He probably locked the area, but he still looked for it when he needed it, and the small humans who fled in haste on the earth were a little intrusive

Read this skeleton demon king and give a strange smile.
His staff slightly raised the strength of the bone handle and ordered all the bones in the surrounding area.
Whether they are fleeing, frightened or dull, or buried in the ruins of buildings, human beings are moving one by one, and bones are born from them like a big mouth to swallow them.
Myths are swallowed up by their own bones at the first sign of color change.
Blink of an eye The whole first-line province of Wan Li, regardless of gender, age, the strong and the weak are dying out in a flash.
Billions of people have been wiped out!
The whole province, city and ruins have not changed.
This is the tenth realm. The person in charge of the handle is terrible, and hundreds of millions of lives are dying.
"Gee, human beings are really fragile."
"No wonder there are so many people, but the real power is not worth anything."
"However, this human force has inherited the heritage of Candeira, and there should be many top creations in Candeira, as well as the one that is unclear and not in the treasure. Although it is not good to find a more powerful old guy."
He disdains human beings.
But the demon king knows that there are many ancient gods who are stronger than themselves.
This is what Fang You saw when he received the little magic notice and shuttled through the adjacent Yunhui oasis, and then shuttled several times to get out of the central holy court.
Countless scenes in which human beings are swallowed up by dead bones.
"Evil is a catastrophe, but sometimes some evil ancient times are also a catastrophe for human oases."
"There are ancient people who are friendly and ancient people who regard human beings as ants."
Ideas emerge from the heart.
Fang Yousi set foot in the first line of Shengting.
His face is very calm, as calm as ice, and he is about to erupt the extinct volcano.
While that force of the law spread throughout him.
There’s something far from ancient in sight.
A strong human found him.
In the distance, the skeleton demon king seems to be saying something.
Fang You didn’t care that he slowly raised his hand.
Killing handle equipment
Limited door opening
The wave swung from behind him, one after another, and the terrible orange Lei Guangyi scattered its strength.
In the distance, the skeleton demon king released the gray cloud and stretched out Qian Qian’s arm with thousands of bones.
This kind of sight makes the distant view of ancient times chilling.
They just white just now, the skeleton demon king has not made efforts, and that has already killed an ancient statue.
"It seems that the skeleton demon king is angry."
However, the thunder also burst like anger at this moment.
A lightning spear, which has refined the traveling force, finally stretches out from the wave.
Followed by the second handle, the twentieth handle and the 200th handle.
One handle after another is full of shattered and destructive forces, and the thunder spear suddenly shoots with his front finger.
The orange thunder river runs through!
Qian Qian white bones hand-made particles!
The laws of heaven and earth have been penetrated to form a vast void!
The skeleton demon king’s body soared several times, hundreds of thousands of meters high, but it was still covered by orange flood for a moment.
White jade bones shattered! Blue flame burst! Bones rule shattered!
Even the pebbles and bones seem to have been erased!
Hundreds of thousands of meters high, the Bones Giant smashed in less than ten thousand seconds.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-one This is the real win-win situation!

"Are you all right?"
An Jian You reached out your hand, and the white palm lit up in circles, bright and soft halos. These brilliance with purification power were like the same silky satin hanging down the body of Yi Yue Lou Xi.
The effect of her’ purification’ skill is much stronger than that of Wen Lian, the chief physician of Burning Mall. In an instant, she suppressed the peristalsis and alienation of many wounds wrapped in gauze of Yi Yue Luxi.
But at this time, Yi Yue and Lu Xi are not surprised that An Jianyou has such a strong purification ability. The echo in her mind is one thing-what is An Jianyou doing here in this burning mall?
This is not right!
At this moment, it seemed that there was a flash of golden light in her mind, and some confused heads were completely awake before those confused or finely clues were integrated at this moment.
Detective Yi Yue Lu Xi discovered the truth!
"I understand that the blue star forces that support you behind the scenes are the Chamber of Commerce!"
Blackstone Alliance and other forces have several speculations about the rise of Blue Star, among which there are two kinds that make people agree-Blue Star has obtained an ancient cultural heritage or Blue Star has obtained the support of a mysterious and powerful force.
Legacy is unlikely to make Blue Star rise and fall in all aspects of Star City, and it is denied that there are different opinions about the real reason why Blue Star is in the league.
But at this moment, Yi Yue Lu Xi realized!
If the super power of the Chamber of Commerce behind the blue star’s firewood can also explain why Anjian is here-she thinks it is not impossible to find out the loophole of the evil minions and sneak one or two people into the paradox.
Suddenly thought of what she said
"Don’t worry, you will never say anything when you see something today, I swear!"
Looking at Yi Yue, Lu Xi, serious eyes, seeing you in distress situation.
She hasn’t seen Yi Yue Lu Xi for more than two months. Unexpectedly, the girl was seriously injured when she met again.
"Let me treat you first. You are not optimistic now."
"Wait, I have something more important. Do you … do you know the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires?"
I was also very excited to meet my friend Yi Yue Lu Xi in a foreign land, but she didn’t forget that she had an important mission-to save the oasis.
In a few words, she revealed the cause of the incident, her hands clasped and her face was tense and uneasy, and she looked at the peace and quiet.
She thinks she is lucky to meet an acquaintance in the Fireburning Mall, and maybe she can meet the big shots of the Fireburning Chamber of Commerce more easily, but she is not sure whether the big shots can support their Blackstone Alliance.
It is very difficult for reason to tell itself.
Don’t say that she has a friendship with An Jianyou. Even if she can know the real big shot of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires and has a lot of friendship, she can’t influence the decision of a superpower.
Decision-making must proceed from the interests of the forces themselves.
But she had no choice. She could hold on tight to the darkness, and she could see the faint light and rush towards the crack that revealed the light.
After listening to Yi Yue Lu Xi’s description, I thought about the service road.
"I can’t promise you, but you’re not too worried. Probably no problem. What you should really worry about now is your physical problem."
An Jian You has already spoken God’s words, so I can see how bad the state of Bai Yi Yue’s dew is.
Her trauma and injury skills in Wenlian have generally healed. However, Yi Yue Luxi failed to wake up before, and she was injured many times all the way. Up to now, the girl’s erosion and pollution have been quite serious.
Generally speaking, she will often have hallucinations, hear crazy gibberish, and may have alienated skin, pustules, maggots and so on.
She may not last many years in this state.
Ann saw that you bit your lips, and the life energy surged out like a surging wave in the palm of your hand, making it charming and purifying.
In an instant, the dazzling golden brilliance filled the whole lounge, dazzling as if it were a golden sunrise rising in Ran Ran, which brought more warmth although it was harsh.
Yi Yue Lu Xi is like a person shivering with cold in the cold winter. Suddenly, she saw the morning sun breaking through the clouds, and though it was harsh, it was so comfortable that she couldn’t help groaning.
Her skin is faintly bulging, and it seems that there are insects crawling in it. At this moment, it seems to be soothed by a pair of warm hands to stop fidgeting.
Her mouth was wide enough to plug in a duck egg and a pair of eyes. wait for a while looked at Ann and saw you, refreshing her cognition all the time.

There is a shortage of permanent residents in cities and towns, and a town needs all kinds of jobs to fill it.

Fang you introduced some intelligent puppets, and it was full of fireworks when he glanced at it.
It’s still far from Candeira’s empire to talk about the art of life and enjoy it. It’s still in Candeira-the people of Blue Star are playing with flowers.
At this time, Chi Yan is eating marshmallows in his left hand and lollipops in his right hand.
"Who is the teacher?"
Wearing a long black dress and a red headband, I saw that you were giving yourself a half-day holiday, and I found my tutor and a strange figure far away.
The girl’s face is tender with pills, and the first one is a little shorter than Iloshi
He’s a lovely child.
See you very habitually stretched out his hand and touched the red Yan head red Yan is also very accustomed to enjoy the touch … Fang you Bengbu lived.
One is an Ann mother who is only over twenty years old;
One is the youngest 100-year-old sister Chiyan;
Ah, this …
But after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.
Chiyan is a senior martial sister of Firefighting College and an’ ancient’ who returned tens of thousands of years ago, but if the other tutor is peaceful and quiet, the senior martial sister Heidao is a senior brother.
Suo Chiyan sees you and Younger, and he thinks it is very reasonable.
Guess it’s hard to imagine that Chiyan is still Liu Feng and Elder Martial Sister Zhou Bao.
In those days, Chi Yan was a little older than Liu Feng.
The youngest is a treasure.
But Zhou Bao is a muscular guy because of his own talent. He is two or three meters tall in addition to his immature face.
When he advanced to the myth, he looked like a big young man.
Liu Feng is an’ average’ type, and his height is relatively immature on the other side of the average line. However, Liu Feng intends to dress up mature after taking the post of Dean of the College, so that he will not be looked down upon by outsiders.
He has been a dean for more than 100 years, and he has naturally matured a lot in receiving people from all walks of life and handling various matters.
On the contrary, Chi Yan’s life is longer, but she is either practicing closed or heading for the battle road.
How did she get the enemy’s fighting capacity? Brain, of course … Cough at the expense of all leisure time.
If it’s called worshipping the ninth pillar, fans don’t know if their faith will collapse when they find out that the red pillar is like this.
An Jian You seems to have mastered the skills of bringing a baby. After Xiao Lu’s cooking skills, she even gave Chiyan a sign.
Fang You didn’t arrange for Chi Yan to continue her cultivation.
These days, Chi Yan followed him or found himself in seclusion, scampering around the base or the Spark Oasis and the Fire Oasis.
He also took a break for a few days.
"Red Yan is far from recovering its combat power and is seriously damaged. At this time, it is definitely not possible to go to the front line. However, with the light red and the secret doll, it has already had two high positions and can barely have a combat power in the face of disaster."
In this era, disasters are getting worse and worse, and the evil camp is becoming more and more rampant. Only when there are high positions can they barely have the ability to dominate the battlefield.
High-ranking ants
The organizational strategy is still to look for the high-level means of killing the gods’ weapons on the basis of’ people’s cultivation’.
At the same time, enhance the existing two high-level combat power.
It’s very clear that Pale Red wants to ascend the road. Just kill the high-ranking Baal waiter and absorb their divine power. There will be no bottleneck before the repair degree is 999%
After all, the secret doll is not real life, and his secondary apostle recruitment voucher method is also a method to learn skills for the secret doll.
The secret doll’s own combat power has reached its peak, and it can increase its combat power by adding other accessories.
But Fang You still came up with a bold plan.
-make the’ nether emissary’ skill contract the secret doll and slowly increase its strength.
This is about feasible.
The difficulty lies in the contract.
It’s not enough to contract a high-ranking secret doll just because it sucks her dry.
So Mr Fang tried it himself.
Also failed.
"I’m already a demigod. Although I’m short of the talent of peace of mind, I’m worse than her in contract, but my comprehensive strength is stronger."
He can’t contract, let alone find peace and quiet.

But there is one thing about two people, that is, they are quick to talk about their posture and make moves quickly, and sometimes more than a dozen moves have passed in a moment.

Because both of them are too fast, sometimes they pull out a series of strange images, and then their respective images hit each other’s images. The scene is shocking.
In this way, the two martial arts masters were locked in a fight for a while.
A growl keeps ringing, and a light roar echoes, and the yellow world echoes endlessly.
When I was promoted to middle school, I fell to the ground. Before I knew it, it was nearly 200 strokes. Each of them was hit by the other side. Many strokes were made. Hu Ling’s ribs were kicked off, but Hu Ling’s hidden spirits also beat the gray man to blood, and his left shoulder bone was cracked. However, it was still difficult for them to win or lose.
Lin Yi can see that both of them are looking for opportunities, so that if the master tries to find each other a little mistake, he will give each other a fatal attack. At that time, it will also be the most effective way to solve the problem. It can be seen that the gray man is also fighting for his life.
Because Hu Ling can’t be weak in front of the hidden soul.
After dozens of strokes, the gray man finally seized the opportunity again. His body turned continuously to avoid Hu Ling’s hidden soul, and the Hu Ling hidden soul struck the stone, sparking the flash, and the gray man kicked out the flash-like chain foot too fast!
Hu Ling Tibetan Soul dodged two feet but didn’t dodge the third foot. The gray man kicked Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s left calf, which is the strength. Previously, the two feet were confusing. The strength of this foot kicked off Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s left leg. Hu Ling Tibetan Soul roared, and his body staggered. This gray man’s figure instantly rose, and then he quickly reversed his position in his body and slammed his head toward Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s huge head with his hands.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul raised his palm over his head to block it.
The people in gray came with strong hands and a strategic position. Hu Ling’s hidden soul was shaken and his feet fell into the ground.
The man in gray grabbed the lead, and it seems that he will no longer give Hu Ling a breathing space.
He still borrowed the palm of Hu Ling’s hidden soul from his head toward his feet, and raised his palm again. He didn’t give Hu Ling the hidden soul withdrawal machine, and Hu Ling’s hidden soul struggled to raise his palm and block the gray man’s palm again.
Four palms touching each other is another deafening sound.
Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul was shocked and his body sank half a foot. It was terrible that those animal eyes protruded.
The man in gray was also shaken by Hu Ling’s hidden soul force, and his body trembled. The blood in his mouth was dripping, and Hu Ling’s hidden soul lifted his face
The gray man once again borrowed his hands to raise his hands and hit Hu Ling to hide the soul.
In this way, I came to Hu Ling several times to hide my soul, and my body fell into the belly button.
Shocked the audience.
Looking back, he shouted excitedly, "Ha, ha, ha, play again and bury the Hu Ling Tibetan dog alive."
Lin Yi is equally excited. It’s really rare to see such a duel. Lin Yi picks up the bottle gourd in his waist, picks up the seal, lifts his neck and even pours it several times, shouting good.
Hope to come back and grab it for fear that Lin Yi will drink it all.
Qin Duoduo people feel heart sinking at the moment.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul in their hearts was hit by this gray man at the moment!
Their eyes are about to fall out, too
Hu Ling’s hidden soul was seized by the people in gray, and it was hard to escape. He was as angry as a trapped beast, unwilling to roar and deafening.
Chapter 59 People will die (1)
The gray man hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul into the ground while the iron is hot, but he didn’t give Hu Ling the hidden soul counterattack machine to continue and hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul. His body kept sinking into the ground, and he roared and shook the earth, making the nearby mountain forest return. The tired bird flew up in fright and sang uneasily, waving its tired wings and flying away in the distance.
The gray man combo fell into the ground, and Hu Ling hid the soul. The scene that the two men shook their hands and the earth trembled was amazing
Everyone knows that if you go to Hu Ling to hide your soul, your body will eventually be hit by the gray man until it is hard to resist the last blow of the gray man and your head will burst and die.
Qin Duoduo looked at the willies and was ready to run.
When the gray man’s body borrows power and rises again, his hands strike Hu Ling’s hidden soul again, the bones of Hu Ling’s hidden soul make a sound, and at the same time, the smell of carrion is stronger.
The gray man hit Hu Ling with both hands and lifted his hands over the top to block this sharp blow, but this time it happened, so that everyone didn’t think of inversion, and the four hands touched the instant. Hu Ling’s hidden soul did an incredible thing. His right palm suddenly moved to the right like a flash, and his left palm also moved strongly with the gray man’s left palm, but suddenly without the right palm to block it, the gray man’s right palm fell and hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul, covering his huge head with hides.
Although the lag of Hu Ling’s right palm first offset part of the force of the gray man’s palm, this palm is still nearly half of the force. Hu Ling’s hidden soul was hit, and his skull was cracked. His eyes almost protruded out of his eyes, and there was blood spurting out of his eyes. Even the skin that covered his mouth spit blood out, saying that he vomited a lot of blood.

A ninth country visits the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires … or the organization for burning Fires must have the same person to meet.

Liu Feng will personally receive the sage on behalf of the firewood.
The trip of the sage of Cangtu is an official visit.
He didn’t create a power. He was a lone sage, but in the ninth place, he was more important than the idle overlord.
It is said that the sage of Cangtu visited the Burning Fire College, not the Spark City, but the Burning Oasis, which involved a powerful core and door.
The core of the falling star city is that the grandeur of the city far exceeds that of the Xinghui fortress, but the falling star city is not open to the outside world for Chinese people to enter
The situation of Gu Yue dynasty, Honglian empire and Yunhui seven countries is generally similar
Their capital city has been promoted to a nine-level oasis, but the real reception of guests, talks and meetings, and business cooperation are often carried out in the gate city.
This has something to do with Ann.
The core capital of a super oasis is usually closed to outsiders. Many times, the location of the capital is hidden in the depths of the ritual map.
A brief visit to Spark City by three sages, such as Bai Yao, was due to its coincidence.
In the future, Bai Yaoxian will choose Burning Fire City instead of Spark City when he visits Burning Fire.
So many foreign superpowers have set up missions to visit the burning city, but they are not visiting the burning chamber of commerce, but the burning college
The name of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires is not loud, but it is not enough to attract guests from other countries.
However, if the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires is behind this period of fame and saved many oasis firewood organizations, it will be completely different.
The firewood organization has great strength and great righteousness!
Most of the forces who went to the burning city were indebted to the burning organization. Of course, it would be a beautiful thing to establish closer ties with the burning city.
A small part of them are well-informed forces who want to rub their chance.
But even these well-informed people know that the salary college is not as simple as the new overlord, and the powerful forces are also stunned at the moment.
"Is it a sage?"
"The great in unexpectedly in burning city? Is the power of firewood more mysterious than we know? "
"Is there a possibility that those who are wise in the dark are more enthusiastic and love to bring along the descendants of mankind?"
The sage of Cangtu is indeed a great human elder with a great sense of righteousness and great kindness.
Early warning of this disaster and tide has reduced a lot of losses to human forces.
But …
"The sage of Cangtu is warm-hearted, but the trace of this sage is quite difficult to find. Many hegemonic forces have failed to invite the sage of Cangtu to their oasis."
"Not long ago, the seven powers of Yunhui were able to invite sages to sit in the town because of disasters."
"But as soon as the disaster was over, the sage left the watery country. I didn’t expect to see this great man here today."
There are myths to marvel at

Zhang Yi nodded and replied, "Xiang said it was because the captain’s position was too important that Chen Kecai chose the almighty and the mediocre!" Not only fresh graduates from naval universities, but also foreign students who returned from studying in Britain and Germany, and Beiyang old man? You can’t know these people, can you? What are their abilities? "

Liu Yan toad replied difficultly, "Yes, some of them are very capable. If there is no spare position now, they would have become a captain!" "
Xu Huaijin replied, "Brother Xiang, this means that no matter how much Chen Ke moves, first of all, he has no selfishness. Second, he has one criterion for selecting talents-ability! Brother Xiang, I can assure you that in the future, you will do your best to train the Chinese navy and Chen Ke will shine brilliantly! He is the only candidate for your future successor! "
Liu Yan toad said with a wry smile, "But two good brothers, what should these laid-off workers do?" They are all heroes, and now the admiralty is boiling over the sky. If you listen to them, it will definitely do a lot of harm to the navy! We can’t be indifferent! "
Zhang Yi looked at Xu Huaijin and replied, "Brother Huai Jin’s concern is still very reasonable. Do you have any plans?"
Xu Huaijin mused, "I haven’t thought about the specific plan yet, but I think there are some people who are still in their prime of life, but they are still in their forties. However, because their naval theory is out of date, they still stayed twenty or thirty years ago. This is absolutely impossible. I think it is better to directly transfer them to the Naval University for recharging, but this matter needs incense to master. Forgive me for telling you the truth, even if they are in their prime of life, they have already lacked the spirit of hard work and enterprising spirit. Brother Xiang, you must give them back the so-called shame and courage! Once they get out of the naval university again, that’s when they get heavy again! "
Liu Yan toad was overjoyed. Yeah, aren’t they incompetent? Then I’ll transfer them back to the Naval University for further study, set up two advanced naval classes, and let them forge again. Why don’t they have face when their younger generations are compared? If I don’t learn a lesson, I’ll spare them in the first place. It’s a shame!
Liu Juanchan replied, "Good Huai Jin Xiandi will listen to you and I will ask Chen Kelian to cooperate with him, which will also relieve the pressure of Chen Kelian’s reform!"
Immediately, Liu Yan toad’s eyes were a little dim again and then asked, "Huai Jin, what about the other people?"
Xu Huaijin thought a little and then said, "Those who are over 55 years old can be given a first-class rank when they are discharged from active service. If they are under 55 years old, they can choose to enter the Admiralty. Now the Navy is becoming more and more important and heavy, and the Admiralty should also increase its establishment. However, the posts in the Admiralty are also very important. You must make careful arrangements and never get out of the basket. It will be you who will be in trouble then!"
Liu Yan-chan laughed and worried that the problem had been solved by Xu Huaijin. If these people were properly resettled, who would be full and make trouble?
Zhang Yi went on to say, "You should also watch Chen Ke’s place. Of course, don’t interfere with the general direction. It is understandable that Chen Ke is a little young and sometimes short-tempered, but two or three years after he adjusts the navy in place, you will see a completely different navy. Then we will go to the navy to inspect it, but we will see what this Chen Ke can do!"
Liu Yan-chan said with a wry smile, "I’m loyal to you now. Chen Ke has to say that I have the ability and pattern. I’m relieved to be in the admiralty for three years. I was looking forward to it for three years. Chen Ke, don’t let us down!"
Chapter one thousand one hundred and eleven Joy begets sorrow
Yu Yamada drink a way "honk! Hey! "
Yushulong must quickly lower his head.
Yu Yamada said with a sigh, "Yushu Jun, compared with me, it is much more difficult for you to lead the army to surrender, but I have to have a caesarean section. You have to find a way for the army to revive the future empire. It depends on you! Please! "
Yu Yamada spoke and bowed deeply to Yushu Longbeard.
Yushulong must hate to stamp his foot. How unwilling he is to surrender, General. This title will become a stain that he will never erase in his life!
However, the elite combat power of these empires can now be thought of
Yu Yamada sighed, "Yushu Jun, you should first prepare for the Huaxia Revolutionary Army. Once you attack, you should lead the army to surrender!"
Yushulong’s eyes were complicated and he slowly retreated.
Yu Yamada turned around and pulled out his saber. The white handkerchief wiped the saber again and unbuttoned his clothes. In front of him, there appeared the figure of the family of the far empire, the son and the lovely little daughter. All this has gone away from him and there is no chance to meet again.
Yu Yamada murmured "Static, Taro, Excellent …"
The long knife in his hand was suddenly inserted into his chest and abdomen, and the viscera in his body flowed out. Yu Yamada was planted to the ground
Yushulong watched Yu Yamada quietly not far away. He has been following the imperial generals since he joined the army. So he died in Lingxiu Mountain!
Yushu dragon must be ordered, "Come and division head cabinet has been cut open to tidy up the body of division head cabinet …"
Yushu Longxu’s voice did not go down, and the Chinese Revolutionary Army once again launched a fierce attack on the hill! Self-propelled artillery battalion and cavalry division launched the final charge from four directions: southeast and northwest!
Wang Jiazhu was so angry that he lost his adult this time. If it weren’t for the self-propelled artillery battalion, he almost let the Japanese divisions run away. I will never forgive the mistake!
Now Wang Jiazhu has launched another onslaught at two o’clock in the morning, regardless of the exhaustion of the army. First, he shelled the heaped-up mountains fiercely, bombing all Japanese troops, crying and crying, and then the cavalry began to attack the heaped-up mountains!
Fortunately, the heaped-up mountain where the Japanese army is located is very short, and the surrounding terrain is fairly flat. If it is steep, the cavalry division will have to abandon the horse and attack the mountain. Thousands of cavalry are madly attacking Wang Jiazhu from the north and south, and the horses are the first to rush over!
If we can’t clean up the Japanese army with heaped-up mountains tonight, the old man won’t go back to Seoul!
Facing the overwhelming cavalry, the Japanese army has just recovered from the fire of the Chinese revolutionary army, and now it has no fighting spirit!
How can you fight for a day and two nights with almost no food or water? Don’t say that the cavalry is desperate, but it is difficult to get up and walk a few steps!
The top of the mountain is a face of despair and miscalculation. Unfortunately, Yu Yamada cut his belly in vain. Where did he want the Chinese Revolutionary Army to be so hard that he launched a general attack on the Japanese army again in the early hours of the morning?
Now that I haven’t called the main generals and officers to release the news of surrender, the Chinese Revolutionary Army has already begun to fight at night. I hate the Japanese Chinese Revolutionary Army. Will it still give the Japanese a way out at this time? Dream On!
Yushu Longxu roared, "Ordering the army to fight is to die and the last one will never surrender!"
All Japanese troops followed the footsteps of Yushu Longbeard to meet the cavalry of the Chinese Revolutionary Army and staggered over!
Is this still a war? It’s all unstable
Wang Jiazhu, however, will never be polite to command the cavalry to quickly rush into the Japanese crowd and divide the Japanese army one by one to kill!
Anger has already made a killing order before Wang Jiazhu. Anyway, it is night to kill the Japanese army! Only in this way can I get rid of my old hatred!
A fierce battle! A fierce battle!
To come to an abrupt end is also abrupt.
Thousands of Japanese down-archers and cavalry have been annihilated in less than two hours, and the dead Japanese have covered the heaped-up mountains. Finally, only hundreds of Japanese soldiers can no longer hold on to throwing their weapons and surrendering!
Wang Jiazhu stared at the Japanese soldiers and sneered, "Do you want to return to your lair safely? Dreaming? Old man has no habit of giving preferential treatment to prisoners! Command the machine gunner to prepare to send this group of king eggs to pile up the dead bodies and set a fire for the old department to burn! "
The cavalry rushed the Japanese captives together with the chief of staff, Yushu Longxu, and one of them was very heavy machine guns. The gun was pointed at the group in the dark and the soldiers dropped together!
Yushu Longxu shouted, "No! You can’t do this! You can’t honk like this! Ga! ……”
Wang Jiazhu, however, no matter how much he waved his hand mercilessly, the heavy machine guns started shooting wildly and oppressively, and the sound of the machine guns suppressed the shouting of Yushu Dragon!
Blink of an eye hundreds of Japanese military department was reached. At this time, Wang Jiazhu just felt the evil spirit in his chest and spit it out. "* * * * * This is your invasion of China yard! Come and clean up the body and prepare to set fire! "
Ten thousand bodies were piled up together like a hill. The Chinese Revolutionary Army poured several barrels of gasoline on the corpse mountain. Nearly a hundred soldiers put their torches into the fire in the corpse mountain.
Wang Jiazhu laughed heartily!
Wang Jiazhu shouted, "Order all the soldiers to retreat to Tushan for rest and return to Seoul at noon the next day!"
Although the news that Wang Jiazhu slaughtered the Japanese army can hide from foreigners, it can’t hide from Xu Huaijin. At this time, Xu Huaijin got the news of killing prisoners and smashed the teacup with anger!
This is the second time that this group of king eggs have done all these irrelevant things, and they have followed the old bus and a tiger as bastards! The long trip to China and the Republic of China is ruined by * * * *!
Xu Huaijin roared, "Order to temporarily revoke all military posts of Wang Jiazhu and return to Mukden to reflect! I don’t want them to point at the old nose every day and call us a primitive and wild tribe! Make anyone dare to abuse and kill prisoners again! Hell to pay! "
Wang Jiazhu was so happy that he got the military order. He is now dead, even if he is demoted, even if he is a soldier, he must not let the old man fight!
Chapter one thousand one hundred and twelve Inspection again
Defeng Sun muttered, "President, in three days’ time, we will conduct another flight demonstration skydiving experiment to invite you to see if it is necessary to postpone it temporarily …"
Zhang Yi gave Defeng Sun a hard stare, although he hated iron to produce, but after all, Defeng Sun was able to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible and could not be too harsh.
Zhang Yi said stiffly, "In three days, the performance will be cancelled and postponed for a week. Today we will go to Huairou Army Experimental Base. I will personally inspect it!"
Xu Huaijin took a slightly surprised look at Zhang Yi and said, "The instructor used to tell you the truth. If you dare to board the plane again, I will not stop with you!"
Xu Huaijin has been scared out of his mind. There was a fault in the plane, but it was the most terrible thing. Never let this happen again. No one can bear great responsibility in the event of an accident!

These magical powers represent the achievements of his practice today.

If the avatar is the magic weapon and instrument of Dharma, it is equivalent to surgery.
Can show the power of law.
And six busy is his way.
He realized what he was practicing today.
On the one hand, the foundation of Miaodao Emperor evolved, and the other five incarnations in the world have their own characteristics.
After reading it roughly, Lingqing began to practice again.
Since he practiced the true form of Huang Di in Lingxiao Temple, he has already refined it.
It has even been sacrificed to refine the true shape of Bai Di.
"Western Sudian Baidi’s Seven Doors Jin Linghao reflects Taihua’s flowing atmosphere, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white stone, white
Taibai examines the lung, Kuilou defends the soul and the stomach, and the master system of the seven-ginseng total bucket is Bei Yuan.
The nine-day text of the red jade word is taken to call Wan Youpu to the emperor.
The seven charms of the Western Mountain, Wei Qi Fu Shui Long, called the mountain to send clouds, and were granted here to the Emperor’s gate to assist Wei Zhen in destroying the evil source. If there is an ominous golden red charm, the wind and the fire post. "
This western seven-qi Lingbao jade article is true and natural.
A Jin Zhen Bao dong micro-essay, a Xishan mantra and a Bai Di Wei Zhao Long Wen
The white emperor wears a white jade crown and a white flying suit.
Guiding flood is good at heaven and all beings are in the spiritual path.
His five emperors’ true form has the third, and his practice of the white emperor’s true form is faster, and now it is almost refined
After his five emperors’ true sacrifice is refined, he can try to reconcile the five qi and the Yuan Dynasty so as to be promoted to the immortal.
So Lingqing let Miaodao Emperor and Miaoling Emperor go back while practicing in the dark.
When they disappeared, they grew long enough to attract attention.
Time flies, and when Lingqing comes, I also listen to Liangshan Magic Star hitting Suzhou City.
On this day, while he was practicing in the cave, he suddenly felt that Shaqi rushed to the sky outside the cave and that the familiar star magic gas was close at hand.
He went out of the hole and looked to see the armored Jin Ge outside Hangzhou.
It was sung river who led a group of Liangshan troops to attack all the armed forces, with a total of more than 40 plough and goblins.
He looked at it carefully and saw that the worst one had the first combat power of a fairy.
The first Lu Junyi, Sheng, Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and other stars of the highest day have the initial strength of the fairy.
Although their ascension is due to their destiny and the characteristics of magic stars.
Ling Qing has experienced several battles against the fairy before, and she is confident that she will not lose to them even if she doesn’t fight the law.
However, the speed of this strength increase is too fast, and it has crossed two great realms in just ten years.
This made him feel that it was really worthy of the reincarnation of Xing Jun.
And it is also evident that the demon emperor can use his strength to rob Manichaeism.
After some fighting, Hao Siwen was captured alive and entered the city. Fang Tianding cut his head to warn Song Jiangjun.
Xu Ning was shot in the neck by a poisonous arrow.
The first siege was frustrated and two generals were lost, which made Sung River dare not move at the moment.
So after half a month, Chen Jiaguang swam across the West Lake, killing the sun and rushing to the sky.
Lingqing met Zhu Guang when she went out of the cave.
"Why is Brother here?"
"The day before yesterday, Zhang Shun was shot and hanged in Yongjinmen by Fang Tianxing.
Now Song Jiang and his party are angry and swear to break the revenge of Hao Siwen, Xu Ning and Zhang Shun in Hangzhou.
Seeing that this Hangzhou city is about to burn, why should I stay in it if I don’t come out? "Zhu Guangdao

At this moment, the ancient battlefield spirit of the cyclops knew that it was broken, but at this moment, he couldn’t come because he couldn’t move because of his body.

And just then Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin attack has arrived.
More than a dozen sword shadows have also fallen on the ancient battlefield of the Cyclops.
The cyclops ancient battlefield spirit felt as if his body had been struck by lightning for a moment, let alone moved, and he couldn’t even adjust his strength to resist.
The reason why the cyclops’ ancient battlefield heroes are like this is that half of Xu Ren’s sword shadow contains thunder force.
So many swords and shadows with thunder force fall at the same time. Even the powerful cyclops ancient battlefield spirits can’t bear to be settled by thunder force.
After the cyclops ancient battlefield spirit was settled, Xu Ren and the small demon leopard Molin instantly condensed out more than a dozen swords and shadows and attacked the cyclops ancient battlefield spirit that was settled.
Being trapped in the ancient battlefield of Cyclops, the spirits complained in their hearts, but they didn’t have a chance to resist. They could watch Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Mo Lin’s sword shadow fall on themselves one after another.
A series of sounds like muffled thunder came to Xu Ren and the small demon leopard Molin’s sword shadow also fell one after another on the ancient battlefield of the Cyclops.
At this time, the ancient battlefield spirit of Cyclops has already felt the smell of death, and now he doesn’t even have a chance to blow himself up.
This is also the fact that Xu Ren and Mo Lin, a small demon leopard, decided to take tactics against the explosion of the ancient battlefield of the Cyclops. Although the consumption of firm but gentle is more serious, it is more insurance than letting the other party explode.
The ancient battlefield of the cyclops became more and more humbled, but there was no chance in the end. After Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin attacked for an hour, his body was burned to ashes. It was Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin who controlled the ancient battlefield of the cyclops and stayed behind.
Killing this cyclops family’s ancient battlefield spirit will also make Xu Ren and Xiao Yaobao Molin very tired. To be on the safe side, Xu Ren and Xiao Yaobao Molin decided to temporarily shrink the spirit lock cover until they recovered from the injury before going out.
In a blink of an eye, Xu Ren has been in the lock cover for more than half a month
Half a month later, Xu Ren’s dark wound has been completely recovered. Not only has the dark wound been completely recovered, but his cultivation realm has also risen to the peak of Yupu realm. It takes a suitable opportunity to break through to the immortal realm.
Then Xu Ren tried to refine the will that was stripped from the British aura.
This is also a dangerous attempt for Xu Ren. When he refines that will, he divides it into three parts. Two life-saving flying swords devour two parts and he refines one himself.
After repeatedly confirming that there was no harm, Xu Ren divided the will into four parts, one for his little demon leopard Molin and one for the "black hole" and "whatever you want".
So after another month or so, Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin have stripped the body spirit from the spirit spirit, and the hidden will has been refined.
After refining those aura, Mo Linxiu, the little demon leopard, became more solid, but still failed to break through the bottleneck.
Xu Ren’s two life-threatening flying swords have been promoted to a certain extent, so his firm but gentle body is twice as full as before.
However, due to life, the flying sword rose to his body, but although it was full, it was very convergent. It is estimated that even if it rose to the top of the sword, it would be difficult to see through his body.
In addition, the little demon leopard also gained something, that is, the heart felt something and condensed a new flying sword.
In this way, Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, also has two life flying swords. One "instant" is obtained by choosing the master through the flying sword, and the other "extinction" is obtained by sublimation of its own annihilation power.
Xu Ren is also happy that the little demon leopard Molin has one more life flying sword, which means that he has twice the firm but gentle shock wave. After that, the little demon leopard Molin’s fighting lethality will inevitably be stronger.
This Xu Ren gave a sharpening stone to the little demon leopard Molin, so the two flying swords of the little demon leopard Molin could sharpen the blade at the same time.
Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, was so happy that he even walked in high spirits with wind.
I feel that I and the little demon leopard Molin are back to the best, and Xu Ren also directly removed the spirit lock cover
In this way, they have re-exposed the ancient battlefield.
Xu Ren and Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, didn’t feel like it when they were in the spirit lock cover, but they immediately felt stared at by something after they came out of the spirit lock cover.
This feeling made Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin feel bad, so one person and one demon quickly left the place and ran away toward the parallel area of his ancient battlefield
Mo Lin, a former demon leopard, refined a lot of ancient battlefields, and he also got a certain understanding of the division of forces in the ancient battlefields. Most of the powerful ancient battlefields have been eliminated by them in this parallel area, and there are several ancient battlefields with similar strength in the East.
Xu Ren felt that before they met those ancient battlefield spirits, they should all have the will to hide their aura. Perhaps it was that will that prompted those ancient battlefield spirits to besiege him and the little demon leopard Mo Lin.
And those ancient battlefields didn’t come in the memory of the heroes. The achievements of the ancient battlefields were not controlled by the hidden will. If he could get there, he might be able to avoid the breath that locked them.
It is because of this idea that Xu Ren and Molin, the little demon leopard, rushed towards the east quickly.
Xu Ren and Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, are not slow, especially after their strength rises, the speed is even faster.
However, although they were not slow, they were still driven out by that powerful guy.
Because that guy is fast and has ten wings.
Xu Ren is no stranger to the bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit with wings behind him, but he and the little demon leopard met the bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit with strong wings, and some of them have six wings, but this bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit has ten wings.
The ten-winged bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit is still very fast. Even though Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin are not slow, they are still chased by the ten-winged bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit.
See the bird with ten wings Terran ancient battlefield spirit theory is Xu Ren or small demon leopard Molin all feel at ease. In their impression, this kind of bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit seems to have no strength except speed, and it is stronger than the dwarf ancient battlefield spirit, even less than the cyclops.
"I finally found you. I didn’t expect you little creatures to ask me to do it myself."
The bird with ten wings behind it, the ancient battlefield spirit of Terran, saw Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin and immediately appeared murderous look in the whole body.
"But I don’t know why you want to find us?"
Xu Ren asked in surprise.
"Of course it’s killing you."
The bird with ten wings behind him, the ancient battlefield spirit of Terran, has already rushed towards Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin when talking.
Chapter one thousand two hundred and fifty-four Escape
Xu Ren is sullen, but he can’t do nothing in the face of the attack of the ancient battlefield spirit of the Terran with ten wings behind him.
In addition, Xu Ren also wanted to see how strong the spirit of the Terran ancient battlefield with ten wings behind him was, so he didn’t avoid waving his Xinghai sword directly and went to meet the spirit of the Terran ancient battlefield with ten wings behind him.
Xu Ren’s Xinghai sword behind the bird with ten wings Terran ancient battlefield spirit collided together and suddenly there was a powerful shock wave spreading around.
Xu Ren’s figure was also knocked down by this powerful force and flew out more than twenty feet away, and his insides surged.
At this time, Xu Ren was very surprised in his heart. He really didn’t expect that the ancient battlefield spirit of the Terran with ten wings behind it had such a powerful force and was a physical force
Just now, Xu Renfen felt that the other party did not move. The unique ShaQi power of the ancient battlefield spirit is pure physical strength.
Of course, even the body of the ancient battlefield heroes is condensed by ShaQi, and such strength should not be beyond ShaQi category.
The Terran ancient battlefield hero with ten wings behind him also showed some surprise to Xu Ren, but this did not affect his attack. He saw that his figure flashed and he had once again rushed to Xu Ren.
This bird with ten wings behind it, the ancient battlefield spirit of Terran, is too fast, and it is almost there, making it difficult for Xu Ren to respond.
Good Xu Ren is not alone. He has the solid backing of the little demon leopard Molin.
Therefore, when the ten-winged bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit is about to attack Xu Ren near, the little demon leopard Molin’s attack has already reached the bird Terran ancient battlefield spirit near first.
There was another loud noise.
The ten-winged bird, the ancient battlefield of Terran, the heroic spirit, the small demon leopard Molin first confronted each other.
Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, has seen the situation when Xu Ren, a bird with ten wings, confronted the ancient battlefield hero of Terran. He thinks that he is no more powerful than Xu Renqiang in terms of strength. When he faced the ancient battlefield hero of the bird with ten wings, he didn’t dare to be careless and directly exerted his physical strength.
This collision is still necessary and effective.
Although the small demon leopard Molin’s figure was shaken out by the ancient battlefield spirit of the Terran with ten wings, the ancient battlefield spirit of the Terran with ten wings was also directly shaken out several feet away.
Of course, even so, Xu Ren and Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, are still at an absolute disadvantage. They feel that this ten-winged bird Terran ancient battlefield has no chance to win.
Swish swish-
I feel that my side is not an adversary, Xu Ren and Molin, the little demon leopard, nor is the bird with ten wings entangled with the ancient battlefield spirits of Terran and directly fled with speed.
Although the spirit of the Terran ancient battlefield with ten wings is very fast, Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin don’t recognize themselves and have no chance to escape. If they leave the hidden will to control the ancient battlefield, they will still have a chance.
Seeing Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin trying to escape, the spirit of the Terran ancient battlefield with ten wings could not agree, so he flapped his wings directly and ran after Xu Ren and the little demon leopard Molin.
Xu Ren and Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, will both be released because the ancient battlefield of the Terran with ten wings is too strong. If they still limit their strength, they will have no chance to fight.
Xu Ren and Mo Lin, the little demon leopard, are faster after the Godsworn was released.

Simply dressed, it exudes a cold aura, and the green snake hair on the top of the head is vivid and clever …

Pei Hong is convinced at a glance that this woman is definitely not an ordinary person.
[When did my younger brother have such a ruthless role around him? 】
Chapter 10 You are not welcome here
"Go ahead! What do you want to do this time? "
Quietly staring at PeiHong Xiaoqing nature can’t help but know this man.
When she was in Ningxiang County, she had seen Pei Wende with her own eyes, and she knew that he was Pei Wende’s blood brother.
Just like Pei Wende, Xiaoqing didn’t give him any special treatment because of the other party’s identity.
On the contrary, with the "lead" of the old housekeeper, Xiaoqing has already had a bad feeling about Pei’s family.
As the saying goes, Xiaoqing will know that Pei Hong has never crossed the mountain for such a long time without thinking about it. This sudden mountain will definitely not be a simple search for relatives.
"Er, I want to see my brother and Zen master Lingyou this time."
Briefly hesitated a PeiHong so honestly confessed.
However, in response to him, Xiaoqing sneered at the straightforward expression of the world.
"This is the seclusion of the old monk Lingyou, and he knows exactly what happened outside."
"But he hasn’t come out to see you until now. He didn’t even ask you to go in. Can’t you understand him?"
Depending on PeiHong embarrassed Xiaoqing pointed to one side also embarrassed Zhang Chusheng continued.
"You are not welcome here!"
"Neither the old monk Lingyou nor Pei Wende welcome you."
Xiaoqing’s categorical tone at that time made Pei Hong not know how to meet us.
Pay attention to the way of the world, shrewd and tactful officialdom, and no one has ever said so bluntly that Pei Hong is more embarrassing than directly reprimanding and scolding.
Good Pei Hong is worthy of experiencing big waves, and the character quickly adjusted his mentality and expression.
"Little Niang, this is the first time you and I met, but I don’t know they welcome me."
"Besides, even if they really misunderstand me, I believe I can explain it clearly."
I have to say that Pei Hong’s response was really decent, which not only saved the faces of both sides, but also showed his sincerity to the maximum extent.
Nai, this time he is not facing a "person" but a snake demon.
Root too lazy to PeiHong too many words Xiaoqing stretched out his hand and was going to directly carry each other and the old housekeeper out of the hall.
At this time, a sigh suddenly entered four people’s ears.
"Pei benefactor, is this necessary for you?"
As the gate of the back yard of the Buddhist temple was slowly pushed open, I don’t know when the door appeared, and the Zen master sighed low.
"As early as twenty years ago, I agreed with the monk Pei Laoju …"
"He gave me Wende to take refuge in seclusion and never sent anyone to disturb me."
"But three years ago, your sister wanted to take Wende away."
"At that time, I didn’t insist that Wende didn’t want to go to the mountain. It was his own choice."
"But now that you have come to the mountains to be a monk, don’t I have any temper?"
The tone is not exciting, but everyone can hear the anger in Jackson Ling You’s words.
"Monk, I never do anything to break up people’s families, but I also don’t allow my brother to be threatened by people for mutual affection."
"Now that Wende has expressed his attitude, even if the old king comes, he and Pei have no"
"He’s my brother Lingyou, but I wish you something in Weishan Tongqing Temple, but Shangu blacksmith’ raises’ …"
"But it can’t be a gift from you, Pei Jiayou, and it’s not a gift from you, Pei Hong, to express filial piety."
Lingyou Zen master has been avoiding seeing each other because he has seen each other’s thoughts.
It’s a pity that Pei Hong doesn’t know whether to be stupid or not and directly stab the table with the things that both sides are most unwilling to face.
"It’s natural that Zen master can take such good care of his younger brother Pei Hong."
There was a slight pause in tone, and Pei Hong’s performance at this time was a real veteran of officialdom.
Not only did the tone remain humble, but even the face didn’t turn red, as if the other party said it wasn’t himself.
"But this time, Huier failed to take Wendeshan because Pei’s family was in a bad situation and he couldn’t bear to continue to suffer with us."
"Plus, anyway, we all live in Tanzhou. Sometimes, talk slowly about Wende."
"But this time it’s different. We have got specific news that my father will make a comeback and return to Chang ‘an in a few days."
"In other words, Pei Hong came here to pick up my younger brother and go to Chang ‘an to enjoy himself."
When this statement comes out, don’t say that it’s Ling You Jackson and Xiaoqing. Even Zhang Chusheng, who doesn’t talk, looks at him with scorn.
Let’s just say whether Pei Hong’s comeback is true or not. Just revealing the meaning in the other party’s words can show that he is hiding from Pei Xiu to find his own door this time.
This also confirms the statement of Zen master Lingyou from the side.
Pei Hong’s visit to the mountain may be partly because he wants to take Pei Wende to enjoy the happiness, but it is more likely that he wants to show his filial piety in front of Pei Xiu.
After all, I can see from before PeiHui that Pei Xiu is very concerned about PeiWende, a young man who avoids disaster.
"Ha ha, master, long time no see!"
Seeing that the scene was about to reach a deadlock, a hearty laugh suddenly came from the outside.
Then I saw Zou Qiwu, who took the moon, striding into the Buddhist temple and timely solving the embarrassment of some people in the place.
"Hey? Isn’t this the boss of the Pei family? "
"Why? Did you also worship Buddha today? "
No trace stopped Pei Hongling’s Zen master Zou Qiwu’s moon, who couldn’t bear to look straight in the eyes and looked at Pei Hong in surprise.
"Speaking of which, your grandfather told me about you when I was drinking with him yesterday!"
"I’m afraid he would have died when he was demoted to Tanzhou if you hadn’t been running for years."
"He also told me that you haven’t been home to see him for a long time …"
"He misses you and the loyal housekeeper so much now that you remember to go home and see him."
Looking at the bright and clear Zou Qiwu Peihong silently, I know that if I continue to stick to that topic just now, I’m afraid I will really be thrown away by someone in the place.

"Miss …" She called hesitantly.

"What is it?"
"Handmaiden heard some smell outside …"
I looked up at her. "What’s that smell?" "It is said outside that the fact that the master’s body was stolen was attributed to the young lady …" I asked with a frown. "Where did you hear that?" Xinger mumbled something, "Handmaiden went to buy food and listen to the street today. Many people say …"
I hesitated for a moment, put the pen in the pen rack and asked her, "Do you believe it?"
"Handmaiden, of course, don’t believe! How can a young lady do such a thing when she is in the house every day and she is a delicate girl? " She said angrily, "I don’t know which one is gossiping about such a rumor!"
I sighed, "There are always some idle people-don’t pay attention."
"It’s …"
I wrote before the case, and when I saw the smoke coming in, I stuffed the written paper into an envelope, sealed it with wax and handed it to her. "You go to Dongxing Street and give this to Miss Chu in Wanxiang Building."
"Wan Xiang floor? ….. brothel? " She stare big eyes I glanced at her way "? What are you talking about? Go! "
"It’s …"
I stretched, leaned back on the couch and looked at the roof beam for a while, then got up and walked to the ancestral temple.
Today, the fifth day of September is the day when Taihang ascended the throne, and it is also the practice of Guan ‘an altar. When I got to the vicinity of Qingfeng Pavilion, I smelled a hymn. At that time, I felt a little worried and sat on the railing. There were Lao Jin and his wife Li, and they didn’t take care of much. Today is a family festival.
There was a maid sweeping the courtyard in front of Qingfeng Pavilion. I beckoned him to come over and take a closer look. It turned out to be Xinger, the maid in Qingyang’s room. "Why are you back again?" I suspect that Xinger plopped down on his knees. "Excuse me, Miss …" "Didn’t you leave?" I still asked Xinger sobbed and said, "The handmaiden deserved to die … but now her home has been ransacked by bandits, and her old father has been killed … The handmaiden can go and come back … Please spare the handmaiden and take her in!"
Without saying a word, I walked up behind Xinger and begged, "Miss … Please!" I stopped and sighed, "I can’t leave unfaithful people here, especially at this time-you go." But she hugged my leg. "Miss, please look at the children in the handmaiden’s belly … take the handmaiden!"
I suddenly shocked, "Are you pregnant?" She lowered her head. "Handmaiden …" I was furious. "You still don’t behave yourself and have an affair with men? !” "Young lady! Handmaiden, handmaiden is pregnant with … the second young master’s flesh and blood! "
"You talk nonsense! What if I can get you pregnant? !”
"It was before the young master was taken away!" She murmured with a face of no white flag above my door, "That night was the night when Miss Young Master came back from the Lily Garden to enjoy flowers. After drinking a few cups over there, Miss Young Master went back to her room and was met by a handmaiden … him, him …"
"Okay, stop it …" I stroked my forehead and looked at her. "I asked you, are you serious?" "I dare not cheat the young lady if I am a handmaiden!" I held back my heart and said to her, "Get up first." She looked up at me. "Miss … Will you accept the handmaiden?" I said indifferently, "Anyway, let the baby be born first, and then let Liuyan ask a doctor to help you, but I can warn you that you will be back soon. If you have half a lie, don’t blame me!"
"I dare not die!" She cried and kowtowed. I took two steps and turned around and asked, "In that case, what were you going to do?" "At that time, the housekeeper who was ill left the house, and there was not even a master in the house. I was afraid to worry that I would never be able to stay in the future …"
"Where did your family get attacked by bandits?"
"Handmaiden don’t know now in the capital has poured in a large number of refugees Liancheng has also been blocked …"
I thoughtfully indecision in my heart for a long time and then called her up and said, "You can move to Muxi Pavilion for the time being to see if Liuyan has come back and asked her to arrange a house for you."
"Handmaiden KouXie miss …"
When I came out of the ancestral temple, it was midnight, and I was greeted by cigarettes and lanterns, with a cloak in my hand at a distance.
"Wear this at night."
I buttoned my clothes and asked, "When will you be back?" "I won’t be long before I come back." I nodded and walked slowly along the lakeshore along the "Miss" flue. "Xinger also lived in Muxi Pavilion?" I tilted my head slightly. "She didn’t tell you?" "Didn’t say that the young lady ordered the handmaiden to clean up the house for her ―― what did you say, young lady?" I was slightly annoyed. "It’s not just a sin!" "Second young master? ……”
"Go and get a doctor." I gathered my skirt. It’s autumn, and it’s getting colder and colder, especially with frost tonight. "Doctor? Oh … the handmaiden is white, but miss, do you really believe in it with the second young master? " I looked at the crescent moon on the horizon and sighed, "I still don’t know about that personality?" He Xinger is involved in the early morning! ….. Even if the young child is not pregnant now, look at this world and how obedient she has been for so many years ―― although I said that, I can’t really ignore it. ""… Miss is kind! "
"By the way," I stopped, "did you give the letter to Miss Chu?" "The handmaiden has given it to the girl herself." "… did she say anything?" "The girl said that she didn’t want Miss Bai to do this, but she would still do as Miss Bai said. Besides, she asked the second young master if there was any news?" Then she looked up and stole a glance at me.
I didn’t have a good face and glared at the direction of Qingfeng Pavilion. "Miss, the gentleman and the second young master will really come back soon?"
I looked at her dimly and didn’t know what to say.
"The emperor is here-"
There was a eunuch shouting at the door, I adjusted my clothes and knelt down at the door, "Guan Yu kowtowed to the emperor."
"Get up on her!" The emperor stretched out his hand and lifted me up. I looked up and felt a little pain and joy in my heart. Days of hard work made his face gaunt and he looked like a king in a dragon robe.
"Emperor …" I was a little shy when he shook my hands. "I’ve come to pay my respects to her today." I was dazed and suddenly changed my mind about him. I claimed that I was not used to it, but this person was already an emperor before I finished being white.
"thank the emperor for his kindness"
I led the emperor and his party to the ancestral temple. The servants knelt on both sides and bowed respectfully before the crown was burnt. "I came to see you, officer …" I heard that I couldn’t help but feel sad and wiped my eyes.
"On her, in the future, I will decide that the contemporary prime minister will take care of it with all his heart and swear that he will never break his promise today!"
After that, he bowed down to the ground several times. I knelt down beside him with tears and thanked him. "The official family is so kind and kind to her, but I am grateful to help my two brothers to be safe and sound!"
The emperor sighed in my face, "You two brothers should arrange for her to have her own score in my heart. Don’t worry, take care of yourself." Say and pull me up together.
Stepping out of the mourning hall to the front hall, the emperor left everyone out and left me and him alone.
"The emperor …"
"I’m still willing to listen to you call me Brother Nine."
As soon as my heart warms up, my previous sense of alienation disappears. Some "nine brothers" smiled and put their hands on my back. "I didn’t come over these days. Are you okay? What is missing in the house? " I shook my head. "Thank you, my ninth brother. It’s good that I don’t have a master servant in the house now, and I don’t lack anything." He said happily. "That’s good-you won’t stay in this house alone for a long time. After this month, when the war subsides …" I saw that he stopped talking about going to the sidewalk. "What happened after this month?" He smiled. "Let’s keep it a secret first!"
"Nine elder brothers are really bad!" I glanced at him with anger. He smiled and held my hand close to his lips. I hung my head in shame. "It’s getting more and more indecent!" Instead, he said, "Brother Jiu loves her so charming …"
When I heard this, I said gloomily, "So Brother Jiu didn’t just avenge her father?" He listened to the put his hand was a heavy up "I don’t want to taste? But the queen mother … ""What happened to the queen mother? " "The queen mother doesn’t advocate withdrawing Lv Xintang. She said she wouldn’t change her mind when she got cold feet … Besides, some front-line soldiers are also their people. A withdrawal of Lv Xintang will definitely cause turmoil in the front-line army."
I crooned, "Will it always be like this?" He remained silent for a long time before saying, "A few days ago, the Queen Mother gave birth to Princess XIII, who married Lv Xintang’s younger brother and the official department’s daughter-in-law. It is even harder to have this layer …"