Is it the leader of this support?

When the priest of Storm secretly observed, he saw that the four strong men had a high fighting power and the four strong men A had gone to burn the fire, and the four strong men rushed directly to the high waiter.
High priest "? ? ?”
Isn’t our plan to break out and take the opportunity to break through?
He looked at the sage of the north wind. What the hell are you doing?
The sage of the north wind is also forced by his eyes.
Oh, yeah, I didn’t have a specific plan just now. I was right in the eye, but who would be so reckless in normal people?
Does he curse or gather strength to prepare for support?
Loud Fengming sound started a prairie fire and the sky fire came instantly.
"The accomplishment of the Iloshi Law of Burning Sky Flame is really not commonly known as the number, and it is not wrong at all … and so on …"
He cooperated with the priest of Storm and sacrificed part of the lethality price to blow the cold wind across half a large area.
But now, after skyfire appeared, it spread around like a cloud of fire.
Ten kilometers
Ten thousand kilometers
Billion kilometers
Every cloud of fire contains frightening burning power, and the burning flame gradually spreads over half a large area, a large area and a half a large area.
The sage of the north wind couldn’t help swallowing.
"How much life energy does she have? !”
"If she does this, she won’t directly drain her body?"
The sage of the north wind thinks that he can’t blow such a vast coverage by pumping him into the trunk.
Burning the sky and burning the flame, hundreds of millions of dragons fell hard.
Boom! ! !
The large-scale drama seems to be about to be blasted through.
This moment is incalculable, and the evil has turned to ashes.
The surrounding fog is also clear, the dirty world is purified, and one tribe returns to peace in the purification fire.
There is only a little more powerful and evil, and I am wrapped in a terrible sky fire, rolling and whining.
High-ranking crafty, several high-ranking waiters are not seriously injured.
Iloshi’s move is a range attack after all, and it is less lethal to strong individuals.
Rao is so high, and the waiter is a little scared.
Human beings are indeed small, but those who can be promoted to high positions from this small and diverse group of human beings can be underestimated.
Surprised and surprised, the waiter at the high position looked at the initiative and flew towards them. The human high position gradually showed a grimace of a grin.
When did humans dare to take the initiative to attack them?
"Jie Jie Jie Jie-"
They grimaced and tore the blazing sky fire across the length.
A moment of grinning came to an abrupt end.
I don’t know when it was just dim and foggy, but it turned out to be a harsh orange-red flame.
There are hundreds of millions of familiar orange flames!
Burning the sky again?
Familiar with hundreds of millions of dragons growling and hitting the devastated land, the whole large area was bombarded and vibrated constantly, and at the same time, the high-ranking waiter was damaged
May bombarded them with fire twice, and they were injured.

The other is called "Three-year Simulation Five-year Test Preparation"

At this time, there was a noise from outside, and the monkey-faced peddler was able to hide the two quickly back to the trap before he took a glance outside.
"It turned out that it was not the college law enforcement team, but the red sand country came."
"Red sand country?"
The peddler glanced at the jealous headscarf strong man, which was a bit strange but didn’t care too much. "The red sand country is the seven great powers of Yunhui, and it has unparalleled power."
distant place
A khaki aircraft in the shape of a triangular cone flew out of the fog and landed slowly at a place about three or four kilometers away from the entrance of the college.
Since this aircraft, several elite armored soldiers have trotted out and lined up on both sides.
Meet the coming out of a revered myth.
"Three myths!"
"Rahman the quicksand hand!" "Huangshabiyi!" "… Dora the Red Sand Lion!"
"What’s the myth of red sand country doing here?"
"They seem to be … furious?"
During this period, there were a lot of intrigues and intrigues around the salary college.
There are three cases involving mythical power.
However, the firewood college quickly suppressed all the riots and put another myth on it. Since then, this small area in front of the college gate has been much calmer.
But today seems to be fun again?
Several people are talking about it, and there are many people who are puzzled.
At this time, the monkey-faced hawker said with pride, "This is normal."
"The boss behind many bounty guilds in Yunhui is the mythical bounty guild and college in Chisha, but there is nothing on the surface. However, many students who are paid for the fire were previously the heads of mercenary groups, and the hall of the firewood college is also equivalent to an alternative bounty guild."
"Of course, the most important thing is that among the seven countries of Yunhui, Chisha is the most barren in resources and the most lacking in training facilities."
The peddler lashed out at Fang Qiu for making a clear statement about the general trend of the seven countries.
And that myth of the menacing red sand country also express its own purpose.
Come to the door and …
Kick the pavilion!
Chapter four hundred and thirty-six From the little magic stress!

It’s so depressing that people can’t breathe. The whole area seems to be buzzing.

Myths and demigods seem to see that with the sinking of the sky, the whole region will be gradually compressed and straight to the plane, like a picture scroll covered with mud, when everything in the region will be erased.
At this time, the blur shrouded in golden brilliance is coming out.
Without moving or suffocating power, a brown thick root grows from the earth and grows rapidly to form a tongtian tree.
Just like not long ago, the ancient gods made a precious species give birth to a giant tree.
It is gold that is giving birth to giant trees, just like the real sky is falling into the gray sky.
But it doesn’t seem enough
The giant tree still cracked.
If you don’t need to protect these weak humans, there must be a better way to deal with them.
Many people have a heart.
Gold seems to be still calm, like a warm winter sun, like an ancient giant tree.
He stood quietly and sighed "get up"
The earth’s crust trembles, and one golden brown giant tree grows out, which can change the power of the monarch, as if this one were giving it at will
This means that skills are limited!
One is a thousand! One is ten thousand!
In the blink of an eye, thousands of giant trees will grow out, take root in the earth, support the sky and turn the whole world into a world of thousands of trees in an instant.
With a big body and silt, the great gentleman is now sandwiched between the front and the back, like a giant stuck in a narrow space.
Fang you made a snap of his fingers.
In an instant, the giant woody flowers are colorful all over the world.
He guessed that the master’s hand still had the remaining world power and bit his teeth.
Thousands of flowers and trees belong to one body wrapped in mud, which collapses to a point and throws it into the gap!
He manipulated this huge power to imitate it all the time. If it is still at this moment, it will slowly flow.
Myths suddenly looked up and found that the gray-black sky did not know when to crack and disperse, and even the gray fog dissipated with the sun shining on the earth.
Holding up the sky, the trees are also cracked, but there are still a few petals and the fragrance of vegetation floating in the sky and the earth.
But that majestic, mysterious, ancient giant figure has disappeared.
Just like when you come.
Leave a mysterious identity
"No, it’s not a mystery!"
The old woman, a demigod flying in the ancient wood country, trembled and was extremely excited. "Only when the life force is so strong and the vegetation can have a forest goddess can it be ancient and noble, and the goddess has recovered!"
The forest goddess?
A demigod suddenly realized
It is true that the goddess of the forest is also in the front line among the ancient gods. If she returns from history, the ancient gods can really have such great and incredible power.
An understatement will erase a statue of the ninth realm.
In other words, only the top ancient gods such as the forest goddess can do it.
The myth of ancient wood country has become more and more pious.
Non-ancient myths and demigods also bow their heads to show respect.
"praise the goddess"
A tan figure came across the sea from a certain sea area in Yunhui.
His figure is very vague, like all instruments and means are recorded, but his image is very clear. He is the embodiment of the earth walking on the earth.
When he stepped out of the sea, he cooperated with the uplift to form a land where he could rest.
He seems to be slow, but in fact he has crossed the poor distance in one step, and it takes a few more steps to reach the front of Rapids Harbor.
He is the patron of the red sand country.
In the past, the great ancient god, the mountain, the rock and the earth god, is now the big landlord.
The ancient god froze.
"The forest that bitch? Don’t like. "
"But which old friend is strange and strange? There seems to be a little bit of familiarity."
Ancient muttered, shook his head, turned away and disappeared at the end.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-three The aftertaste and rewards
Teacher Fang didn’t know that he had been promoted to the top of the ancient gods and the goddess of the forest.
After he banished the King who had been silted up, he wiped out the source of disaster in the scope of his mind with his residual strength. This process is very easy, just like cleaning the toilet with a toilet cleaner.
When the strength level reaches the standard, it needs laws and abilities to deal with the disaster source.

There are not a few myths about the powerful in the vast area of Yunhui, and many awakened people have watched the myth war with their own eyes, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be excited and excited

On the left is Rahman, the quicksand hand of Chisha State.
On the right is the glaring diamond lamp of the salary fire college.
"The most famous achievement of quicksand hand is that he once stopped the tide of millions of cunning evils with one hand and dragged several seven-star cunning evils into quicksand to trap the enemy and direct reinforcements."
"and this war happened 200 years ago."
In the crowd, there are two cloud-picture country myths watching.
One of them was the one who had escorted Mia Luo Xiufeng to receive the news that Chisha Kingdom came to discuss with the firewood academy, and he was sent out by the Lord.
The other person is Huang Zun, a wise man in the cloud map country and the head of the intelligence department
Huang Zun-chieh, who just spoke, knows a lot about most myths of Yun Hui’s vast territory, and he also knows a lot about the strong people in the firewood academy.
"The most popular instructor of the Glaring Diamond Lamp Burning Academy is in charge of the exercise class. He has a very strong physique and extraordinary fighting skills, but in other words, this lamp myth is worse in other aspects."
"Then you think the myth of lamp will fail?"
"The probability of defeat is very high, but I don’t know enough about the myth information of lamps, and he may not be good at physique, so he can get angry when he comes on stage. King Kong is likely to be in the top three in the myth ranking of the Ministry of Firefighters … this is quite beyond my previous estimate."
The first three lights of the myth of the salary fire college, Professor An’s black knife instructor?
Huang Zun-zhe thought
On the far side of the vast two figures are the red sand countries invited to witness the myth of an inflamed thunder country.
Yan Leiguo! The seven countries of Yunhui rank the first powerful country.
Twenty thousand years ago, under the leadership of the Lord, Yan Leiguo once wanted to challenge the status of the Central Holy Court. Before the plan was made, a rather bitter war broke out in Yan Leiguo. In that war, Yan Leiguo lost a lot of inheritance and copied Candeira’s heritage, and the myth was destroyed, even less.
Today, Yan Lei’s national strength is still far from its peak, but Yan Lei still retains the first place in the Seven Kingdoms.
Even if the name is notarized and judged, the other six countries will not hesitate to invite Yan Leiguo to preside over it.
The inflammation LeiGuo myth expression swept two people mouth way
"The second battle exchanges and discussions, winning or losing, not deciding life and death"
"So now let’s discuss and exchange the first game …!"
When the voice stops, the lights go off, and the eyes suddenly open and the veins stand out, and they rush out with a formidable potential.
When he stepped down, the earth cracked and shook violently.
But Rahman, the quicksand hand, is also very fast. He retreats back, and at the same time, his hands are lifted and his strength gushes out. The dry and dead earth suddenly becomes soft and sticky like a quicksand river wrapped in yellow sand.
He instantly changed the terrain for several kilometers!
The light stepped up.
The Liusha River also burst out of the yellow sand rope and followed.
The lamp chases the quicksand hand;
The sand rope chased the lamp;
They are all chasing and fleeing, and their figures have changed several times.

He probably locked the area, but he still looked for it when he needed it, and the small humans who fled in haste on the earth were a little intrusive

Read this skeleton demon king and give a strange smile.
His staff slightly raised the strength of the bone handle and ordered all the bones in the surrounding area.
Whether they are fleeing, frightened or dull, or buried in the ruins of buildings, human beings are moving one by one, and bones are born from them like a big mouth to swallow them.
Myths are swallowed up by their own bones at the first sign of color change.
Blink of an eye The whole first-line province of Wan Li, regardless of gender, age, the strong and the weak are dying out in a flash.
Billions of people have been wiped out!
The whole province, city and ruins have not changed.
This is the tenth realm. The person in charge of the handle is terrible, and hundreds of millions of lives are dying.
"Gee, human beings are really fragile."
"No wonder there are so many people, but the real power is not worth anything."
"However, this human force has inherited the heritage of Candeira, and there should be many top creations in Candeira, as well as the one that is unclear and not in the treasure. Although it is not good to find a more powerful old guy."
He disdains human beings.
But the demon king knows that there are many ancient gods who are stronger than themselves.
This is what Fang You saw when he received the little magic notice and shuttled through the adjacent Yunhui oasis, and then shuttled several times to get out of the central holy court.
Countless scenes in which human beings are swallowed up by dead bones.
"Evil is a catastrophe, but sometimes some evil ancient times are also a catastrophe for human oases."
"There are ancient people who are friendly and ancient people who regard human beings as ants."
Ideas emerge from the heart.
Fang Yousi set foot in the first line of Shengting.
His face is very calm, as calm as ice, and he is about to erupt the extinct volcano.
While that force of the law spread throughout him.
There’s something far from ancient in sight.
A strong human found him.
In the distance, the skeleton demon king seems to be saying something.
Fang You didn’t care that he slowly raised his hand.
Killing handle equipment
Limited door opening
The wave swung from behind him, one after another, and the terrible orange Lei Guangyi scattered its strength.
In the distance, the skeleton demon king released the gray cloud and stretched out Qian Qian’s arm with thousands of bones.
This kind of sight makes the distant view of ancient times chilling.
They just white just now, the skeleton demon king has not made efforts, and that has already killed an ancient statue.
"It seems that the skeleton demon king is angry."
However, the thunder also burst like anger at this moment.
A lightning spear, which has refined the traveling force, finally stretches out from the wave.
Followed by the second handle, the twentieth handle and the 200th handle.
One handle after another is full of shattered and destructive forces, and the thunder spear suddenly shoots with his front finger.
The orange thunder river runs through!
Qian Qian white bones hand-made particles!
The laws of heaven and earth have been penetrated to form a vast void!
The skeleton demon king’s body soared several times, hundreds of thousands of meters high, but it was still covered by orange flood for a moment.
White jade bones shattered! Blue flame burst! Bones rule shattered!
Even the pebbles and bones seem to have been erased!
Hundreds of thousands of meters high, the Bones Giant smashed in less than ten thousand seconds.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-one This is the real win-win situation!

"Are you all right?"
An Jian You reached out your hand, and the white palm lit up in circles, bright and soft halos. These brilliance with purification power were like the same silky satin hanging down the body of Yi Yue Lou Xi.
The effect of her’ purification’ skill is much stronger than that of Wen Lian, the chief physician of Burning Mall. In an instant, she suppressed the peristalsis and alienation of many wounds wrapped in gauze of Yi Yue Luxi.
But at this time, Yi Yue and Lu Xi are not surprised that An Jianyou has such a strong purification ability. The echo in her mind is one thing-what is An Jianyou doing here in this burning mall?
This is not right!
At this moment, it seemed that there was a flash of golden light in her mind, and some confused heads were completely awake before those confused or finely clues were integrated at this moment.
Detective Yi Yue Lu Xi discovered the truth!
"I understand that the blue star forces that support you behind the scenes are the Chamber of Commerce!"
Blackstone Alliance and other forces have several speculations about the rise of Blue Star, among which there are two kinds that make people agree-Blue Star has obtained an ancient cultural heritage or Blue Star has obtained the support of a mysterious and powerful force.
Legacy is unlikely to make Blue Star rise and fall in all aspects of Star City, and it is denied that there are different opinions about the real reason why Blue Star is in the league.
But at this moment, Yi Yue Lu Xi realized!
If the super power of the Chamber of Commerce behind the blue star’s firewood can also explain why Anjian is here-she thinks it is not impossible to find out the loophole of the evil minions and sneak one or two people into the paradox.
Suddenly thought of what she said
"Don’t worry, you will never say anything when you see something today, I swear!"
Looking at Yi Yue, Lu Xi, serious eyes, seeing you in distress situation.
She hasn’t seen Yi Yue Lu Xi for more than two months. Unexpectedly, the girl was seriously injured when she met again.
"Let me treat you first. You are not optimistic now."
"Wait, I have something more important. Do you … do you know the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires?"
I was also very excited to meet my friend Yi Yue Lu Xi in a foreign land, but she didn’t forget that she had an important mission-to save the oasis.
In a few words, she revealed the cause of the incident, her hands clasped and her face was tense and uneasy, and she looked at the peace and quiet.
She thinks she is lucky to meet an acquaintance in the Fireburning Mall, and maybe she can meet the big shots of the Fireburning Chamber of Commerce more easily, but she is not sure whether the big shots can support their Blackstone Alliance.
It is very difficult for reason to tell itself.
Don’t say that she has a friendship with An Jianyou. Even if she can know the real big shot of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires and has a lot of friendship, she can’t influence the decision of a superpower.
Decision-making must proceed from the interests of the forces themselves.
But she had no choice. She could hold on tight to the darkness, and she could see the faint light and rush towards the crack that revealed the light.
After listening to Yi Yue Lu Xi’s description, I thought about the service road.
"I can’t promise you, but you’re not too worried. Probably no problem. What you should really worry about now is your physical problem."
An Jian You has already spoken God’s words, so I can see how bad the state of Bai Yi Yue’s dew is.
Her trauma and injury skills in Wenlian have generally healed. However, Yi Yue Luxi failed to wake up before, and she was injured many times all the way. Up to now, the girl’s erosion and pollution have been quite serious.
Generally speaking, she will often have hallucinations, hear crazy gibberish, and may have alienated skin, pustules, maggots and so on.
She may not last many years in this state.
Ann saw that you bit your lips, and the life energy surged out like a surging wave in the palm of your hand, making it charming and purifying.
In an instant, the dazzling golden brilliance filled the whole lounge, dazzling as if it were a golden sunrise rising in Ran Ran, which brought more warmth although it was harsh.
Yi Yue Lu Xi is like a person shivering with cold in the cold winter. Suddenly, she saw the morning sun breaking through the clouds, and though it was harsh, it was so comfortable that she couldn’t help groaning.
Her skin is faintly bulging, and it seems that there are insects crawling in it. At this moment, it seems to be soothed by a pair of warm hands to stop fidgeting.
Her mouth was wide enough to plug in a duck egg and a pair of eyes. wait for a while looked at Ann and saw you, refreshing her cognition all the time.

This is the ancient organization powerful!

Iloshi admits that she wants to develop the party to that level, which is far from her ultimate goal.
However, "I have been invited by such organizations, and sure enough, has Miss Nie Tianzi spread all over Donghuang? Ho ho ho ho-!"
She looked at the two classes in front of her.
They are still full of admiration, but her iron powder is just a little bit of food
But no
"Big sister, I will definitely wake you up!"
"I have found a way."
This is not bragging.
She has a backer now.
The young girl Xiaoqing and the young girl Xiaohong became more admired.
Xiaoqing thought of what way "by the way, big sister, there seems to be something wrong with the FBI just now."
She picked her eyebrows and waved her hand, "Xiaoqing Xiaohong will go with me to meet the guests."
Guzhai front yard
Qin Liyan, a special investigator, is getting impatient. Iloshi, this is the first one. He has several more to go.
It’s not the FBI. No one is these famous cunning hunters. Most of them don’t have a good temper. Just come here. They may not give a damn. They must come here with weight.
This weight is not status but strength.
He Qin Liyan is the strongest of the awakened ones and is also famous in the circle of cunning hunters.
I have dealt with many hunters.
Iloshi also has it.
But at this time, when the girl in the reddish-brown cloak came out, there seemed to be a heat wave coming on her face.
Intuition is warning him.
This girl is dangerous! Very dangerous!
How can Iloshi be so strong? Maybe …
"You sleep? !”
"Two sleep? Ah ….. "Elohi slightly raised his neck like a proud swan." What’s the difficulty? "
Chapter one hundred and nineteen The Apostles Meeting Soon
How old is this Iloshi? How long has he been a crafty hunter? This is the second sleep! Look, the awakening process is still very easy!
Have you lived to be a dog this year? !
Qin Liyan was speechless and was hit hard.
Ilohi disdained to see it. It’s rare and strange … Suddenly I feel that the FBI is like a terrapin. What’s going on?
that’s all
"Xiaoqing Xiaohong, you keep your house."
"When your eldest sister comes back with honor."
She glanced at the suspicious life investigator. "What are you still doing? I thought you said you wanted to support the front line. Let’s go and lead the way!"
She can’t wait.
Not because of the fire, not because of the FBI’s pay, but …
There must be awakens from all over the world in front of the Hellgate line, and it will be a good time for her to stop and set up an organization.
She’s got a name in mind. It’s called …
Sorority of witches!
Bai Jiang Xin huo office
"Hoo ~ Hoo ~"

If it continues to fail, it is likely to be broken up or reorganized.

Either way, the captain doesn’t want to see it.
Once a lot of people from Team 6 join other teams, the result is really hard to say.
Especially Gu Beichen.
The night watchman goes out so much that it’s not easy to deal with a tartar.
"Captain, we don’t have any information about the mayor’s strength. Is it too high?"
"It’s a high risk. We need to get some soul-killing equipment, especially remote effects.
If there is progress in equipment and roads, I will apply for another team to support the merger and complete the expansion
If there is no progress during this period, then give up. "
"White" Xu Le nodded.
"All right, we still have one day. I’ll let everyone do something about it.
Later, you and Gu Beichen and Wang Shu will go to the black market in Area C and sell this accumulated Lunatone.
By the way, it’s best to walk around the distance and the group, and don’t be afraid to spend money. "
Xu Le one leng know that this is probably the extra.
Buy ZhenLing and ZhenLing equipment props? Remote and group are the best requirements …
"I white captain but Lunatone what to sell to the black market? Didn’t the night watchman official also accept it? "
"Nonsense, of course, is that the black market price is relatively high, and there are usually some good things in the black market. It’s up to you to do it yourself."
"That … what if someone eats black?"
Xu Le’s problems seem a little too much.
Bai Jing grabbed the table cup and smashed it at Xu Letou.
"You are a night watchman, and you are afraid that others will eat black. Can you make a difference?"
Xu Le quickly took the fruit and ran out of the office clutching his head.
"The night watchman is amazing? Really. "
When Xu Le found Gu Beichen, Gu Beichen was bathing and changing clothes in Wang Shu … He was watching outside.
Xu Le wondered if these two people were really pure.
But it doesn’t matter. What shocked Xu Le was that Gu Beichen actually lit three incense sticks for the fruit and worshipped it.
"Eat a fruit and do so many tricks?" Xu Le questioned.
"What do you know?"
Gu Beichen saw Xu Le holding half an element in his hand, and the fruit expression was slightly condensed.
"Have you eaten?"
"Well, this thing tastes like mustard shit, which highlights a surprise."
Xu Le said and took another bite.
In fact, the fluctuation in his body is not as calm as he shows.
Turbulent ancient sounds and energies wander in his spiritual world, and these ancient sounds and energies surround the soul tree.
Although they are homologous, they are not fused with each other.
Xu Le tried to control this unstable energy while eating fruit.
I hope it can honestly belong to myself.
Gu Beichen opposite pie pie staring at his fruit.
"It’s like you’ve eaten shit, but you say that shape is similar to that of other people who have eaten fruit."
Then he took a deep breath and took a bite at the fruit.
Eyebrows locked fist is also hold tightly.
He was a little shocked by the bad taste.
But the power also made him surge in emotion.
"This is the ancient sound strength claims to be more powerful than the red crescent …"
Frost gathers at Gu Beichen’s fingertips, which is a completely different force from the red crescent flame.
The ice flower gradually solidified the owner of the fruit, and he also felt the fluctuation of Xu Leshen across the street.
The flow also gathered at Xu Le’s fingertips. Although he and Gu Beichen didn’t speak, they all felt the fighting spirit from each other.

A great event happened not long ago.

Two ancient people in Paradise have broken through the ninth-grade oasis of Shadow clan and taken away the treasure of this clan.
The Shadow Clan is a mysterious group with strong human and element elements.
This clan has two high positions.
Their personnel are extremely scarce and there is no vassal race active in the corner of the paradox, so their names are not obvious.
But …
"Shadow clan masters gather together in their only oasis. It’s true that the ability of the shadow clan’s lair to resist foreign enemies is much stronger than that of human beings."
Not to mention the burning city is a city that outsiders can enter and leave at will.
It’s a hundred times easier to break through
Of course, in the view of the moon Lord, the burning city can’t stop the ghost-faced shark statue and the black smoke Lord, the two ancient people in the tenth territory, even if they don’t let go.
It seems that there is no difference.
The moon master is not prepared to do anything.
She is, she is burning the fire, she is burning the fire, and she is silently waiting for the development.
Will the coach show up?
"The instructor might be able to compete with these two guys with one enemy and two."
"But …"
The tenth battle, if the whole burning city of generate will be erased in an instant, after all, the two ghost-faced sharks have stepped into the oasis department
This is the Achilles heel of Burning City. It’s too easy to sneak in!
It is more likely that the ghost-faced shark statue and the black smoke Lord robbed the city treasures and left before the fire-paid mentor could react.
This is more likely.
The tutor is probably out of town because of the fire.
Ghost-faced sharks and black smoke owners are also prepared.
"Seize the high position of the burning city and search for them, and you will know everything."
Ghost face shark statue grinned.
This is their plan.

What we want to hoard here is skills.

Fang you just pondered "thunder"
The orange thunder is constantly condensed and finally becomes a spear with a sharp ratio, full of strong murder and destructive power.
As solid as a magic weapon.
He put the magic thunder into the limited door and picked his eyebrows.
"It is so …"
"The skill of storing in the door is just like the food hidden in the refrigerator. It needs to be maintained without consumption, and it can almost go all the time."
It’s meaningless to have only one magic weapon.
Is he a little serious blow.
But what if there are 10,000, 10,000 and 100,000,000 thunder magic weapons stored in the door? Wouldn’t it kill all ghosts and gods?
The idea of killing evil spirits is exaggerated, but there is no doubt that the door is giving him an extra killer.
A … A ten-year-old one-second killer.
"The door has a storage limit, but it can be continuously expanded through its own cultivation. Even if it is a newborn, it will take me a lot of time and energy to fill it."
"There is one more item in daily life."
It’s not easy to get stronger. Fang’s tutor sighs slightly.
When he came, he still had to continue to practice the other shore and study ways to carve it into the inheritance.
Promotion is impossible.
Say that even if you can bear this skill, it will be scrapped after a few times.
But it is worthwhile for two or three people to learn.
Especially Iloshi.
"The first latosolic red level is that this girl’s life skills are cheaper than her."
Fang you glanced at the girl’s contribution balance and thought about giving the most appropriate exchange price.
It’s hard for him to get it done in a short time.
Fang You came to Fangbei Square before Fangbei.
Around the square monument, there are several people staring at the mysterious characters of the monument and wringing their eyebrows.
An Jian You and Qian Qiu are among them.
However, they stared at their eyes and couldn’t wait to stare at the inscription on the stone tablet, which was not normal.
"Why can’t you realize it?"
"Yes …" Qianqiu pulled a handful of hair like a chicken nest, and his eyes were still staring at the inscription. "It’s too difficult to understand the law at this time!"
"When I was not promoted to a high position, I was able to get started in more than ten days, but now I have a better understanding of the law at a high position, and I haven’t touched a threshold for several days!"
Fang you pour some curious.
Qianqiu life skills’ dream bubble’ involves a little time.
He can slightly adjust the gap between the bubble and the outside world. Normally, the outside world is only a moment, but he can lengthen it by one second, two seconds and three seconds.
Equivalent to three seconds of strong control.
With the cooperation of teammates, the dreamland is very dominant.