Elves can directly upgrade your strength from the sixth level to the seventh level. It should have recognized you. It is very likely that it will choose you as its owner and guard elves. In the history of a fairy continent, it will never exceed three digits. Do you think it is a blessing to say that you are small?

The Hunger said this, and Situhao couldn’t help greeting the ten generations of ancestors of the elves again in his heart.
Now he doesn’t expect the elves to become their own guardians. He hopes to kill the elves this day and not make waves in himself.
Although the heart is full of hatred for the elves, Situhao’s face is full of longing instead of half performance. He immediately asked Grandpa if the elves possessed by me are very weak, even if he becomes my guardian elf, what?
The Hunger gave Stuart a bloody stare, but the colorful elf is the most powerful. Even if it doesn’t practice to a very strong level now, its strength will not be lower than that of the seventh order martial arts. Since this elf can make your strength advance from the sixth order to the seventh order, it is equivalent to the order martial arts.
Even if its strength is equal to that of the martial arts and the fairy magic, the martial arts of the mainland are numerous, and the ninth-order martial arts abound. It has become my guardian ghost. If I meet a powerful ninth-order martial arts, can it help me in a different way?
Stupid! You are such a stupid pig! Situ Haoli’s conscious voice fell. The Hunger immediately yelled at him and scolded the elves, but they were generated by the purest essence of heaven and earth, and their practice also depended on the essence of heaven and earth. They can be shaped, but the shape is that even if they are at the first-order martial arts level, they can kill the ninth-order martial arts masters. You can’t deviate now. When you are fighting, an elf disturbs your ability to kill the enemy? You are so old that you can’t imagine that the most rare colorful elves in the world will choose your body to dive in and still stay. Is this a female
Situhao for men and women that’s limited vision The Hunger voice fall to the ground, he immediately interface asked grandpa elves also male and female points.
Everything in heaven and earth is opposite to that in yin, yang, sun, moon, men and women. The dark elves are born by the essence of heaven and earth, but it is also difficult to get rid of this law.
Ahem, grandpa, you said that elves are the most pure in heaven and earth, that is, they are male and female and intimate with the opposite sex
The Hunger heard this question from Situhao, and his face turned green with anger. Come on, you’re such a slut.
Hey, hey, hey, Situ Hao gave a wry smile. For a normal man, we can all define it as a prostitute, because both men and women love things and need to say grandpa. It is a big mistake for you to define me like this.
Crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked crooked
Grandpa, you haven’t answered me yet. Because they are condensed by the essence of heaven and earth, there should be no entity. How can they make out with the opposite sex?
The Hunger saw SiTuHao entangled with himself on this issue, and he was even more white. This guy is a prostitute.
Glancing at Situhao, The Hunger shook his head naively. Then he said that at the beginning of the flood, heaven and earth were a mess, and there were no living plants. But heaven and earth gave birth to a chaotic gas, and it was also because of this chaotic gas that plants gradually changed the chaotic gas of heaven and earth after several years of accumulation, and after several months of deduction, heaven and earth gradually became clear. Plants were born with various plants, and the essence of heaven and earth became more and more chaotic, and finally evolved into various creatures, in other words, heaven and earth made all living things in the world today. All living things can be said to have evolved from the essence of heaven and earth, which will form different species. It is because of different qi that I can tell you with certainty that elves are physical and that elves can get the favor of fairies at a higher level than humans. That is a blessing that you can’t repair even a thousand generations younger.
If only my elf were really a woman. After listening to The Hunger, Situhao’s face was full of longing and muttered
A slight pain came from a light ringing of the head. The Hunger actually knocked on Situhao’s head a little. Don’t think about it. Even if your body ghost is a woman, even if she is willing to be your guardian ghost, it is more difficult than going to heaven if you want to hold her body.
What ah SiTuHao incredibly asked.
Now I ask you to go to a bitch and love you, will you?
Situhao didn’t expect The Hunger to ask this question, but this kind of thing simply doesn’t even consider your old man’s problem. Would you like it?
Don’t you have to compare the elves to be human beings? In their eyes, we people are just like livestock. They are willing to be adults to protect the sky. It is also because of a win-win situation. Because people can make them improve faster, even if they are lonely, elves will choose elves to love real people. That is equivalent to people and animals. Generally, The Hunger said directly that Chapter 18 is more affectionate than bitter feelings.
Isn’t there a good thing about elves in the history of fairy magic mainland? Situhao still asked some people who were unwilling to give up.
The Hunger took a farewell look at Situhao and shook his head naively. Because elves practice true love by relying on the essence of heaven and earth, people’s strength can be improved, and people’s physique can be changed. This is much faster than simple practice. This is something that Wudu knows, but it has never been heard that people want to have the purest body to love the elves. This is something that everyone dreams of, which is a fatal temptation and can increase their strength. How many people can resist it? It is said that some people once wanted to protect the elves’ black hands. Because they broke this balance, they eventually died in the hands of the elves, so few ghosts will choose the guardian ghost of Chengwu, that is, choose the guardian ghost of Chengwu. That is also a man to a man and a woman to a woman. Don’t make any wrong ideas when you are young. I want to enter your body. The ghost is probably a male ghost. I just said something about the female ghost, which is just an expression.
The Hunger’s suspicion is that he poured a pot of cold water on Situhao.
He doesn’t want to tangle with The Hunger on this issue. Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this now, Grandpa. I want to discuss something with you now.
The Hunger looked at Situhao with a puzzled frown. What do you want to discuss with me?
As you know, I’ve caused several troubles in Xianmo Road now, and I can fight with talented people at any time, and I hold the split lightning blade, which has a powerful damage to the ghost. I will summon your ghost at the right time every day in the future to get some air, and then I will summon your ghost into the mixed heaven ring, so that I can ensure that the split lightning blade will not hurt you. What do you say?
Situhao is telling the truth. Although the lightning blade will not cause fatal damage to The Hunger’s ghost, the damage caused by the lightning blade over time must be great.
The Hunger pondered for a while, but Nai nodded. Well, it’s better than not dumping me a few months younger than you. It’s a good thing that the split lightning blade has done me a lot of damage. Fortunately, you haven’t let the split lightning blade recognize you yet. If the split lightning blade recognizes your master, I’m afraid I can’t get close to you. If you are promoted to a certain level, the split lightning blade will probably form a water fire.
Alas, the sky-splitting thunder blade is an excellent artifact, and it can easily recognize me here. Okay, Grandpa, I’m going to Cangling Sect now. You’ve had enough gas today, so hurry back to the sky-splitting thunder blade, or I’ll kiss you in.
I heard that you only chopped the arm of the patriarch of Cangling Sect in the Battle of Fengyun Jianzong, and now why are you going to Cangling Sect?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
I think you are a typical animal to mutter to The Hunger that his ghost has disappeared on the spot.
Seeing that The Hunger agreed to his own statement, Situhao was completely relieved.
The Hunger can come to get some air every day, which will be a good thing for him to practice his martial arts after practice.
There are still many secrets about himself. The Hunger really wants to bite himself after he doesn’t know why The Hunger got it completely. These are also his ways to deal with The Hunger root. He must never let The Hunger know.
Gal The Hunger can control in SiTuHao willing to let him now range even if he will make a martial arts world turned upside down, he can’t know, let alone hide some secrets.
Get The Hunger Situhao to fly to one side and take Zhuge Qinglan from his own knowledge. At the beginning, he was easy to prepare things and dressed himself as a woman in a place where he was alone.
In order to reach Cang Ling Zong’s complete support for Mu Ling and grieve Mu Tianfeng, the first step of this great plan is that Situhao must let himself reach Cang Ling Zong as smoothly as possible.
The thought of Mu Ling’s heart sutra will be a great success. Situhao immediately flashed twice in his mind. The scenes of Mu Qinglan’s dry addiction flashed in his mind. His body immediately changed subtly, and his mouth was greatly swallowed by body fluid.
Changing women’s clothes will turn you into a woman, but looking at your chest, the airport doesn’t look like a woman at all. Situ Hao flew in the dense forest and found two suitable sizes and fixed them on his chest as two round twin peaks.
Looking at his slightly graceful body and somewhat curvy beauty, Situhao is quite satisfied.
Looking at yourself like this, Situhao couldn’t help thinking of that lovely and naughty Zhuge Qinglan, and she was full of thoughts and thoughts, thinking about GongSunReLin Ye Xueyue and violently attacking my heart.
He really misses them at this time, not only because of bad thoughts, but also because they want to see them and keep them by their side forever.