and immediately stepped away.
"Brother, there are three purple fairy fruits in it. I have to watch the little flying eat them …"
"Okay …"
The collapse of the snow peak near Tianchi Lake in West Kunlun Mountain, Tingtao Pavilion is being rebuilt little by little.
A Hong Ying rowed from the east and fell to the peak, showing the elegant figure of Bai Dazhao.
"Master elder brother ….." The nangongshan flying exclaimed a loose tactic jumped out from the ruins.
The snow layer on the peak of the figure fell to the ground.
"Didn’t control the strength again …" The nangongshan flying some embarrassedly scratched his head and then looked up, finding seems a little curious that the teacher elder sister Chaoyang didn’t accompany him.
"Come here, let’s not make those imaginary brothers. I think it’s true that you’re distracted …" As soon as Party A met Baiyun Tower, she joked along with the gender.
"Hey hey, I didn’t expect my brother to come over suddenly …"
Staring at the broken ruins in front of me, Baiyun Tower sighed and said, "This calm wave of Tianchi must be named Tingtao, and it is also the right way to be reborn …"
Say, "raise my hand and condense the wind aura machine."
Wave the wind reiki machine into the ruins, and the whole Tingtao Pavilion is broken, so it rises and spreads out.
After counting the interest, these fragments suddenly stagnated and immediately stood in the original ruins with a brand-new Tingtao Pavilion.
Putting the Tingtao Pavilion back together is the beginning …
The real fire flashed in the virtual space, and the fairy treasure came out with the firm but gentle wind. When the white head was cut off, the god forging method was simply adopted, and this Tingtao Pavilion was re-refined as a magic weapon.
"Don’t be idle when flying. This is your second sister’s gift to you, and it’s said to mend your body …"
"mend? I this body hale and hearty where need to fill … "Looking at the emerging eyes, the nangongshan flying muttered reached out and took it.
"Oh, it’s tough … I’ll take a closer look at it, brother …" The corners of the mouth of Baiyun Tower are bent and a soul-splitting body is condensed to let the refining company listen to Taoge’s work and turn around and come to Feiyang to watch it.
"No ….." The master elder brother stared at the Nangong Feiyang Qi machine more and more churning.
Just a thought Baiyun Tower simply intends to stop shooting and pat Feiyang’s shoulder primly and said
"The double cultivation method is the orthodox fairy road achievement method, which needs to be too concerned, and it seems that the tian hu clan is very suitable. If you practice properly, it will be of great benefit to the two of you."
Upon hearing this, the Nangong Feiyang gradually relaxed his mind and slowly calmed down.
"Oh, brother, please help me to have a look. Recently, the true qi has been running like a tide, and my mind is boiling. When it is difficult to settle down, I am not sure that I can break the boundary …"
Say, "The Nangong flies in the sky and sits in the snow."
Looking at flying teacher younger brother’s mindfulness and meditation, Baiyun Tower secretly nodded and praised those double cultivation methods.
Some time ago, the situation of flying in the sky, Baiyun Tower has been seeing that the pure yang is too strong and impetuous.
Now it’s normal to meditate and settle down.
Just a sigh Baiyun Tower carefully induced the flying state.
The true qi really works like a tidal wave, so it took a long time to break through to the later stage of then, and it took more than two months to make a big progress again.
Judging from this progress, we may try to break through the current realm in another two or three months.
Once we break through to then dzogchen, it is not far from the fairyland.
To the surprise of Baiyun Tower, it seems that this pair of repairs not only failed to block repairs, but also eliminated the hidden dangers caused by the skyrocketing repairs.
Although the true qi in the abdomen was running like a tide, it was a bit solid.
Repair the Baiyun Tower and send out an idea of divine knowledge to explore the sea between the eyebrows and fly away.
Chaotic knowledge flying in the sea has extended to dozens of Fiona Fang.
The primordial qi churns, and the Yang Shen body is sitting on the enchantment to rest the soil.
It seems that my mind is too restless and tired these days. This time, I suddenly relaxed, and my yang body also fell into deep meditation.
From the appearance, this double cultivation method has helped the soul the most. The original pole is restless, the pure yang is peaceful, and the toughness of many yang gods is enhanced a lot.
Not only that, a double cultivation actually raised the realm of Yang Shen by almost one pavilion.
Of course, all these magical effects may also be double-cultivated for the first time.
Yin and Yang Jiaotai Tiandi Avenue wants to come to Naluoli to activate tian hu’s blood, which should also benefit from this.
After watching the Baiyun Tower of Feiyang Yang Shen Body, look at the suspended Xuanjia of Xirang Enchantment by the way.
After three months’ cultivation, the Xuanjia and the meteorite sword have a faint blue and dark awn, which not only increases the weight and tenacity of the stage transformation, but also increases greatly.
It seems that if you want to be mentally stable, you can manipulate the polar magnetic force at will in Xuanjia.

"The imperial food in the palace was not as delicious as this!" ……

Next to the big dining table, a group of beautiful women with beautiful ladies’ images are throwing their cheeks. There is a dragon in front of them. At ordinary times, it’s hard to see that these slender beauties have such a large appetite. It’s not long before this 30-foot long dragon is riddled with holes.
"I say you eat slowly and stop choking! Nobody’s robbing you. Besides, there’s so much here! This dragon is enough for our family to eat several meals … "But no one is listening to Yi Yu or fighting for it.
Yi Yu looked at the beauty who ate a mouthful of oil and couldn’t help but give birth to a warm feeling. "Maybe this is like a family!" Shouting is full of energy and no intrigue. Is it happy to get together and eat? Maybe that’s it! "
"Hey!" Yang Zi put chopsticks gracefully, but at this time she was full and ruined the royal elegance when she just ate. Princess Yang Zi couldn’t help blushing and lowering her head.
"Sister Yang Zi is really cute!" "Scale" seems to be a little bent, leaning back in the chair and smiling at Yang Zi.
A listen to "scale" has been suppressed along while didn’t speak cold calyx was more than I could bear to say with smile "yes! Yes! Although Yang Zi’s eating style is the most elegant, I just saw him eat such a big piece of meat with a sneak bite! " Said also exaggerated strokes a big circle.
"No! Cold calyx nonsense! " Yang Zi’s face turned red, but she still refused to admit that everyone couldn’t help laughing when they saw her lovely appearance.
Yi Yu see Yang Zi some humiliating hurriedly bifurcation topic "alas! I can support me to death, I am afraid I can’t walk anymore! "
"Hum! My husband can eat the most, and while eating, he said that people should eat slowly and don’t grab it! In fact, he eats the most! " In such a restrained occasion, it is not at all to give Yi Yu a name. She knows that Yi Yu will not be angry and restrained at this time to get along as a family.
Yi Yu a quick two "was now! But you can eat a lot! See you at ordinary times all like a lady, in fact, are all little greedy cats and little fat pigs "…
Tang Wan wiped her mouth and smiled "husband! There are so many left! Shall we all take it home? It would be a pity if you just throw it away. "
"It’s natural to bring back wave food is not a good habit after our family can’t wave! If I see anyone who dares to wave food, I will spank! "
Yin element siu-tong smiles appealed a "hum! I just want to take advantage of us! "
The cold calyx may be due to eating too much, and the blood has gone to the stomach to digest food, so some brains are ignorant. "But this dragon is so big that even if we take it back, there is nothing to heat. Can it be cold?" At this time, although the dragon has been riddled with holes, the middle bone is still intact!
Yi Yu looked at the cold calyx, but MengMeng was so fond of it that she just wanted to say,’ Just cut it!’ But before he could say this, he heard someone say, "Isn’t it easy? Just move this cauldron home together! "
"This method is good! Husband, let’s move the cauldron back! "
Yi Yu couldn’t help laughing in her heart when she heard this. "Our family really has all kinds of stooges!" But when he turned his head to look in the direction of voice, he couldn’t laugh anymore.
I saw two people in the doorway with a big white lace apron and a blue robe. It turned out that the chef Niang and the little nun came back! In fact, it’s no wonder that people come back here. It’s their home. Can they still go to the ends of the earth? Besides, even if I really ran out, Yi Yu and his family should run back here after eating and stuffing for so long.
Seeing that the chef Niang’s eyes are round, her eyes are blazing, her teeth are gnashing, Yi Yu is holding a big dish, and the knife hand has already burst out with faint veins standing out, while the little nun is gloating and I don’t know what she is happy about.
"Hey hey! We won’t take it when you two come back to the cauldron. Just bring this leftovers back. It’s not easy to have a large population at home! " Yi Yu gave the chef two quick smiles. "It’s a little salty, but this trip is still delicious. I know you don’t want to bring your family here to taste it. You don’t mind!"
You!’ When the chef Niang heard Yi Yuhu say, she couldn’t help pointing a kitchen knife at him even more angrily. I don’t know if the kitchen knife is too heavy or if it is so angry that the kitchen knife that grows more than three feet can’t help shivering. "My dragon soup!"
"Well … there’s still a lot of dragon soup. It’s not cold yet. If you’re too hungry, you can drink some dragon meat first … Try it if you don’t think we’re dirty!" Now, this guy Yi Yu has been caught red-handed, and he is a dead pig who is not afraid of scalding water. If it happens, he takes a bowl and wants the great beauty to become soup.
Chef Niang maliciously stared at Yi Yu slowly. "It seems that some people really don’t know how to write the word’ death’! ….. "If you would like to know the aftermath, please look back at Life Bet.
Back to the 256th life bet
However, it is also very dead for me to painstakingly cook a pot of dragon soup in my heart. Yi Yu, but at this time, this beautiful chef Niang couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of water when she heard Yi Yu talking about it and it was still warm. It seems that now is not the time to be afraid of temper. With Yi Yu’s cold hum, "Hum! If this dragon soup is heated again, it will change its original flavor. Although it is a little salty and not perfect, it is my hard work. I will try it first and kill you again and again! " He said, and went to the big cupboard.
The little nun immediately changed her face and rushed to the front quickly. "Master, I’ll get you a bowl …"
"You’re smart this time." Until now, the chef Niang still stared at Yi Yu savagely, as if she were afraid that he would run away.
"The master is my brother’s duty …" The nun was smiling while walking. In fact, she was afraid that the master would see those two cards, but the little nun ran to the cupboard and screamed!
"What’s the matter?" Everyone is a surprised look at the little nun.
"Master is not good for you … your chopsticks are gone!" First the nun panicked and shouted as if the world was coming to an end.
The beautiful chef Niang’s eyes are even more prosperous with a slight ash! "Who is it? ….. Who stole my bowl! I’m going to kill him … "Like a angry mother Tyrannosaurus rex, but before she finished, she saw a big white porcelain bowl full of dragon soup.
But the chef niang without looking cold so way "go! Leave me alone. Do you want to die? "
"yo! Sister Ruyu is really angry! I haven’t seen you for so long and I have to kill my little sister! People are so sad. "
That beautiful chef Niang, that is, Sister Jade, couldn’t help but look back with a slight surprise. Looking back, she saw a beautiful girl in blue pretending to look at her with a sad face!
"Dirt? !” Although there are two words, the joy is beyond words.
"Jade elder sister! ….. "Said the" scale "hugged the chef niang at this time they just white originally this chef niang turned out to be a famous heart like ShenNiXin jade! And the little nun knew without thinking that nature was Shen Wei, the master of dragon slaying.
After just a surprise, Xin Ruyu deliberately kept a straight face and said, "You dead girl finally escaped! I told you not to get mixed up with Deng Yin, a small white boy. Neither he nor his brother Shou is a good thing! You didn’t listen, but you went your own way and married him. You deserve to be bullied so much later! "
Scale face a red secretly saw Yi Yu Chen way "jade elder sister the worst these old things to do? Don’t eat soup soon, it will get cold soon! This is my bowl chopsticks. I remember when I was a child, I was never too dirty as a jade elder sister. Now I won’t … "
Xin Ruyu’s face was slightly sluggish, but she soon returned to normal, revealing a look of longing and missing. "What are you talking about?" How can Sister Ruyu dislike me? I really miss it! At that time, your three sisters and Chen Ziqin’s little crazy bitch were probably the happiest time in thousands of years! " Said Xin Ruyu has used words to destroy this big bowl of dragon soup.
"Scales hold the smiling at Xin Ruyu, who is not very elegant and eats." Sister Ruyu is really sorry that people don’t know where you are at this moment! In the end, it makes you eat scraps, but the craftsmanship of Jade Sister is getting more and more exquisite! I envy people! "
A listen to "scale" also said somewhat ironic Xin Ruyu couldn’t help being more angry and swallowing a mouthful of dragon soup "hum! You bitch, don’t get cheap here and tell me. I don’t know your sex yet! You must have known this was my home and deliberately … Yes! You must have done it on purpose I’ll settle accounts with you after I finish eating later! " "Is this your man?" she asked, glancing at Yi Yu.
"Scale a face of smile took Yi Yu arm way" well! Jade elder sister, this is her. You can also call her with me. "
Yi Yu quickly saluted, "That … I’ve seen Sister Jade!" At this time, Yi Yu met the famous heart like a god, but his head was a little short-circuited and his heart andao "Is this the heart like a god?" ! That’s the dragon slayer? This world is simply crazy! "
Xin jade cold hum a "hum! Smelly little and I are close to who is your jade sister! " But when it comes to the later time, I can’t help but look slightly red and look at Shen Wei. I don’t know what the good sisters have tacitly agreed. "Don’t say something nice, it’s okay. Today, the dragon soup is not over yet!"
"Elder sister! Look at you. You scared our family to her! And I’m telling you! He bears a grudge! If you bully him, don’t ask him to seize the opportunity in the future … "
"yo! It’s hard to believe when my dirty sister became so good! " Said Xin Ruyu and looked at Yi Yu with a smile. "You really have two hands. At the beginning, Deng Yin was a famous handsome man in the fix true world. It’s not a two-woman monk who secretly promised his heart! But when it comes to our dirty here, it’s not just scolding and raising my hand … "He said, but he covered his mouth and laughed and said to himself," But it’s no wonder! Have you been forced to rebel by others? You must coax this husband this time! "
"hate it! Sister Ruyu said nothing! It’s a thing of the past. Why give it back to him? And if you make my sister jealous, there will be no good fruit to eat! "
Xin Ruyu smiled awkwardly and laughed. "Aye? Haven’t you heard of such a big deal? This is not my intention! "
Scale and all the people a slight ash don’t know xin jade mouth say what is the event "elder sister what are you talking about? My sisters and I are busy these days! I didn’t care about asking for information. Did it arrive before the big robbery? "
Xin Ruyu shook her head and laughed. "What a shot in the dark! It’s still a long way to go! Although it’s already gone, I’m afraid it will be decades before our life-and-death war! But heaven is unpredictable. Who can tell? "
"That you say what is it! Stop selling! Otherwise, I will be angry! "
Xin Ruyu laughed. "All right! I’ll tell you … you! " Said a face of banter at Yi Yu connect a way "just three days ago, Deng Yin alone fog hidden peak out Kunlun sent in addition to the one-yuan ancestor and silly monk, the rest of the younger brother was killed …"