It’s so depressing that people can’t breathe. The whole area seems to be buzzing.

Myths and demigods seem to see that with the sinking of the sky, the whole region will be gradually compressed and straight to the plane, like a picture scroll covered with mud, when everything in the region will be erased.
At this time, the blur shrouded in golden brilliance is coming out.
Without moving or suffocating power, a brown thick root grows from the earth and grows rapidly to form a tongtian tree.
Just like not long ago, the ancient gods made a precious species give birth to a giant tree.
It is gold that is giving birth to giant trees, just like the real sky is falling into the gray sky.
But it doesn’t seem enough
The giant tree still cracked.
If you don’t need to protect these weak humans, there must be a better way to deal with them.
Many people have a heart.
Gold seems to be still calm, like a warm winter sun, like an ancient giant tree.
He stood quietly and sighed "get up"
The earth’s crust trembles, and one golden brown giant tree grows out, which can change the power of the monarch, as if this one were giving it at will
This means that skills are limited!
One is a thousand! One is ten thousand!
In the blink of an eye, thousands of giant trees will grow out, take root in the earth, support the sky and turn the whole world into a world of thousands of trees in an instant.
With a big body and silt, the great gentleman is now sandwiched between the front and the back, like a giant stuck in a narrow space.
Fang you made a snap of his fingers.
In an instant, the giant woody flowers are colorful all over the world.
He guessed that the master’s hand still had the remaining world power and bit his teeth.
Thousands of flowers and trees belong to one body wrapped in mud, which collapses to a point and throws it into the gap!
He manipulated this huge power to imitate it all the time. If it is still at this moment, it will slowly flow.
Myths suddenly looked up and found that the gray-black sky did not know when to crack and disperse, and even the gray fog dissipated with the sun shining on the earth.
Holding up the sky, the trees are also cracked, but there are still a few petals and the fragrance of vegetation floating in the sky and the earth.
But that majestic, mysterious, ancient giant figure has disappeared.
Just like when you come.
Leave a mysterious identity
"No, it’s not a mystery!"
The old woman, a demigod flying in the ancient wood country, trembled and was extremely excited. "Only when the life force is so strong and the vegetation can have a forest goddess can it be ancient and noble, and the goddess has recovered!"
The forest goddess?
A demigod suddenly realized
It is true that the goddess of the forest is also in the front line among the ancient gods. If she returns from history, the ancient gods can really have such great and incredible power.
An understatement will erase a statue of the ninth realm.
In other words, only the top ancient gods such as the forest goddess can do it.
The myth of ancient wood country has become more and more pious.
Non-ancient myths and demigods also bow their heads to show respect.
"praise the goddess"
A tan figure came across the sea from a certain sea area in Yunhui.
His figure is very vague, like all instruments and means are recorded, but his image is very clear. He is the embodiment of the earth walking on the earth.
When he stepped out of the sea, he cooperated with the uplift to form a land where he could rest.
He seems to be slow, but in fact he has crossed the poor distance in one step, and it takes a few more steps to reach the front of Rapids Harbor.
He is the patron of the red sand country.
In the past, the great ancient god, the mountain, the rock and the earth god, is now the big landlord.
The ancient god froze.
"The forest that bitch? Don’t like. "
"But which old friend is strange and strange? There seems to be a little bit of familiarity."
Ancient muttered, shook his head, turned away and disappeared at the end.
Chapter four hundred and fifty-three The aftertaste and rewards
Teacher Fang didn’t know that he had been promoted to the top of the ancient gods and the goddess of the forest.
After he banished the King who had been silted up, he wiped out the source of disaster in the scope of his mind with his residual strength. This process is very easy, just like cleaning the toilet with a toilet cleaner.
When the strength level reaches the standard, it needs laws and abilities to deal with the disaster source.

This is the ancient organization powerful!

Iloshi admits that she wants to develop the party to that level, which is far from her ultimate goal.
However, "I have been invited by such organizations, and sure enough, has Miss Nie Tianzi spread all over Donghuang? Ho ho ho ho-!"
She looked at the two classes in front of her.
They are still full of admiration, but her iron powder is just a little bit of food
But no
"Big sister, I will definitely wake you up!"
"I have found a way."
This is not bragging.
She has a backer now.
The young girl Xiaoqing and the young girl Xiaohong became more admired.
Xiaoqing thought of what way "by the way, big sister, there seems to be something wrong with the FBI just now."
She picked her eyebrows and waved her hand, "Xiaoqing Xiaohong will go with me to meet the guests."
Guzhai front yard
Qin Liyan, a special investigator, is getting impatient. Iloshi, this is the first one. He has several more to go.
It’s not the FBI. No one is these famous cunning hunters. Most of them don’t have a good temper. Just come here. They may not give a damn. They must come here with weight.
This weight is not status but strength.
He Qin Liyan is the strongest of the awakened ones and is also famous in the circle of cunning hunters.
I have dealt with many hunters.
Iloshi also has it.
But at this time, when the girl in the reddish-brown cloak came out, there seemed to be a heat wave coming on her face.
Intuition is warning him.
This girl is dangerous! Very dangerous!
How can Iloshi be so strong? Maybe …
"You sleep? !”
"Two sleep? Ah ….. "Elohi slightly raised his neck like a proud swan." What’s the difficulty? "
Chapter one hundred and nineteen The Apostles Meeting Soon
How old is this Iloshi? How long has he been a crafty hunter? This is the second sleep! Look, the awakening process is still very easy!
Have you lived to be a dog this year? !
Qin Liyan was speechless and was hit hard.
Ilohi disdained to see it. It’s rare and strange … Suddenly I feel that the FBI is like a terrapin. What’s going on?
that’s all
"Xiaoqing Xiaohong, you keep your house."
"When your eldest sister comes back with honor."
She glanced at the suspicious life investigator. "What are you still doing? I thought you said you wanted to support the front line. Let’s go and lead the way!"
She can’t wait.
Not because of the fire, not because of the FBI’s pay, but …
There must be awakens from all over the world in front of the Hellgate line, and it will be a good time for her to stop and set up an organization.
She’s got a name in mind. It’s called …
Sorority of witches!
Bai Jiang Xin huo office
"Hoo ~ Hoo ~"

Zuo Zongtang’s facial expression changed and he looked at Wang Lei with anger. He remembered the recent sudden retreat of foreigners in Japan and looked at the advanced care weapons of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He immediately became keenly aware of where the problem was.

Zuo Zongtang’s mouthful of old blood almost gushed out. These rebels actually colluded with foreigners!
He still knows shame, and he said it the other way around.
"Damn foreigners collude with you!"
Wang Lei smile step by step out with overbearing his voice unusually cold let zuo zongtang hear straight hair "no eternal enemy has eternal interests! Zuo Zongtang, you should know very well that the real attitude of foreigners is "
Wang Lei believes that it is impossible for Zuo Zongtang’s top leaders of Xiang Army not to have such simple political common sense.
Hearing this, Zuo Zongtang couldn’t help but be silent. He clenched his fists and couldn’t help but look at Wang Lei with less hostility.
When Wang Haiyang saw that the care weapon was in place, he didn’t wait for the reaction of the Qing army to directly make the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom soldiers at the city gate drive the care weapon immediately after seeing it. There was a light in the dark muzzle of the care weapon, and something quickly flew into the battlefield with fire.
The weather suddenly twisted, and a circular magic circle appeared. The magic circle was rapidly pressed from the middle to the ground, just like a cage that enveloped the Qing army. At the same time, the runes in the magic circle flashed violently, brewing terror than energy.
Suddenly, in all the magic circle, Qi Qi broke out in a thick way, and all the energy beams broke through the sky and tilted the battlefield.
Every shot set off a monstrous wave, the soil rolled and the ground cracked, and the ground waves out a series of semi-circular energy shields. The explosion energy shields of the Qing army and martial arts experts suddenly died on the spot.
Then the energy burst out and spread to the outside near the mask, and people were injured by the aftershock.
After a round of artillery fire, the Qing army and various factions suddenly suffered heavy losses, and there was a battlefield with residual limbs and broken bodies. There was blood flying in the air, and it was already mixed with flesh and blood. It was very infiltration to leave scenes along those residual limbs and broken bodies.
Tian Yue was also frightened by this scene at this time and hurried to the top of the Western Heaven to hide in the mountains and Woods.
Not to mention the ordinary soldiers, but the leaders of the major sects were all scared by this scene. They were all there for a long time and couldn’t say a word. The power of foreigners’ care weapons was a little stronger than what they had heard before. At this time, they all had already retired and fought again, and they would die in vain.
Harper left the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom with the most advanced weapons in Britain. Even Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang have never seen them. Let the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom be born against Harper of the Qing Dynasty at any cost.
These magic cannons have limited damage to the celestial masters, but they are sharp weapons that kill the fifth-order masters and pose a great threat to the sixth-order masters.
Harper dares to sell Wang Lei’s powerful magic weapons at a high price, and he is not worried about being attacked by himself. That is because today, the empire is in full swing and the sun is not setting, and it is absolutely arrogant and not afraid of Wang Lei’s remorse.
This is a great empire in full swing!
"He has perfectly integrated into this world!"
"And he’s changing the world."
"The flapping of butterfly wings finally turned into a big storm!"
"He let Miao Shan Lin completed the transition from birth to death the year before! The turning point in the destiny of this world and that Qing country has cast a very important weight! Plus his own weight, the original fate line in this country has been pulled by him. "
"He’s a world variable. He’s hiding.-It’s normal."
The Lord god of the virtual reaper looks at the world from afar.
There was a terrible killing of ants outside Tianjing. He saw the fact that they had been thrown into this world from Wang Lei, and "they" had been paying attention to it.
It’s a pity that they are foreigners who are excluded from this world and forcibly inserted into this world, which will lead to a terrible plane war and disturb the "master" to clean up the reaper. The Lord God can spy on this world like a thief but can do nothing.
Everything can escape by that world variable.
There are many countries in this world, and each country has its own plane.
Unlike the PQ plane, which gave birth to the Lord God, the birth of the world plane means that the world is about to usher in a "big trial", which is the death knell of the plane.
In this world where there is no God, every country has its own plane, and the whole country is lucky.

"And the elements Lingting, the siren empire, the territory of beasts and other forces are bound to have greatness that does not belong to their country …"

Humans will have nothing.
It was not that mankind did not have top gods in those days, but believed in gods, and when the world changed greatly, the belief gods suffered the most severe impact and fell one after another.
Compared with the ancient god who was born in charge of Weili, he was less affected and could change to the mysterious road.
Who made human beings born ordinary?
Elements, such as Lingting, and other forces have natural myths and noble lives, and these noble lives are often distant relatives of some ancient gods.
However, human beings are born ordinary, but they are not willing to be ordinary.
There are always ordinary people who dare to climb the stairs of the gods.
They are human beings with limited possibilities!
Their future can be expected!
….. but it’s really a little worse now.
"We humans also have our own advantages. There are many people and soldiers all over the world. This is an ancient place that depends on us."
The sunrise shows that human beings need to form a whole to take the initiative in the face of ancient existence.
The paradox in exploration can but must not be cannon fodder.
He hopes that the burning organization can give a little strength to raise the glory of mankind, although he also knows that it is a bit overwhelming.
"Not much to say, that’s what happened."
"We will inform you as soon as there is any update."
The sunrise comes and goes in a hurry.
If he can rise to the top, will it make the human alliance heavier?
"It is duty-bound to restore the glory of mankind"
His birth and interests have been firmly bound to human beings.
Considering the overall situation, nature also needs human beings to have stronger power.
Only when the human alliance is strong enough for the ancients to face up to it can they take charge of their own destiny … and fight against the indescribable evil spirits.
"Set a small goal and take charge of the incomplete level handle before going to the ancient gods meeting."
This is a bit difficult.
A year is also a little less.
But it’s okay to get into the secret world of time and mix for another nine years
"But my personal strength can rise step by step, and it is difficult to make a big breakthrough in the short term, but the organization can …"
Not long ago, it was said that the emergence of standard deception made the overall strength of the organization rise a lot
The mythical realm has been qualified to participate in the war.
And now …
Fang Mentor hits the panel and enters the column of Apostle of Destiny.
At present, there are six high-ranking apostles: He, Chi Yan, Liu Feng, Zhou Bao, Pale Red and Secret Doll.
There are also some weapons that can be dangerous to high positions, and the world fortress in the sky is the most
There are also many apostles of fate who are climbing the high road here.
Black Knife, Anjianyou, Hitina, Punishment Thunder, Elohi, Qianqiu, Liu Shang … and so on!
With the guidance of fate;
Another tutor gave them some experience, and they climbed the high road more quickly.
Among them, the fastest entry is Black Knife and An Jian You.
The high position of the black knife involves "point the soul", "cultivate", "teach" and "consolidate the army"
Now Black Knife has an incarnation to guide the strong in the organization.

It is the alliance that considers that intelligent creatures may affect the stability of the alliance.

After all, extraordinary creatures of the same type as fierce beasts are not so easily accepted by ordinary people.
It’s one thing to pet animals and extraordinary creatures.
Being on an equal footing with humans can even become extraordinary creatures in their class, which is another matter.
If even supernatural creatures can become alliance leaders, what is it that they have been fighting fierce beasts for thousands of years …
However, the heavenly king war is a good opportunity.
The alliance has also faced many foreign enemies, and the alliance feels that it is time for intelligent creatures to enter the general public’s field of vision.
This time, there are many extraordinary creatures who participated in the Tianwang War.
Among them, Su Meng thinks that he can become Liu Yuan’s opponent Moon Ice.
Tongtian Tower Fantasy Veterinary College
"Teacher …"
Is the science of uniting the burn feather slowly opened his eyes to see in front of people.
See this is a special humanoid creature covered with snow white and ice crystals.
The body made of ice crystals and the cold and delicate noodles
Give people an inexplicable sense of nobility and coldness.
This man is burn feather brother body congenital Xuan Bing on ice.
And even the temperature around the moon ice has started to drop at an alarming rate.
Snow began to float in the air.
These snowflakes are very strange, even if they burn feathers and nirvana, it takes a while to melt them.
It can be seen that these snowflakes are powerful.
Burn feather looked at her and said, "Moon Ice belongs to you in our college, and you have the best chance to win the position of chief champion. I hope you can gain something in the battle of kings this time …"
"student white"
"By the way, one of the opponents this time, I hope you can pay attention to it. Although his physical fitness is quite different from yours, you may not be his opponent when you really fight."
I heard that the ice suddenly came to me this month.
"Teacher, who is this person?"
"The wild royal beast college is now the chief … Liu Yuan"
"Liu Yuan …"
Hear even the first strong burn feather this alliance so seriously the human foot said each other’s strength.
Think of this month’s ice also wrote down this name, ready to go back and get to know a …
Chapter 76 King War begins!
Great Wilderness Tower of Great Wilderness Veterinary College
The Great Wilderness Tower in the central area of the Great Wilderness is the most eye-catching place in the whole Great Wilderness.
Every move here attracts the attention of the whole wilderness
Any sign of trouble may cause a riot.
And with the Bi Meng clan and the later royal bear clan leading the wild to join the alliance.
The wild eyes have long been different from the fierce and miserable eyes of ordinary people.
But decades of hatred can’t be erased in a short time.
Although in order to reconcile the contradiction between the wild land and the alliance, both the Bi Meng royal family and the Xiongren family sent people to join the Wild College.
But it will take a long time to completely reverse the people’s views on the alliance, just like the elves.
However, although there are contradictions with the alliance, a major event six months ago attracted everyone’s attention.
When everyone pays attention to the same thing, the so-called ethnic conflicts will naturally be melted.
This is exactly what the alliance is holding.
After half a year’s brewing, the alliance king war has finally started.
At the beginning, everyone has a very high threshold. It is reasonable to say that there should not be too many talents.
But I didn’t expect a dozen or twenty people to participate in each of the six major divisions.
You know, these 40 or 50 people are all platinum in their thirties.
The outside world is the overlord who can become the domain master.

Fang you wanted to think that a small magic field can also be used

It’s not that I trust her fighting power, but that if Xiao Huan falls into the wind, the other tutor can always possess Xiao Huan to have a wonderful "substitute fight"
The little magic girl’s eyebrow and eye smile immediately showed the real body, dressed in a beautiful light armor, and appeared outside the firewood palace.
"I’ll fight this battle."
"I am the master … the assistant to the Dean and the college tutor’ Shinohara Magic’, please enlighten me."
Shinohara mentor? Is there such a young and beautiful tutor in our college? No!
Several students looked at each other.
Not to mention them, even many teaching assistants and tutors are confused.
Only a few people, such as Master Deng, Roland and Gou Pingan, have a slight guess.
"There seems to be such a girl beside my tutor, but she has never appeared."
"This myth is not in the existing information. Although it looks weak, since it can represent the fire, there must be a special collar."
Huang Zun-chih turned again.
"But the red sand country appeared. The yellow sand wall Iraq has a lot of strength than the quicksand hand … and the Shinohara magic girl is obviously a very young myth, younger than the lamp myth …"
No matter what special collar realm is, it is futile to differ too much.
Yellow sand wall, too.
He is a little reluctant to deal with a little girl, but he will not leave his hand, which is the greatest respect for his opponent.
One side of the battle, the sand wall condensed and appeared around Iraq.
But he looked up at people? What about the opposite myth?
The sense of crisis suddenly came, and the myth of Iraq effectively strengthened the left sand wall, and in a moment, people rolled out of the sand wall and shattered it.
He was not hurt, but surprised and quickly responded.
He condensed out sand spears and shot them out in dozens and hundreds of howls.
But …
The figure in the eyes disappeared again.
The speed of the same myth can’t be so fast that his eyes can’t keep up.
"It is an extremely rare ability!"
Having the ability is equal to being invincible.
Even if the yellow sand wall is overwhelming, all attacks will be in vain.
"But Shinohara’s fantasy myth attack can also penetrate this yellow sand wall."
Huang Zun-zhe said, "No one can stand it now, and anyone can fight for consumption and accumulate many times. The advantage of Iraq must be far away from the myth of Shinohara."
"The balance has been tilted"
The battle is changing quickly!
See a long-term attack, the phantom figure flashed in front of the yellow sand wall, blurred and penetrated the solid barrier, and then turned it into a virtual reality.
The myth of golden red and blood spilled on the myth of Changyi, looking at his physical injury, said that the armor was cracked and the wound was flat, and his eyes widened.
This ability …
Before he thought about the chill, he rushed straight to the top of the skull. He could condense more sand walls and turn his figure around.
Another golden red splash.
His defense is effective.
"No, there is no enemy ability. She must have a weakness!"
After several rounds, the Iraqi myth found out Shinohara’s weakness with sophisticated experience.
She must show herself when she attacks. This is his chance.
"This Shinohara myth is really young and doesn’t know how to hide his ability."
Huang Zun commented
He also saw that such ability can be called fate
"But her combat experience is too shallow, and this kind of fighting body needs experience. If she reveals a flaw, she will be defeated."
Luo Xiufeng asked, "That is to say, the yellow sand wall wins more?"
Huang Zun-zhe nodded, "Just like a battle, the final victory must still be an old myth with rich experience."

This state method deals with the situation.

Slowly pass by
The sun has set a little, and the temperature outside is not so high.
Gu Qingshan has had enough rest.
Physical strength has finally recovered.
But my mouth is thirsty, and there is not even a trace of saliva in my mouth.
This is the body’s extreme lack of water.
Has a yogi ever faced such an embarrassing situation?
If he were a yogi, I’m afraid he would have tried to find water.
However, Gu Qingshan has already experienced the end of the day and remains calm and cautious.
He threw those old newspapers on the floor.
-I can’t understand the text here.
But the newspaper pictures of various wars still made him speculate about the world.
The world’s science and technology have developed to some extent.
In his pictures, he saw some ancient aircraft and missiles, as well as the prototype of mecha.
The enemy of these things is some kind of human-or simply the human body has some abnormal mutation to form a monster.
In this way, it is really difficult for an ordinary person to deal with it
Gu Qingshan moved his body while thinking.
He feels his ordinary body and ensures that his physical strength can control his body to react in various ways.
After a while, the machine rumbled outside.
Gu Qingshan quickly looked out of the window against the wall.
He saw an ancient conveyance.
Chapter one hundred and fortieth Join the partnership
The truck staggered and stopped by the side of the road
A middle-aged man with dark hair, a woman, a black man and a blond man.
They jumped from the car and moved those simple roadblocks.
Gu Qingshan coldly looking at their busy hasn’t made a decision.
He found that it was these four people who moved things all the time, and no one came out to help in the town.
This is a little strange.
Judging from the pictures in the newspaper, it seems that the world is facing a crisis of biological variation and is coming to an end.
It is said that there is a truck coming back at this time, and people in the town should be on guard and check the truck. People will come to check it more or less out of their desire for food and information.

Wenchi said and nodded with a smile and left first.

Mark strode to Tianyang in the hall and held out his hand and smiled, "Tianyang, I will go all out today, so don’t leave your hand. Let’s have a big fight."
Tianyang stood up and held his hand and said, "It’s really a big fight. I’m afraid the training ground will be gone."
Xia Yuan urn said, "Don’t worry. The priest told me that I would release the force field later. You two just do it."
Nuojin smiled, "Oh, I don’t know who to shout for gas."
Mark ha ha a smile "Tianyang let’s cheer together."
Tianyang said seriously, "Then you should be prepared to be defeated by me."
Not to be outdone, Mark responded "You too"
The two exchanged a burning look, and the four temples left the hall and came to the parish martial arts field.
In the martial arts field, the original training of the guardian warriors was stopped.
It is said that there is a temple to compete to decide the candidate for the great temple. The warriors are all eager to stay at the edge of the venue and are unwilling to leave.
Wenchi didn’t clear the field either. He told them to be careful.
Seeing Tianyang and Trace coming to the martial arts field, Wenchi came to the venue with his hands behind his back and waved to the two people who participated in the competition to come together.
Tianyang and the black priests on both sides of Wenchi line of sight, both of them swept a smile and said
"There are not too many restrictions on today’s competition. You can make your own strength, ability, special things and so on."
"But remember that you can’t hit your opponent hard, and you can’t kill anyone. If you violate it, you will recover the qualification of the Templar and hand it over to the fortress."
After a pause, Wenchi said, "Are you all clear?"
Tianyang and Trace exchanged glances and nodded "We know"
"Very good"
Wenchi looked at the nearby Xia Yuan who knowingly raised his hands and released the force field.
Therefore, the martial arts field has a strong and stable atmosphere, so that even if the two manpower shots are rank 5, it will not cause too much harm to the venue and the border people.
The priest retreated and came to the side of Nuojin to raise his hand with the apologists.
Tianyang and mark are not in a hurry to attack, and they have a tacit understanding to retreat and pull their distance back.
Mark calmly watched Tianyang release his star aggregates and the aura to think about countermeasures.
When I have been working with Tianyang for a while, I know that he is far more mobile than me, but today I have prepared that thing to make up for my lack of speed.
Besides, I know that Tianyang likes to confuse his opponent at high speed and then attack from behind. He should appear in the back later, so I should guard against his move.
At this time, he saw that Tianyang drew out the moonlight sword and the star aggregates appeared and grew, but some kind of control surged. A fairly regular round sphere was built around the body of Yin Hui teenager.
Mark Zheng, what is this?
After completing the’ full’ preparation, Tianyang corners of the mouth raise his body slightly forward and the figure is expanding in his eyes!
Today, the teenager is attacking!
Mark got a fright. All his preparations and countermeasures were to establish the mode of Tianyang going to fight, but today the teenager actually chose a head-on collision.
You know, Tianyang is very fast, even if it doesn’t start the variant, but the black knight’s rank characteristic blessing mark has just found Tianyang sprint teenager has come to the front.
With a brilliant Yin Hui sword to cut!
Hurriedly mark good hurrying sword grid in the past.
Two long swords hit together and suddenly the star aggregates spread around like waves.
The mark slipped back after being hit, and the chest was stuffy and it was almost difficult to breathe.
Suddenly there was a light shout around, and no one thought that the frontal collision mark was knocked back by a sword.
But Shi Tianyang knows that if the theory of power is pure, two people are half a catty.
It was Tian Yangsheng who took the initiative and had the characteristics of black knight rank that added to the power of that sword.
If you add marks, you will not make enough strength if you make a hasty move. This is the result of being knocked back by a sword.
of course
The battlefield is not extreme.
Tactics, rank characteristics, abilities, and special things will all determine the outcome of a battle, so it is natural to consider the position.
Now that the sun is slightly in the wind, it will immediately consolidate the results and bite hard
He went back and forth in the martial arts field like a gust of wind, and constantly used the rank characteristics of the Black Knight to bless his speed and increase his power.
On the edge of the venue, let alone ordinary people like Wenchi and Guardian Warriors, even sublimators like Xia Yuan and Nuojin can’t keep up with the speed of the sun.
Often when they catch the signs of the sun moving, they hear that a ring mark has been repelled.
Onlookers are still like this, and the authorities know how much pressure mark is under.
He has given up the naked eye to track Tianyang. With his own experience and feelings, he has not sought to attack but to defend carefully to resolve Tianyang’s sudden attack again and again.
I don’t know how many times after the collision, this mark has been prepared
After the shock, he turned his sword upside down and plunged into the ground.
At this time, Tianyang just went back and prepared for an attack.
But when I saw the mark, the young boy immediately stopped and jumped back as expected.
This is the first time Tianyang has made evasive action since the war.
The scar sword pierced the ground in a circle of force fields, and his center surged like a tsunami and blew around.

It’s only 3 thousand meters. This is it. This is it?

"It’s not enough to have feet after running three laps."
"I didn’t expect the training camp test to be so simple. It’s just a formality."
"That’s right. We’ve tried one round at school, and now we’re running three times to see our spirit."
Some people are happy and some are disappointed.
Self-confident teenagers are very disappointed. "How can such a simple assessment highlight that my Moan level is hateful and I can’t show my extraordinary until I officially enter the training camp?"
Looking at these self-confidence, the new examiners can’t help but laugh.
Laugh with malicious intent
"How naive!"
"Ha, ha, ha, there are cute new people who are so naive. Give them the first lesson today and never be complacent."
Innocent Macey newcomers stepped on a wide runway and ran with a batch of cute new students as ordered by the workers.
Immediately, dozens of people left the big army and walked like flies.
After all, it’s only three laps and three thousand meters. You don’t need to keep too much physical strength to run.
Since the entrance test is so simple, run yourself to the top of the list.
Many young girls think so.
But unconsciously ignored a key factor, that is, when the examiner said that he had finished three laps but did not say the limit.
How can the assessment be unlimited?
Did you forget or …
Xu Feng consciously thought that he ran forward with the surging crowd and kept in the middle position. His eyes also glanced at the first echelon ahead of most people from time to time.
Wait, they seem to be slowing down?
It’s not long before I ran out at this time. It’s less than half a lap. As usual, everyone is still full of physical strength. Even if some people want to stay, they can’t all slow down, just like suddenly realizing something.
Xu Feng is not white, but he runs and runs. When crossing a certain line, he feels that his body is heavy, as if his hands and feet are tied with weight-bearing sandbags. It is not very heavy, but his physical strength is a little more. It is still easy to finish three laps at this speed.
The body is suddenly heavy when running half a lap.
Then will it continue to be heavy and will there be other changes?
Xu Feng thinks so! A high probability will!
Sure enough, the camp entry test is not so simple. It is not difficult to run 3 thousand meters, but it is definitely not easy to overcome many obstacles to run 3 thousand meters.
It is also aware of this that young girls slow down slowly to keep more physical strength.
Amaze at that mysterious power in oneself.
It’s not easy to be heavier than the assessment. It would be funny if you failed to pass the assessment.
The first echelon has the best physical fitness, and a group of people’s faces are getting slightly serious. When the rest of Macey realized this, their faces also changed. At that time, the whole playground was quiet, and there were many gasps of cute new people running.
Change one’s complexion again
That special heavy is coming again!’
No, you have to slow down and adjust your breathing, or you’re afraid you won’t finish three laps.’
Damn, the training camp assessment is really difficult.’
Macey newcomers have a lot of thoughts and gradually pulled the gap.
Xu Feng didn’t slow down too much, so he gradually dumped the big troops and remained in the third echelon position.

Then the bean-exploding matchlock gun shot also reached Weizheng’s ear.

The monocular telescope helped Wei Zheng to see with his own eyes that the infantry lined up with secret armies had lost their bodies again.
There’s a saying that morale is all played out …
In the face of more and more great achievements, it’s like taking stimulants, biting the cold wind, and going straight to the battlefield with bare arms. I’ll clear the gun and reload it as soon as possible …
When the enemy attacked with a bow and arrow in ten steps, the artillery battalion was very surprised to shoot five rounds of shells at Tatar.
Looking around, the dense attack army array is almost half short of troops, and the shield wall has become incomplete.
It is certain that it is not impossible for the two battalions to continue to hold their ground, and it is not impossible to attack the enemy with 500 infantry.
Chapter one hundred and twenty A Royal Guards
Kelly Y Zhou and Wang Feng several people gradually see some clues to persuade Wei Zheng to continue to stick to the fighters’ positions. When the white infantry followed the service, Wei Zheng had ordered in a firm tone in the previous step …
"The musket battalion covered the artillery horses to retreat … After that, the musket battalion quickly withdrew from the battlefield and we went to the third line of defense to continue to fight the enemy."
See a few faces quickly show hesitation expression Wei Zheng heart understand god continued to command, "why are you still leng ma execute orders …"
"I know you don’t want to miss this excellent opportunity to attack the enemy, but don’t forget that after entering ten steps, we can attack the enemy and the Tatar archers can also shoot us with arrows."
"Our strength is limited, and we can’t afford to lose even one soldier. Now the artillery battalion and the musket battalion will destroy hundreds of enemies without one soldier. This achievement is beyond our imagination. There may be a protracted war in the future. We must stop eating too many enemies at once, otherwise we will not only be unable to digest quickly, but also break our own teeth and let us pay the loss."
"Don’t forget that our total strength is more than 1,000 people, and almost one is killed, and one is missing. Now we have destroyed so many enemies in battle damage, which has not far exceeded our combat expectations."
Say that finish before a few people to react again mouth ordered "what are you still staring blankly horse to command … Dalai’s first round of arrows is coming, don’t you want to see your troops casualties …"
After the two battalions hastily withdrew from their positions, the battlefield was one-sided and the massacre scene quickly ended.
At the same time, three hundred archers of Tatar shot the first round of arrows and drew a beautiful silver light, followed by the retreat of the Tiger and Leopard Army, and the Tiger and Leopard Army had given up its second-line position.
As a result, it was not surprising that several white infantry soldiers were left behind to easily push the blasting shield wall to the new earth wall.
Facing the one-man second-line position, I’m too happy. The infantry seems to forget the pain just experienced and climb the earth wall directly to jump into the ditch in one fell swoop.
So they once again gave the Tiger and Leopard Army 100-person body count results for their arrogance.
On the battlefield, whether the Tiger and Leopard Army or the Tatars are ready for an offensive and defensive battle, a security guard rushed into Beijing as soon as he showed his waist tag, regardless of the guards at the gate.
Then the Royal Guards messenger rushed directly to the Royal Guards’ command office without stopping at all.
Since the fall of Zunhua and the appearance of Tatar cavalry around Beijing, the whole city has become nervous, fearing that the powerful Tatars will attack Beijing at all costs.
Chongzhen, the supreme ruler of the Great Dynasty, watched the Tatar cavalry galloping outside Beijing, while his own ruling army was like a little puss-head, shrinking the walls.
The whole person has been holding a mouthful of resentment since the news of Zunhua’s fall.
For half a month, I don’t know how many ministers have been given death by conceited Chongzhen because of this resentment.
Although Luo Yangyang, the commander of the Royal Guards, is the most trusted military commander in Chongzhen, Luo Yangyang has been repeatedly frustrated by the frontline war and has been scolded by Chongzhen many times during this period.
In addition, a number of civil servants in the court have continuously suppressed the Luo’s cultivation of the Royal Guards, and we can clearly feel that if there is no change in the court, it will become more and more difficult for us to stand on the court.
"We must think of some way to change the situation in the court so that the emperor can trust me again and believe in the Royal Guards …" Behind the desk, Locke secretly swore.
However, there are no changes to change the situation in the court.
When Locke raises his eyebrows again, a string of hurried steps suddenly rang at the door.
Then the voice of the confidant bodyguard came to Luo’s nourishing ear. "My Lord Zunhua is urgent …"
"Zunhua … Zunhua fell, didn’t it? How can there be an urgent report … "Locke raises a gender and asks with incomprehension.
Seeing that the bodyguard shook his head in front of him, Luo Yangyan directly waved his hand and ordered, "Let the messenger come in and hope to bring no bad news … I have received enough bad news at this time …"
Soon, a strong man, who is only thirty years old but wearing a hundred clothes in a royal guard, will be led by the guards before Luo raises a gender.
After kowtowing to Luo, he looked excited and said, "I have good news for your honor … I lost the battle by occupying a place called Mushroom Valley in Dourgen, Zunhua City, which not only lost thousands of real Tatars, but also made my own brother be captured by his opponent …"
"Which army played so badly … as far as I know, the whole Zunhua territory has not become an organized army … It must be a big army to be able to take thousands of typewriters at one time and capture Dourgen’s brother …" Luo asked with a full face of shock.
The messenger shook his head and replied excitedly, "My Lord, this army doesn’t belong to an army, but a bandit came from Zunhua. Because one of the bandits is my Royal Guards, we can get the news from the siege of Mushroom Valley by Dourgen’s army …"
Hearing the news, a bold idea quickly filled Luo’s mind.
"The horse will take this bandit to himself. In this case, this bandit will destroy thousands of Dalai prisoners, and the results of Baylor will become the results of the Royal Guards. By then, with this great result, the Royal Guards will surely turn over in court and regain the imperial trust."
Luo, a minister who has served Chongzhen for several years, is very clear about Chongzhen’s temper and character
A conceited and arbitrary emperor, Chongzhen, often looks at the results without seeing Cheng. If you let him know that the Royal Guards killed thousands of enemies in Zunhua and captured the fifteen Baylor Luo of Tatar, you can be sure that the Emperor Chongzhen will definitely praise everyone in the Royal Guards, so it is too necessary to win a victory to boost morale.
Thought of here Locke raises a gender just or frown quickly with a surprise.
The messenger in front of him ordered, "Ma will tell me everything you know about this bandit army. If I can tell it in detail, I will believe that it is absolutely necessary to report the command and make the government reward …"
"It’s your honor …" The messenger said with a face of excitement.
Chapter one hundred and three Chongzhen nai
Dozens of bandits survived the siege of the Tatars and took the initiative to attack and strengthen their own strength many times to build a strong city to fight against the siege of the Tatars, and successfully captured the fifteenth Baylor Duo Duo of the Tatars …
After hearing the messenger Yu Weizheng’s development, he looked excited. Luo Yang couldn’t help but shout, "This Weizheng is really a hero. If we recruit him into our security, we will have one more general who can be good at fighting. Then no one will look down on our security …"
Speaking of which, Luo Yangyang seems to have thought of something and continued to call out, "No, no matter whether this Wei Zheng is willing or not, you should join me. Because we need Wei Zheng Zunhua to achieve results, we will break the game and regain the imperial trust and regain our footing."
In front of Luo’s cultivation, he said, "My Lord, in this case, do you want to go to Mushroom Valley to surrender this bandit named Tiger and Leopard Army? Believe me, a hundred official positions at most will make it possible for the Royal Guards to join us."
"No …" Locke refused without hesitation.
"It’s too late to surrender to the Tiger and Leopard Army … you know, these achievements of the Tiger and Leopard Army were made before our Royal Guards surrendered him. Once we go out, this thing will not only change the impression in our emperor’s heart, but also give people a feeling that we are picking up cheap …"
A twist of the eyebrows puzzled and answered, "In this case, my Lord, what should we do to win the victory of the Tiger and Leopard Army in Zunhua? Although the news that Dourgen’s army is encircling the Tiger and Leopard Army has not come out yet, the paper will not catch fire after all. If we don’t pay close attention to it, this Tiger and Leopard Army is likely to attract others’ attention …"
"When the time comes, it will be even more unrealistic for us to think that the Royal Guards want to benefit the Tiger and Leopard Army …"
At this moment, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Locke’s face.
In front of the hundred faces, he said calmly, "This Wei Zheng will definitely become a member of my Royal Guards. No one can take it away from the butch and leopard army. It is also my Royal Guards who can’t take it away …"
"Don’t forget that counterfeiting is also our old line of Royal Guards …"
"Your horse let a person make a copy of Wei Zheng and join me a year ago. When the copy comes out, you will give Wei Zheng a small flag identity of a security guard. In addition, you will create a copy of Wei Zheng’s promotion to a security guard half a month ago … you must be quick and you can’t let people find clues …"
"To have these two copywriters, this Wei Zheng is the commander-in-chief of the Royal Guards, the Tiger and Leopard Army, which is an army of the Royal Guards. In this case, the results achieved by the Wei Zheng Zunhua territory are the results achieved by the Royal Guards."
Seeing a confident face in front of him, Luo quickly complimented him, "Your Excellency will do it …"
"Well, we must hurry up … tonight I will go to see the emperor with the good news you just reported …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Due to the financial pressure of the Forbidden City in Beijing, all branches of the Forbidden City were also compressed to the lowest state by Chongzhen.
After entering the night, except for a few palaces in the Forbidden City, there was still faint candlelight, and all his palaces were dark.
The hall of Chongzhen, the most diligent emperor of the Great Dynasty, is still lit by candlelight.
A few little eunuchs waited on a dragon robe. Chongzhen was sitting on the dragon case, and after a face of patience, she looked through the various memorials of the stacked dragon case. From time to time, cinnabar brushes wished to write her own reply …
At this time, the closed door of the hall was suddenly cracked, and an old eunuch flashed into the hall with a vigorous posture, and then quickly closed the door to prevent the cold wind from infiltrating into the hall.
After the ugly look at the dragon sitting case, the old eunuch slowly walked to Chongzhen with a long sigh and said, "It’s very late in heaven. You must keep the dragon body …"
Before the old eunuch finished speaking, Chongzhen shook his head with a tired face and replied, "How can I rest when the whole dynasty is outside Beijing …"
"I will go to rest after reading these memorials …"
Seeing that Chongzhen’s tired face flashed quickly with a firm expression, the old eunuch could shake his head like a patron saint and stop talking after Chongzhen’s side.
So half an hour passed again.
With a full face of heartache, the old eunuch is ready to persuade him again.
The closed door of the hall was pushed a gap again with a cold wind blowing into the hall. A thin eunuch quickly came in and walked quickly to the old eunuch to write something.
Just as the old eunuch frowned and prepared to say something, Chongzhen suddenly said, "Isn’t someone coming to see me …"
"It’s the emperor … the Royal Guards’ command made Locke’s adult inquire outside the main hall and said that he had something important to report to you personally …" The old eunuch Wang Chengen answered with a full face of nai.
"Luo raises a gender … what is he doing here? Isn’t what the Royal Guards have done during this period humiliating enough … The pro-army of Heaven didn’t even set an example. What do I want him to do with Luo raises a gender …" Emperor Chongzhen said with a full face of dissatisfaction.