There are not a few myths about the powerful in the vast area of Yunhui, and many awakened people have watched the myth war with their own eyes, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be excited and excited

On the left is Rahman, the quicksand hand of Chisha State.
On the right is the glaring diamond lamp of the salary fire college.
"The most famous achievement of quicksand hand is that he once stopped the tide of millions of cunning evils with one hand and dragged several seven-star cunning evils into quicksand to trap the enemy and direct reinforcements."
"and this war happened 200 years ago."
In the crowd, there are two cloud-picture country myths watching.
One of them was the one who had escorted Mia Luo Xiufeng to receive the news that Chisha Kingdom came to discuss with the firewood academy, and he was sent out by the Lord.
The other person is Huang Zun, a wise man in the cloud map country and the head of the intelligence department
Huang Zun-chieh, who just spoke, knows a lot about most myths of Yun Hui’s vast territory, and he also knows a lot about the strong people in the firewood academy.
"The most popular instructor of the Glaring Diamond Lamp Burning Academy is in charge of the exercise class. He has a very strong physique and extraordinary fighting skills, but in other words, this lamp myth is worse in other aspects."
"Then you think the myth of lamp will fail?"
"The probability of defeat is very high, but I don’t know enough about the myth information of lamps, and he may not be good at physique, so he can get angry when he comes on stage. King Kong is likely to be in the top three in the myth ranking of the Ministry of Firefighters … this is quite beyond my previous estimate."
The first three lights of the myth of the salary fire college, Professor An’s black knife instructor?
Huang Zun-zhe thought
On the far side of the vast two figures are the red sand countries invited to witness the myth of an inflamed thunder country.
Yan Leiguo! The seven countries of Yunhui rank the first powerful country.
Twenty thousand years ago, under the leadership of the Lord, Yan Leiguo once wanted to challenge the status of the Central Holy Court. Before the plan was made, a rather bitter war broke out in Yan Leiguo. In that war, Yan Leiguo lost a lot of inheritance and copied Candeira’s heritage, and the myth was destroyed, even less.
Today, Yan Lei’s national strength is still far from its peak, but Yan Lei still retains the first place in the Seven Kingdoms.
Even if the name is notarized and judged, the other six countries will not hesitate to invite Yan Leiguo to preside over it.
The inflammation LeiGuo myth expression swept two people mouth way
"The second battle exchanges and discussions, winning or losing, not deciding life and death"
"So now let’s discuss and exchange the first game …!"
When the voice stops, the lights go off, and the eyes suddenly open and the veins stand out, and they rush out with a formidable potential.
When he stepped down, the earth cracked and shook violently.
But Rahman, the quicksand hand, is also very fast. He retreats back, and at the same time, his hands are lifted and his strength gushes out. The dry and dead earth suddenly becomes soft and sticky like a quicksand river wrapped in yellow sand.
He instantly changed the terrain for several kilometers!
The light stepped up.
The Liusha River also burst out of the yellow sand rope and followed.
The lamp chases the quicksand hand;
The sand rope chased the lamp;
They are all chasing and fleeing, and their figures have changed several times.

If it continues to fail, it is likely to be broken up or reorganized.

Either way, the captain doesn’t want to see it.
Once a lot of people from Team 6 join other teams, the result is really hard to say.
Especially Gu Beichen.
The night watchman goes out so much that it’s not easy to deal with a tartar.
"Captain, we don’t have any information about the mayor’s strength. Is it too high?"
"It’s a high risk. We need to get some soul-killing equipment, especially remote effects.
If there is progress in equipment and roads, I will apply for another team to support the merger and complete the expansion
If there is no progress during this period, then give up. "
"White" Xu Le nodded.
"All right, we still have one day. I’ll let everyone do something about it.
Later, you and Gu Beichen and Wang Shu will go to the black market in Area C and sell this accumulated Lunatone.
By the way, it’s best to walk around the distance and the group, and don’t be afraid to spend money. "
Xu Le one leng know that this is probably the extra.
Buy ZhenLing and ZhenLing equipment props? Remote and group are the best requirements …
"I white captain but Lunatone what to sell to the black market? Didn’t the night watchman official also accept it? "
"Nonsense, of course, is that the black market price is relatively high, and there are usually some good things in the black market. It’s up to you to do it yourself."
"That … what if someone eats black?"
Xu Le’s problems seem a little too much.
Bai Jing grabbed the table cup and smashed it at Xu Letou.
"You are a night watchman, and you are afraid that others will eat black. Can you make a difference?"
Xu Le quickly took the fruit and ran out of the office clutching his head.
"The night watchman is amazing? Really. "
When Xu Le found Gu Beichen, Gu Beichen was bathing and changing clothes in Wang Shu … He was watching outside.
Xu Le wondered if these two people were really pure.
But it doesn’t matter. What shocked Xu Le was that Gu Beichen actually lit three incense sticks for the fruit and worshipped it.
"Eat a fruit and do so many tricks?" Xu Le questioned.
"What do you know?"
Gu Beichen saw Xu Le holding half an element in his hand, and the fruit expression was slightly condensed.
"Have you eaten?"
"Well, this thing tastes like mustard shit, which highlights a surprise."
Xu Le said and took another bite.
In fact, the fluctuation in his body is not as calm as he shows.
Turbulent ancient sounds and energies wander in his spiritual world, and these ancient sounds and energies surround the soul tree.
Although they are homologous, they are not fused with each other.
Xu Le tried to control this unstable energy while eating fruit.
I hope it can honestly belong to myself.
Gu Beichen opposite pie pie staring at his fruit.
"It’s like you’ve eaten shit, but you say that shape is similar to that of other people who have eaten fruit."
Then he took a deep breath and took a bite at the fruit.
Eyebrows locked fist is also hold tightly.
He was a little shocked by the bad taste.
But the power also made him surge in emotion.
"This is the ancient sound strength claims to be more powerful than the red crescent …"
Frost gathers at Gu Beichen’s fingertips, which is a completely different force from the red crescent flame.
The ice flower gradually solidified the owner of the fruit, and he also felt the fluctuation of Xu Leshen across the street.
The flow also gathered at Xu Le’s fingertips. Although he and Gu Beichen didn’t speak, they all felt the fighting spirit from each other.

Wait, what’s it called being divided? What thunder bear licked his face and wanted to go back?

Is there a big secret in this?
When the strong man saw that he could not accommodate, his face became gloomy and depressed, and with a snort of cold, he walked outside.
The crowd in front of him shuddered and involuntarily gave way to a spacious passage on both sides. They looked at the thunder fire bear and lost their heads in the fog.
But it doesn’t matter. Aren’t there other’ acquaintances’?
After half a month, the Palace Que finally got out of some familiar figures … Green Leaf Sword Feng Hsu, Thunder Palm Day, Mechanical Octopus Ban Bote and so on.
They are eating melons, too. At this moment, the melons have been eaten, and the students are ready to go back to their hearts, wondering how to take a few more jobs and try to exchange them for another contract.
Passers-by in the distance gathered around urala.
No matter whether you have had two sides before or simply don’t know these passers-by, they all talk very well in a close way.
But there is nothing more than one thing-what is the secret of the college? What makes them stay indoors for half a month?
Actually, they don’t go out for half a month. They go out to work every day.
But do your best to work? Of course it is. Exchange one or two more doors.
A strong man with six senses is trying to dazzle himself in the college to see if he can surprise a few bars.
But when the words were about to be exported, the man seemed to think of something, and the conversation turned.
His eyebrows drooped and his face collapsed.
"Well, we lived a hard life in college, and the place was narrow, and we were exhausted day by day … it was a desperate day."
Other words that were also about to pack to force came to the mouth, and the strong man swallowed back the words that were about to spit out.
They waved and talked about the same thing.
"hey ~"
"I’m exhausted this day."
The quasi-forced meeting turned into a miserable meeting in an instant.
The preparatory students have figured it out.
It’s good to pretend to be forced, but is it important to have a chance to become a regular?
It is extremely difficult to obtain the assessment of the official student status. On the one hand, the number of people is limited. On the other hand, if these guys outside are allowed to flow into the college in unison, they will not have many chances to become a full member, and the chances of becoming a full member will be even more slim.
How can this work!
After selling badly for a few words, the trainees went out to eat melons and sneaked back to the secret land like thieves, leaving a group of awakened people outside to look at each other.
They suspect that these guys are talking nonsense, but there is no proof!
If it’s a bitter day at the Firefighting Academy, why does the thunder bear lick his face and want to go back? How can you enjoy it one by one?
There’s something fishy!
They ask around and prepare students. After all, many experts who represent powerful forces often have connections with the outside world.

Lin Yi said, "Johnson is in the villa at the moment, and I have also explored where he lives in the villa."

Zuo Chaoyang finally got revenge after listening to the exultation. Zuo Chaoyang never showed up with a weapon and a dagger to cut Johnson’s head. Mother is still waiting for him to go back with Johnson’s head to offer sacrifices to Sister Tianling.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "My master and all of them have arrived. Let’s go back first."
Zuo Chaoyang took Lin Yi over a hillside and entered a hidden cave on the slope. Not only did Ling Nie hope to return, but they also had dozens of floating island masters in Erkui. Because the cave was not too big, dozens of people seemed crowded.
Lin Yi glanced at those floating masters and didn’t see Mei Mei, which disappointed Lin Yi.
Lin Yi will tell Ling Nie about the situation and hope to return to Ling Nie and learn that the blue-eyed Johnson’s eyes in the villa are extremely transient at the moment.
The silver hair on his head is also floating because of his anger, which shows how much he hates the blue-eyed fox king in his heart.
Since Johnson came to the villa, he arranged the attack on the villa.
Zuo Chaoyang suggested, "Master, there is still an hour before dark. We might as well wait until dark."
The murderous look in Ling Nie’s eyes rose sharply and he said, "Do it now!"
Looking back to Zuo Chaoyang, "Zuo Yangyang, your master made the right decision this time. You don’t know this old monster. We dealt with him in those days, but it was better for the blue-eyed fox king that it was dark. His evil work was really a double day. It’s a mountain forest here. If he dissolves into the night, we really can’t. Hey, hey, kill him now. He dares to frame Lao Lao and pull out his fox tendon today!"
Looking back, Zuo Chaoyang won’t talk again. After all, looking back and Ling Nie know more about Johnson.
Looking back, he said to Lin Yi, "Xiao Lin, draw a picture for them when you go into the villa for exploration, so as to save time when you go in and wander around."
Lin Yi drew a simple mountain villa figure with his fingers. The cave is rocky. Lin Yi drew like a stone, like a sharp knife cutting tofu, criss-crossing lines to form a mountain villa plan, which was slowly presented.
Gone with the wind experts leaned in to see it in batches.
After painting, Lin Yi pointed to a road, "Blue-eyed Johnson is in the garden. There are many people guarding the roof and several people pretending to keep watch."
Ling Nie glanced at the figure where Johnson lived and remembered it.
Then Ling Nie ordered all the masters of Gone with the Wind Island to "enter the villa, whether male or female, old or young, whether it is a demon or a demon, and kill it when you see it!" No one! After killing, you can cut off your left ear to prove that whoever cuts off your ear will be rewarded when you go back! "
Qi Ying, a master of floating island, said, "Yes!"
Looking back, he was greedy for money again when he heard the reward. He quickly said to Ling Nie, "Ling … Island owner, can I get a reward from you when I cut my ear?"
Lingnie threw the word "hope to return"
Then Ling Nie took the lead out of the cave.
Lin Yi and others came out later and disappeared, which shows how urgent Ling Nie is to kill the blue-eyed fox king.
Then Lin Yi and others also dispersed quickly toward the "ghost village"
After the drunken Taoist priest left, Johnson recruited several disciples.
Johnson is sitting in the hall, next to the chair in Zhongda University, there stands a coquettish and beautiful woman, and a pair of eyes are catching people’s souls. It is Johnson’s favorite female disciple Hu Jingjing.
In front of Johnson, there are four "monsters" except the gatekeeper "bear". One is wearing a tiger skin and the other is wearing a leopard skin and a wolf face. They are the tiger, leopard, wolf and bear in Johnson’s eldest brother, and the other four brothers are all dead in the attack on Gone with the Wind Mountain in World War I.
Johnson said to the four disciples, "Now the North-South hegemony is in a mess. We can’t stay too long. The teacher decided to leave the Central Plains and go back to Mobei. You should inform them now to pack up. We will leave late. This matter can’t be leaked …"
The four brothers all felt relieved when they heard this.
When they came to the Central Plains, they were still very excited, but they could enjoy the splendor here in Weifu, a rich place.
But the central plains Wulin is so powerful that they are dumbfounded.
There are many masters in the Central Plains sects. They are all first-class masters in Mobei, but the roots of the Central Plains don’t play a role.
And the north-south hegemony is bloody and cruel, which is far beyond their imagination. Especially Piaohua Villa was almost wiped out in World War I, and it still made them shudder in retrospect.
Now I can finally go back to the desert north, and the four of them are secretly happy.
Johnson told the story, except for the bear, who continued to guard the hall door. With a feeling of joy that he was about to leave his misery, he hurried to inform his classmates to pack his belongings.
When they went out, Johnson picked up Hu Jingjing and put it in his arms.
Hu Jingjing hugged Johnson Bochen and said, "Master, do we really want to go back? The somebody else really loathe to give up this bustling Central Plains is really much better than Mobei, especially those good rouge powder and where there is no Mobei … "
Hu Jingjing said that he was wronged and pursed his lips.
The real Hu Jingjing is not completely greedy for the prosperity of the Central Plains. She is now secretly hooking up with Li Tianlang. Li Tianlang promised that Hu Jingjing would marry her when the time is right and let her be the mistress of pastoral religion, which is a great temptation for Hu Jingjing.
Li Tianlang is younger than Johnson, and Hu Jingjing wants to change course.
Blue-eyed Johnson touched her beautiful face and said, "Baby, I know you can’t bear to tell me the truth. The Silver Devil on the Floating Island is my enemy. Now he is going to seek revenge. You know that the master is afraid of two people. The first one is Qin Tang, and the second one is Master Ling Nie. As a result, Ling Nie is still alive. This person is very difficult. I have to leave you. Don’t be greedy here. It’s important to save your life. They are a lesson."
Hu Jing Jing did not move. "Well, the master will go wherever he goes. In this life, the master is a master, but I want to go to the city to buy some powder and some clothes."
The old monster said, "Well, then go back quickly and remember that we can’t tell anyone about our departure."
Hu Jing Jing jiao Dao "acts as a white child"
Hu Jingjing left the hall and went out of the village first.
Hu Jingjing didn’t go shopping. She abandoned the blue-eyed fox king for Li Tianlang.
Chapter 27 A bloodbath Ghost Village (2)
This Hu Jingjing is really lucky. Soon, disaster will befall the ghost village.
Lingnie was the first to go to Ghost Village.
His figure is as fast as a white phantom, which makes it difficult to recognize that he is an evil thing. He floated from the gate of the villa and there were four guards. Before they could react, the evil thing fell from the sky, like a ghost. Two or four guards fell to the ground and died, and no sound was heard before they died.
Then Lingnie swept up and flew towards the garden where the blue-eyed fox king lived.
Then Lin Yi and Wang Huigui and others arrived.
Those "monsters" in the village are prevented from escaping from the floating island by leaving no one alive. The experts come in from all sides to form a circle, and then gradually shrink the enemies they encounter. They don’t let go of any of them, regardless of whether the hides are male or female or always young, and they always kill them when they see them.
Although there are more than 100 people in the Ghost Village, they are scattered all over the village. More than half of them are still drinking in the house to keep out the cold. It is difficult to resist the surprise attack of the elite forces of the Island. Soon these "monsters" are caught in a panic. They also make all kinds of strange noises. First, they are courageous. Second, they give warnings, but they don’t warn. Soon, fighting screams are also ringing all over the village.
The bloody smell is also full of this dilapidated haunted villa.
Lin Yi blindfolded his face and looked back at Johnson’s residence. He even killed a man wearing a cow’s head and robbed the "cow’s head" set. He was excited and shouted that he was a cow’s head and also killed Johnson’s residence.
There are "monsters" jumping out of dilapidated houses or broken walls to attack and stop them everywhere Lin Yi and Wang Huigui go.

"You are a god, but who are you? What, you are a god and you want to kill people?"

General Zuo Shou said angrily, "Are you laughing at me now, little girl?"
Qiwang w w w q i s u w a n g
"Your ancestors didn’t know anything when my gods protected the people!"
"I don’t need mortal pity! When I protect the people and die, the new people will forget me. I am just recovering myself with incense, and they will shout, beat and kill me. "
"mortals have no memory, and they know nothing about good and evil, but whenever someone is a little nicer to them, they say it’s good and take it for granted, but when someone is not nice to them, they think it’s evil and want to exterminate it."
"Don’t pity me because you don’t deserve this day. There are too many gods like me! I’ve heard of stupid people who burned the temple because they accidentally got sick when they sacrificed to go home. I’ve also seen someone in a temple ask God to show his holiness, but then restrain the gods and drive the bandits! "
"Now that others are doing things because of some evil activities, I have long expected this field, but I didn’t expect it to come so suddenly!"
Miss Shen said, "But you have protected some people, and you were once a good man."
"Killing people is wrong."
General Zuo Shou stopped talking and laughed angrily, then closed his eyes and died. Miss Shen also recited the golden light spell to touch the golden light. It is a superficial entry level and needs the help of body spells to exert its power. It is very small. Maybe even ordinary frogs stained with a little need can’t die.
The debate seems to be fruitless.
Liumin aside repeatedly shook his head.
"Who cares about your past? What do others need to know about your past experience? I know I almost died, and you are not a good thing now."
General Zuo Shou saw waves of white smoke in his head.
Her elephant rushed out of the white smoke.
Then oneself and the deity … It should not be said that the soul is completely separated from the "people-god identity" cultivated by oneself for thousands of years.
He was puzzled and confused until he fell into fear
It’s not just him, Liu Min, but also the Shenyang father and daughter.
"What is this for?"
"This is this shape and shape? How can this be done by a monk? !”
Liumin stare big eyes.
At this time, Ji Xiang caught out the identity of the gods in the gods and condensed them into a god position.
At this time, Ji Xiang still didn’t know that the gods in Changbai Mountain area made a shrine with the help of a heavenly palace in Lishan River. At this time, the temporary shrine made by Tongtian Smoke was very similar
The hands of the gods are connected with incense to shape the spirit.
General Zuo Shou has become a lonely ghost, and his head quickly disappears like black and white smoke, while his eyes are still looking at the new "God" until they disappear.
That’s another self.
Shaped by incense, given the appearance by this black monk, everything is exactly the same as yourself, but without that ferocious heart.
And Ji Xiang’s sudden strength finally made him remember what he had before he died
"Magic … shapes gods …"
"This kind of thing …"
"How is it possible …"
The soul drifts away and dies, leaving the incredible sound.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-four Randomly choose a Du Jie audience.
God will reveal himself and bow to Ji Xiang. This god has no history. Although he is a general left guard, he is no longer the same. Of course, he also has no self-thought and is just a puppet god.
"Giving shape and spirit doesn’t mean that a god is really created. This thing has no subject soul. Ordinary souls can’t stand the incense of all the people without merit. Often, they can sit in temples and become gods. Most of them have two origins."
"The first is that there are very heavy grievances before death, and they can be frequently exposed after death. Repressing and appeasing them will lead to the establishment of temples where they can live. The second is that the predecessors died and later generations mourned and took the initiative to build temples to evoke souls."
Ji Xiang muttered to herself, of course, although it was only to shape the god, but this god really appeared. Such a means of making the gods cry has already deterred Liu Min from talking.
"Elder, this … this now … what the hell is this?"
Liu min’s words are stuttering, and his fear of the unknown is spreading like an old tree
Ji Xiang turned to simply say a word.
It’s like a day. It sounds like Hong Zhong Dalu knocking in the ears of ordinary people, while a monk like Liu Min seems to hear a rumble of thunder in his ears, making his ears deaf as if he were in a vast ocean of incense. This strange dreamland lasted for a moment.
But a great sense of oppression made him almost gasp.
"Godsworn will not be shaken by my words."
"But because you didn’t help mortals before, you violated the magic bullet assessment."
"Because I helped you assess the devil because of an unqualified sentence, I will re-connect your disaster and attach you to your body until you have a magic disaster."
Liumin pale touching his body.
Try the devil to possess himself?
This kind of thing is not too far off the mark!
The magic bullet is the exam, and the ten magic weapons are the examiner. Did I pass the exam, but the examiner still attached me to chase me down and said that the previous exam didn’t count?
A surge of anger flooded my mind.
Even though I know how ridiculous it is to fight back this kind of thing with a word, it is the Yuan God and the Fairy who have little means at present. Although he has doubts, he still chooses to believe it at this time, but since he believes that some things are naturally a small protest.
"This is against the rules!"
Ji Xiang leaned her head. "What’s against the rules?"
Liu Min argued, "I’m not as strong as those monks who don’t come from China. Some of them have the level of immortals. I’m just a monk with three flowers in the seventh world."
"I’m still young"
Ji Xiang nodded. "Fear of death is human nature."
"You didn’t go to the rescue because you were afraid of saving them, and then you were caught."

Correspond to that harsh examination conditions, it is a strong teach force of Philo College.

Students with five senses and six senses are everywhere here.
The proportion of seven senses myths among teachers and professors is quite high.
The garrison strength of Philosopher College is not inferior to that of their castellan mansion, which is reassuring enough.
The only thing that needs reinforcements is …
Daylight welfare home!
"Dean’s adult just sent a message to the duke’s house, so we must hold on and reinforcements will come soon.
"And hope that we can cooperate with reinforcements to gather around the victims."
145 came over and said
Fang you nodded
"This is nature"
Outside, the white curtain has been raised to stop the spread of dirty marks.
The pure white tower built in the core area of the welfare home blooms with warm golden brilliance and dispels the darkness coming from all directions.
The disaster has subsided!
Young girls in welfare homes soon recovered from their panic.
"Ann is just a welfare home and outside …"
The gray fog floats and the dirty marks spread
One ferocious and horrible evil spirit rushed out of the fog and rushed towards the glorious’ Daylight Welfare Institute’
Dean Fang also immediately activated the welfare home defense body.
The white light beam emitted from one light energy tower hole after another in the periphery annihilates one paradox after another.
Welfare homes have security puppets, and instructors’ puppets also immediately participate in the war.
The gunfire roared!
The sword is flying!
However, the number of security puppets in welfare homes is limited, and it was not designed at first to cope with the war. In the face of a steady stream of evil spirits, security puppets and light towers seem to be stretched, and more and more ferocious evil spirits rush to the white screen and constantly slap.
The energy of the defense system is slipping rapidly!
"Lao Li organized students to participate in the war."
"It’s the dean!"
A few of these young girls in welfare homes have gone out for experience, and most of them have not. They do not have the ability to go out for experience yet.
These students are also a weak group.
But even if they are weak, most of them have three senses and are not really weak!
In some’ old hands’ who went out to hone and fight with evil spirits, they led Meng Xin’s young girls to rush to the front line quickly.
Fang you also came to the forefront.
He borrowed the awakening ability of the silver bell to "wash the soul sound", and the sound of Hong Liang spread rapidly and enveloped the whole welfare home.
"Children, the disaster came suddenly but without panic."
"My generation’s cultivation is to have the ability to fight disasters and protect their homes."
"Now you are not weak, but there are more ordinary people waiting for us to save."
"Xiaguang City needs your strength!"
It seems that there is a flame burning from the heart and the sleeping hero soul is calling in the heart.
Who doesn’t have a dream to save the world in his heart? Now that Xiaguang City is in danger, it’s their turn to come out.
"Dean, I seem to be on fire!"

Xu Le Lu for a while Ding Ke was lying in bed sorting out his thoughts Ding Ke was lying beside him, one person and one cat looked at each other.

It’s not that Xu Le hasn’t thought that Ding is a problem cat.
But so what?
Has it ever hurt itself? not have
On the contrary, every time it appears, it will bring you some good luck.
There are black cats when you enter the lighthouse, cross the bridge, rob the Red Moon and finally become a warlock
Xu Le doesn’t know whether these things and Ding Ke have.
But he was sure that if it weren’t for Ding Ke, he wouldn’t have taken the road of taboo warlock himself.
Superstition or intuition, he always felt that Ding Ke was lucky when he was there.
Just like Zhou Wang didn’t know that da ji was a fox? How could Ren Huang not know?
Even if their final result is tragedy, da ji will never give up on Zhou Wang.
Ren Huang is like this, so how can you be different?
Tidy up your thoughts. Xu Le once again devoted himself to learning.
"Don’t learn to change garbage today!"
Although the reference room books can’t be brought back, ordinary materials can be used for personal notes.
Xu Le knew that he lacked a foundation. He recorded the nine spells of the operation: Pro, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Array, Column, Front and Line.
From this evening, he will study these mantras well and prepare for the real technique in the future.
Although the mantra is complicated, it is the foundation of real supernatural power.
"Come from the front"
Pro is also called the source of psionic recognition.
Red crescent spirit is a kind of spirit, which usually represents the basic power of energy.
Most destructive operations are sudden.
Weapon destruction not only represents weapon attack, but also represents surgical destruction form.
Operation-near-soldier combination is the energy base form destruction operation … "
Xu Le studied very hard, and Ding Ke, the black cat, looked at him quietly at the table until late at night until Xu Le fell asleep at his desk.
Ding Kexiao paws pushed Xu Le to make sure that Xu Lezhen fell asleep.
It just walked slowly to the front of the note, and the kitten’s paw picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.
"I have something to say about my master’s hard work!
No, no,no. How can he be my master? I’m an open …
What am I? "
Ding Ke became angry from embarrassment, tore the note and stuffed it into the toilet.
Chapter 46 Black card black sheep girl
In the next few days, Xu Le will go to the night watchman’s division to punch in every day, and then follow Gan to study at the headquarters.

Two or three wings had already caught Wu Ming behind him and stretched out his claws to slap him in the hand.

Do you really think you are a golden-winged Dapeng carving?
Wu Ming also realized that the monkey lion camel ridge was so pustule.
Call a Wu name and change the size of ten feet, grab the strange neck and slap it away.
Swish two golden light flying swords in the eyes to see what effect does not do more fighting.
Take off the body in a hurry and roll into the mountains.
He also found that he is by no means this fellow than his feet, and his opponent can be beaten.
Wu Ming’s figure is as vigorous as Youlong’s. He can hear the whirring in the middle and know that the monster is following.
I can’t catch him for a while
Wu Ming guessed that the demon king behind him might have survived all three disasters, otherwise how could he have such magical powers?
A flash of left and right to avoid Wu Ming can always press the key to avoid the key and get away.
At night, Wang Xiao turned his neck and stared at the front. When he got out of this mountain, he was blocked by trees!
Wu Ming is becoming more and more eager. Do you really want to fight to the death?
If the force breaks out, I wonder if there is a chance to kill the monster. He didn’t want to gamble, but now I’m afraid he really has a chance.
I was thinking about a roar of water but I heard it.
Is there water?
Outside the mountain forest is a big blasphemy, which is really dangerous.
It’s raining hard and the wind is rushing. Tianjin is full of clouds and worries, while hundreds of rivers float. It’s difficult for pedestrians to cross the boat by themselves.
There is a fisherman sitting on a piece of dead wood fishing alone by this river.
Why is there anyone here?
Wu Ming saw the fisherman by the river at a glance.
"The old man walked behind him …"
But the old fisherman looked up and said, "Go into the water and run for your life!" "
Wu Ming sees him.
Old tattered coir to keep out the rain, it’s still too dirty to wear a hat, and a cage of whitebait is placed at the feet of three floors, which is more leisurely and leisurely.
My heart is awe-inspiring. I’m afraid it’s a great avatar!
It also burst into the water and made a water diversion and wave pushing method go against the current.
The front foot has just left, and the back foot of the night king has poop.
"Did the old man ever see a Taoist?"
The old fisherman trembled and said, "He went into the water and swam away."
The night king suddenly sneered: "Hehe, can you escape when you enter the water?"
Will go into the water to kill.
Finally, he suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the old fisherman to leave a fishing rod alone.
This just burst into the water.
Not long after I left, suddenly a white light showed two people.
It is the fisherman who has a woodcutter beside him.
The fisherman caressed his beard and said with a smile, "Ha ha ha, this fellow is hooked, so it’s mine!" "
The woodcutter didn’t pay attention to it, but said, "It’s also because this fellow is guilty that he fell into your hands. If you meet me, you can still have a good time."
The fisherman laughed and reached for the fishing rod.
It’s said that there are some things that happened to the king of Owlman, and it’s been hundreds of miles downstream, but I still haven’t seen the Taoist priest. There is no doubt.
Did the fisherman deceive me?
I was thinking of a sudden splitting headache, and there seemed to be a hook pulling out in my mind.
"People plot against the king? ! !”
The night king was surprised and angry. He found that if he swam back in the direction, it would not hurt, but if he went elsewhere, it would hurt terribly.
The night king turned back to his original shape and sent a baby crying. He wanted to make the avatar but he couldn’t help it.
A fishhook has been hooked on it, and the Yuan God can break free by his changes.
The old fisherman on the shore pulled the fishing rod with both hands and said with a smile, "This big fish still has some strength to soak wine and want to have enough flavor."
The woodcutter was a little curious: "Can this fellow also make wine to drink?"
"Hey, hey, Ling Yao came and drank an altar of wine. It was made from a demon, but the taste was unique!"
As soon as the words sound just fell, I saw a fluttering fisherman on the surface of the water, and then a thin invisible fishing line pulled a monster with a height of 50 feet to jump out of the water.
The monster caught sight of the fisherman and ate it himself. He immediately knew that he had been tricked and begged for mercy.
"Xian forgives!"
The fisherman ignored it and threw it into the fish cage.
That fish cage is also a magical monster with a size of five feet, and it is as big as those two whitebait when thrown in.
The fisherman put away his fishing rod and got up from the cage again, praising, "Good luck, good luck, good luck, if I don’t take the bait, I won’t take him, but it’s suicidal. Haha"
The woodcutter said, "What about the younger generation?"
"Ha, ha, ha, I said you dragged me here and walked away in the wild, you old Taoist priest …"

"It’s not that your grandson can’t have a bite to eat. Isn’t that how Shao Yuan became a talent?"

Chen ha ha smiled and wiped the knife in his hand. "You see, this is wrong. When did Shao Yuan become a success? When did their parents eat me? I am now raised by the second and third families. If you don’t raise me, let people come and eat my Zhao Qinhua. Sometimes I will go to your parents’ house to ask if your mother taught you like this?"
How did Zhao Qinhua become like this when she was stunned?
"Not me. I’m not."
Chen snorted and turned with a knife. "If you let him eat, bring food." She really didn’t come over to eat with a child. Besides, how much a child can eat is mainly because she can’t see Zhao Qinhua.
Sweeping the courtyard, Yue-e Li silently listened to her mother-in-law’s words, not to mention Yao Shangqing, and she would not get involved.
Zhao Qinhua, of course, can’t send rations to come over and take Chen Chengzhuang away. She is a white mother-in-law, and she can’t get good.
Chen Shaoyuan had something in his heart, but he didn’t come out again, so he dug out his things himself.
"Grandma, look, this is something that tripped Yuanyuan. I thought it was different, so I took it back."
Chen didn’t look up when he came, but he also wanted to say why he brought back things that tripped people.
As a result, I was shocked at first glance. "Oh, isn’t this a gold bar?"
Speak in a low voice
Chen Shui washed the things clean, touched them carefully and bit them again. He was still a little dizzy, thinking that his third daughter-in-law was well informed, so let her have a look.
"Third daughter-in-law, see if this is a gold bar?" Chen’s voice dropped when he said the word gold bars.
Yao Shangqing. Take a look at it. Is this really?
"Mom, where did you get this?"
Chen smiled and bent his eyes. "Your home Yuan Yuan got Shao Yuan and said that this is the thing that stumbles Yuan Yuan."
Yao Shangqing was completely stunned.
"Then what should we do?"
Chen took it and his heart was flattered. "Of course, I left it. This is something Yuanyuan will give to her when she grows up."
I have something to say. On the third day, I’m excellent with a 5,000-word chapter! ! ! ! ! ! Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel from 16: 5: 39 to 22-1-22 at 16: 41: 2 on 22-1-21 ~
Thank you for irrigating a bottle of nutrient solution, Little Angel Tears Dream Red Dust;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 32 Winter
Yao Shangqing has no idea. Her mother-in-law has already decided on this matter and there is nothing to say.
As soon as Chen got up the next morning, he saw a chicken and a duck in his own chicken coop.
Zhao Qin spent her yard face smiling, but it’s uglier than crying. She doesn’t want to raise chickens and ducks. She doesn’t want to eat and work. Who can serve them and simply return them? She can also get some luck in front of her mother-in-law
"Why don’t you raise it?" Chen Gherardini asked her
Zhao Qinhua coughed. "Yesterday, Mom was right. I didn’t take care of you with food, so it was our filial piety to send all the chickens and ducks back."
Chen sneer at ha ha two turned into the kitchen and believed her story.
Zhao Qin’s face is a little stiff, and it’s boring to look at it without asking for it.
After the autumn planting in the village was finished, it was considered that there was little work in the fields during the slack season.
Every family is idle, but there are more people on the hillside after the fall. Branches can be picked up when they are dry, and there will be some wild fruits when they are ripe in autumn. If you are lucky, you can meet wild ducks there all the time, and you can also pick up wild duck eggs. Of course, I still met Chen Laosan’s children and found them.
In November, Baijia village is already cold, and the temperature difference between day and night is very large. Who let them be surrounded by mountains on three sides?
Li Guihua came to ask Chen for a purse.
Yuanyuan is in the kitchen to see her rabbit. It’s cold at home, so the heat in the kitchen is not easy to disperse.
Chen’s clothes for Yuanyuan are also quite thick, and the cotton inside is fifty percent new, but this is a cotton ticket for Chen Yougong County.
Almost all the children’s clothes at home are stuffed with new cotton, and their adults pick up some old ones. After all, adults can resist freezing.
Chen went to the kitchen and took out Yuan Yuan’s purse.
Yuanyuan still has some reluctance. She has worn it for a long time.
"Grandma took it to your aunt Danju, and I’ll let you Li Nainai make you one of these." Chen patiently explained it to Yuanyuan.
Yuanyuan has a little head. "All right then."
Chen took out his purse and said, "Go home and give it to Dan Ju. I hope I can manage it."
Li Guihua touched his purse and was grateful for it.
"I’ll embroider one for Yuanyuan when I hurry. Anyway, there’s nothing at home."
Chen nodded and began to peel pumpkins in his hand.
Li Guihua took the things and hurried back.
Chen Yougong came back from the county just in winter. He stayed in the county furniture factory for a long time. The latest batch of furniture with new styles came out. The factory director was very satisfied with it. This time, we will see how the sales volume is. This time, we don’t want to go to the Canton Fair. It is good to be out of the county.
Chen Yougong got a lot of money and tickets this time, and when he came back, he returned five pounds of meat. He thought that he hadn’t touched animal products for a long time at home, so he specially changed the meat ticket and went to the queue early to buy it back.
Chen took a thick stack of tickets and was satisfied with it, so he was steadfast in his heart. A few children at home studied in school, two more Sauers, and they didn’t all get money for the paper.
"Ok, let’s have a good meal today. It’s just winter. If you don’t come back, I’m going to make a vegetarian dumpling. If there is meat, we are meat dumplings."
The villagers pay great attention to solar terms, so they have to eat dumplings this winter. No matter what they have at home, they must eat dumplings or not, so they should freeze their ears. When they get up early in the morning, Chen Shaoer covers his ears and is afraid of freezing them and cajoles Yuanyuan.
Yuanyuan learns to cover her ears when Chen Shaoer comes, and she is afraid that she will fall off without touching it for a while.
Chen Yougong past head hugged yuan yuan "do you want to dad?"
Yuanyuan giggled and she nodded. Of course, it’s been a long time since I thought about it.
Chen Yougong suddenly remembered one thing: "Niang Yuanyuan is two years old. What was the date of that year? I forgot."
Chen nodded. "The second daughter-in-law chopped the stuffing and made dumplings."

He said with his head to one side, that is, "It is recorded that the evolution of the fifth stage of the murderer has appeared, except for the guanyu, the fourth stage of the five elements, and the deep awakening of the natural selection."

"Recorded image input" is a woman. "In addition, I want to wake up Gu Qingshan Pavilion and defeat the opponent according to the method of personal combat model input."
"I have to drag him or all these people will die," Gu Qingshan said.
The goddess of justice quickly said, "reinforcements are being dispatched. Please hold your ground."
Gu Qingshan nodded slightly.
He looked at the young man seriously and said, "Hello to meet you for the first time."
Young people slightly one leng way "hello"
Gu Qingshan then said to him, "Although infected, some basic daily habits of human beings have not been eliminated, such as greeting and greeting."
Gu Qingshan looked at the young man again and said, "Do you remember your loved ones?"
Bang, that is, the lotus flower is scattered into flying pieces.
The young man’s face showed ponder and asked, "shouldn’t you write a legacy?" Or is that what you just said your legacy? "
"I seem to remember, but I don’t want to get up." Gu Qingshan looked at the damage and frowned. "It’s rude to destroy other people’s things casually."
Young people smell speech.
One second, the majestic blood fog emanated from him, and a series of dark blood turned into flames, and his hands rose endlessly.
"Bastard, don’t you dare say I’m uneducated." The young man’s scarlet eyes are full of crazy colors.
"I’ll let you die now!"
The bone spur behind him is once again attached to the blood mist and squirms like a living wing.
Wings spread, young people leap high.
He held out his hand to Gu Qingshan.
Gu Qingshan heart suddenly jump with a strong sense of crisis.
Shrink into inches and start!
A blood flame blasted a deep hole by the position where Gu Qingshan appeared.
"Dead-no one?" The young man’s face relaxed and suddenly stopped.
Gu Qingshan jumped up and flew at him.
"It’s strange that it disappeared in an instant?" Young people don’t worry about the oncoming each other gu murmured
"But what can you do?" He was greeted by Gu Qingshan.
Two people rapidly approaching.
Gu Qingshan’s sword is about to start when the secret sword breaks the water.
Looking at the sword suddenly and violently, the young man had a premonition that something was wrong, and suddenly accelerated and twisted lotus flower around Gu Qingshan’s back.
"It’s over," he said.
I don’t know when his five fingers are as long as a sharp knife
The young man grabbed Gu Qingshan in the middle of the back with his hands.
Gu Qingshan’s sword was closed, but he waved his sword and cut it behind him
A layer of irregular swimming thunder appeared instead of the long sword.
This sword is so wonderful that it doesn’t look like a temporary change.
The whole process from the sword to the sword and then to the sword is as natural as flowing water.
Hand knives and swords collide
"Out of control" start!
The young man lost his shouting and threw back his arms.
Gu Qingshan followed the sword.
Young people control their bodies, but they let the sword edge sideways by leaning back.
Gu Qingshan deceives himself and chases another sword.
The poor sword awn fills the air with the blade-moon chop!
Gu Qingshan flashed in the white sword mans of the whole humanized month.
The young man was cut in two and blown out by the sharp sword wind.
Gu Qingshan landed
The whole fight happened in just a few seconds.
The two men changed their offense and defense several times and won the game.
A group of soldiers and professionals were fascinated. No one expected that the fighting would end in just a few breaths.
Gu Qingshan has no light color.
He raised his head and looked half dignified.
See the two corpse lotus flower together again.
Young people appear in front of everyone intact.
"It turns out that people’s skills can be so strong."