Wait, what’s it called being divided? What thunder bear licked his face and wanted to go back?

Is there a big secret in this?
When the strong man saw that he could not accommodate, his face became gloomy and depressed, and with a snort of cold, he walked outside.
The crowd in front of him shuddered and involuntarily gave way to a spacious passage on both sides. They looked at the thunder fire bear and lost their heads in the fog.
But it doesn’t matter. Aren’t there other’ acquaintances’?
After half a month, the Palace Que finally got out of some familiar figures … Green Leaf Sword Feng Hsu, Thunder Palm Day, Mechanical Octopus Ban Bote and so on.
They are eating melons, too. At this moment, the melons have been eaten, and the students are ready to go back to their hearts, wondering how to take a few more jobs and try to exchange them for another contract.
Passers-by in the distance gathered around urala.
No matter whether you have had two sides before or simply don’t know these passers-by, they all talk very well in a close way.
But there is nothing more than one thing-what is the secret of the college? What makes them stay indoors for half a month?
Actually, they don’t go out for half a month. They go out to work every day.
But do your best to work? Of course it is. Exchange one or two more doors.
A strong man with six senses is trying to dazzle himself in the college to see if he can surprise a few bars.
But when the words were about to be exported, the man seemed to think of something, and the conversation turned.
His eyebrows drooped and his face collapsed.
"Well, we lived a hard life in college, and the place was narrow, and we were exhausted day by day … it was a desperate day."
Other words that were also about to pack to force came to the mouth, and the strong man swallowed back the words that were about to spit out.
They waved and talked about the same thing.
"hey ~"
"I’m exhausted this day."
The quasi-forced meeting turned into a miserable meeting in an instant.
The preparatory students have figured it out.
It’s good to pretend to be forced, but is it important to have a chance to become a regular?
It is extremely difficult to obtain the assessment of the official student status. On the one hand, the number of people is limited. On the other hand, if these guys outside are allowed to flow into the college in unison, they will not have many chances to become a full member, and the chances of becoming a full member will be even more slim.
How can this work!
After selling badly for a few words, the trainees went out to eat melons and sneaked back to the secret land like thieves, leaving a group of awakened people outside to look at each other.
They suspect that these guys are talking nonsense, but there is no proof!
If it’s a bitter day at the Firefighting Academy, why does the thunder bear lick his face and want to go back? How can you enjoy it one by one?
There’s something fishy!
They ask around and prepare students. After all, many experts who represent powerful forces often have connections with the outside world.

Lin Yi said, "Johnson is in the villa at the moment, and I have also explored where he lives in the villa."

Zuo Chaoyang finally got revenge after listening to the exultation. Zuo Chaoyang never showed up with a weapon and a dagger to cut Johnson’s head. Mother is still waiting for him to go back with Johnson’s head to offer sacrifices to Sister Tianling.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "My master and all of them have arrived. Let’s go back first."
Zuo Chaoyang took Lin Yi over a hillside and entered a hidden cave on the slope. Not only did Ling Nie hope to return, but they also had dozens of floating island masters in Erkui. Because the cave was not too big, dozens of people seemed crowded.
Lin Yi glanced at those floating masters and didn’t see Mei Mei, which disappointed Lin Yi.
Lin Yi will tell Ling Nie about the situation and hope to return to Ling Nie and learn that the blue-eyed Johnson’s eyes in the villa are extremely transient at the moment.
The silver hair on his head is also floating because of his anger, which shows how much he hates the blue-eyed fox king in his heart.
Since Johnson came to the villa, he arranged the attack on the villa.
Zuo Chaoyang suggested, "Master, there is still an hour before dark. We might as well wait until dark."
The murderous look in Ling Nie’s eyes rose sharply and he said, "Do it now!"
Looking back to Zuo Chaoyang, "Zuo Yangyang, your master made the right decision this time. You don’t know this old monster. We dealt with him in those days, but it was better for the blue-eyed fox king that it was dark. His evil work was really a double day. It’s a mountain forest here. If he dissolves into the night, we really can’t. Hey, hey, kill him now. He dares to frame Lao Lao and pull out his fox tendon today!"
Looking back, Zuo Chaoyang won’t talk again. After all, looking back and Ling Nie know more about Johnson.
Looking back, he said to Lin Yi, "Xiao Lin, draw a picture for them when you go into the villa for exploration, so as to save time when you go in and wander around."
Lin Yi drew a simple mountain villa figure with his fingers. The cave is rocky. Lin Yi drew like a stone, like a sharp knife cutting tofu, criss-crossing lines to form a mountain villa plan, which was slowly presented.
Gone with the wind experts leaned in to see it in batches.
After painting, Lin Yi pointed to a road, "Blue-eyed Johnson is in the garden. There are many people guarding the roof and several people pretending to keep watch."
Ling Nie glanced at the figure where Johnson lived and remembered it.
Then Ling Nie ordered all the masters of Gone with the Wind Island to "enter the villa, whether male or female, old or young, whether it is a demon or a demon, and kill it when you see it!" No one! After killing, you can cut off your left ear to prove that whoever cuts off your ear will be rewarded when you go back! "
Qi Ying, a master of floating island, said, "Yes!"
Looking back, he was greedy for money again when he heard the reward. He quickly said to Ling Nie, "Ling … Island owner, can I get a reward from you when I cut my ear?"
Lingnie threw the word "hope to return"
Then Ling Nie took the lead out of the cave.
Lin Yi and others came out later and disappeared, which shows how urgent Ling Nie is to kill the blue-eyed fox king.
Then Lin Yi and others also dispersed quickly toward the "ghost village"
After the drunken Taoist priest left, Johnson recruited several disciples.
Johnson is sitting in the hall, next to the chair in Zhongda University, there stands a coquettish and beautiful woman, and a pair of eyes are catching people’s souls. It is Johnson’s favorite female disciple Hu Jingjing.
In front of Johnson, there are four "monsters" except the gatekeeper "bear". One is wearing a tiger skin and the other is wearing a leopard skin and a wolf face. They are the tiger, leopard, wolf and bear in Johnson’s eldest brother, and the other four brothers are all dead in the attack on Gone with the Wind Mountain in World War I.
Johnson said to the four disciples, "Now the North-South hegemony is in a mess. We can’t stay too long. The teacher decided to leave the Central Plains and go back to Mobei. You should inform them now to pack up. We will leave late. This matter can’t be leaked …"
The four brothers all felt relieved when they heard this.
When they came to the Central Plains, they were still very excited, but they could enjoy the splendor here in Weifu, a rich place.
But the central plains Wulin is so powerful that they are dumbfounded.
There are many masters in the Central Plains sects. They are all first-class masters in Mobei, but the roots of the Central Plains don’t play a role.
And the north-south hegemony is bloody and cruel, which is far beyond their imagination. Especially Piaohua Villa was almost wiped out in World War I, and it still made them shudder in retrospect.
Now I can finally go back to the desert north, and the four of them are secretly happy.
Johnson told the story, except for the bear, who continued to guard the hall door. With a feeling of joy that he was about to leave his misery, he hurried to inform his classmates to pack his belongings.
When they went out, Johnson picked up Hu Jingjing and put it in his arms.
Hu Jingjing hugged Johnson Bochen and said, "Master, do we really want to go back? The somebody else really loathe to give up this bustling Central Plains is really much better than Mobei, especially those good rouge powder and where there is no Mobei … "
Hu Jingjing said that he was wronged and pursed his lips.
The real Hu Jingjing is not completely greedy for the prosperity of the Central Plains. She is now secretly hooking up with Li Tianlang. Li Tianlang promised that Hu Jingjing would marry her when the time is right and let her be the mistress of pastoral religion, which is a great temptation for Hu Jingjing.
Li Tianlang is younger than Johnson, and Hu Jingjing wants to change course.
Blue-eyed Johnson touched her beautiful face and said, "Baby, I know you can’t bear to tell me the truth. The Silver Devil on the Floating Island is my enemy. Now he is going to seek revenge. You know that the master is afraid of two people. The first one is Qin Tang, and the second one is Master Ling Nie. As a result, Ling Nie is still alive. This person is very difficult. I have to leave you. Don’t be greedy here. It’s important to save your life. They are a lesson."
Hu Jing Jing did not move. "Well, the master will go wherever he goes. In this life, the master is a master, but I want to go to the city to buy some powder and some clothes."
The old monster said, "Well, then go back quickly and remember that we can’t tell anyone about our departure."
Hu Jing Jing jiao Dao "acts as a white child"
Hu Jingjing left the hall and went out of the village first.
Hu Jingjing didn’t go shopping. She abandoned the blue-eyed fox king for Li Tianlang.
Chapter 27 A bloodbath Ghost Village (2)
This Hu Jingjing is really lucky. Soon, disaster will befall the ghost village.
Lingnie was the first to go to Ghost Village.
His figure is as fast as a white phantom, which makes it difficult to recognize that he is an evil thing. He floated from the gate of the villa and there were four guards. Before they could react, the evil thing fell from the sky, like a ghost. Two or four guards fell to the ground and died, and no sound was heard before they died.
Then Lingnie swept up and flew towards the garden where the blue-eyed fox king lived.
Then Lin Yi and Wang Huigui and others arrived.
Those "monsters" in the village are prevented from escaping from the floating island by leaving no one alive. The experts come in from all sides to form a circle, and then gradually shrink the enemies they encounter. They don’t let go of any of them, regardless of whether the hides are male or female or always young, and they always kill them when they see them.
Although there are more than 100 people in the Ghost Village, they are scattered all over the village. More than half of them are still drinking in the house to keep out the cold. It is difficult to resist the surprise attack of the elite forces of the Island. Soon these "monsters" are caught in a panic. They also make all kinds of strange noises. First, they are courageous. Second, they give warnings, but they don’t warn. Soon, fighting screams are also ringing all over the village.
The bloody smell is also full of this dilapidated haunted villa.
Lin Yi blindfolded his face and looked back at Johnson’s residence. He even killed a man wearing a cow’s head and robbed the "cow’s head" set. He was excited and shouted that he was a cow’s head and also killed Johnson’s residence.
There are "monsters" jumping out of dilapidated houses or broken walls to attack and stop them everywhere Lin Yi and Wang Huigui go.

"Hey, that’s …?"

The myth turned to look into the distance.
In my perception, there are strands of familiar breath flying from afar at a very fast speed. The first ones are the sunrise demigod, the palace lady and the old man from the south.
It is a team of Gu Yue dynasty!
The sunrise demigod locked in the mythical flavor of Esvers and so on, slowly slowed down and finally stopped in front of them. He leaned out and swept the surrounding waters for hundreds of miles, then set his eyes on several mythical bodies who were badly injured after a big war.
"Looks like we’re a little late. You’ve got rid of the pursuers."
He smiled.
I saw a big question mark popping up in Esfus’ stupefied forehead. "Didn’t the Golden Flame God of War just now arrange reinforcements for you in Gu Yue?"
Silver armor, blonde hair, golden flame, white flame
After listening to Aeschylus’ description of the sunrise demigod and the lady of the palace, and the old man in the south looking at one person, these three Gu Yue dynasty figures also slowly raised a question mark.
“? ? ?”
"Then who is this strong helper?"
Aeschylus was also lost in thought.
Being hotly debated, the seven-sense-top power, Jin Yan, the god of war, Hitina is biting her lip at the moment, and the bunch of people who have stood up and have drooped are somewhat depressed.
"I lost my mentor."
She has accumulated a certain fighting spirit and entered a double explosive state. Sidina’s fighting power can no longer be strong. She can be described as a god blocking the killing of God and a paradox blocking the killing of paradox.
Moreover, her combat body is quite similar to that of Iloshi, which is not limited by the environment and has obvious weaknesses, nor is it like punishment and thunder. She has strong defense and insufficient attack. She has high output, strong defense, strong vitality and fast speed, and she is not afraid of sneak attack on single groups, and she has the ability to crush evil servants by means of deviant means.
But she still lost it.
It may be that the dirty sea is dark and easy to get lost. It may be that the servants of the evil gods are scheming. Sidina, the three servants of the evil gods, did not chase any of them.
After cutting off the servant of the evil spirit, she can look around and find no trace of the dark sea, sulking.
"If you lose it, you lose it."
Fangyou avenue
He was not surprised that these evil servants’ ability to survive was not weaker than oasis myth at all, perhaps even stronger. After all, evil servants could influence the seven stars to hide in the dark and attack.
But Sidina didn’t chase a statue of an evil servant … E did pull a little, maybe she was a little road-crazy.
No, you can’t be so eager to find and pursue filth in an environment full of filth. Compared with orthodox mythology, it is as striking as a torch in a polluted sea. It is not surprising that it is difficult to get rid of the pursuit.
He actually cares more about Sidina. She … No! Yes! Hold! Home!
What did she just do? Strong slay several seven-star cunning evil spirits, but the root didn’t pick even one material! Let them fall into the darkness.
Not to mention that if she stays and is saved, several myths have to be expressed.
These things have never been thought about by Sidina, and the tutor can’t help but think about it!
Fang teacher sighed.

The nangongshan fine soft looked at him and suddenly remembered how he dealt with JiYan.

It’s Brother Yuan Ying’s condition that there will be a monty female emperor with him.
He and Monty killed Brother Taixu together …
Has this ever happened?
The nangongshan sunny soft inexplicably much a few minutes of confidence.
She reached for a jade slip and handed it to Gu Qingshan.
"We have been recording and preparing for the opportunity to kill him," she explained.
"You are thoughtful," Gu Qingshan praised the jade slips. "This is a good end, and a good end means that we have succeeded half way."
Chapter two hundred and nineteen Regression
At this time, the interface of Ares Operation has a series of indicators flashing constantly.
Gu Qingshan looked at the ares interface.
Several rows of firefly small print are staying noodles.
"Then/Yuan Ying double realm avatar extraction is over"
"You have completed seven times and got the opportunity to extract the double realm avatar."
"You succeeded in coming back to life (temporarily), and you gained a miraculous transformation."
These lines of fine print stayed there until Gu Qing finished reading them.
A new line indicator appears.
"Decisive Battle of Destiny ()"
"Describe the interweaving and gathering of the world and personal destiny, and everything will change with it."
"The goal is to keep the SHEN WOO world as it is in the future."
A few lines Gu Qingshan has seen the post-treatment fly ash.
New words appear
"You have finished the decisive battle of fate ()"
"Congratulations, you have won the Ares title option, and you will be able to keep the Ares title in future battles."
"You left the SHEN WOO world intact and designed to kill the culprit."
"You overfulfilled it."
"bonus: when you return to the real world, you can come back again at any time. There is no time limit."
"Players can now return to the real world immediately."
There are several lines of red wake-up symbols.
"special appearance"

There is a shortage of permanent residents in cities and towns, and a town needs all kinds of jobs to fill it.

Fang you introduced some intelligent puppets, and it was full of fireworks when he glanced at it.
It’s still far from Candeira’s empire to talk about the art of life and enjoy it. It’s still in Candeira-the people of Blue Star are playing with flowers.
At this time, Chi Yan is eating marshmallows in his left hand and lollipops in his right hand.
"Who is the teacher?"
Wearing a long black dress and a red headband, I saw that you were giving yourself a half-day holiday, and I found my tutor and a strange figure far away.
The girl’s face is tender with pills, and the first one is a little shorter than Iloshi
He’s a lovely child.
See you very habitually stretched out his hand and touched the red Yan head red Yan is also very accustomed to enjoy the touch … Fang you Bengbu lived.
One is an Ann mother who is only over twenty years old;
One is the youngest 100-year-old sister Chiyan;
Ah, this …
But after thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.
Chiyan is a senior martial sister of Firefighting College and an’ ancient’ who returned tens of thousands of years ago, but if the other tutor is peaceful and quiet, the senior martial sister Heidao is a senior brother.
Suo Chiyan sees you and Younger, and he thinks it is very reasonable.
Guess it’s hard to imagine that Chiyan is still Liu Feng and Elder Martial Sister Zhou Bao.
In those days, Chi Yan was a little older than Liu Feng.
The youngest is a treasure.
But Zhou Bao is a muscular guy because of his own talent. He is two or three meters tall in addition to his immature face.
When he advanced to the myth, he looked like a big young man.
Liu Feng is an’ average’ type, and his height is relatively immature on the other side of the average line. However, Liu Feng intends to dress up mature after taking the post of Dean of the College, so that he will not be looked down upon by outsiders.
He has been a dean for more than 100 years, and he has naturally matured a lot in receiving people from all walks of life and handling various matters.
On the contrary, Chi Yan’s life is longer, but she is either practicing closed or heading for the battle road.
How did she get the enemy’s fighting capacity? Brain, of course … Cough at the expense of all leisure time.
If it’s called worshipping the ninth pillar, fans don’t know if their faith will collapse when they find out that the red pillar is like this.
An Jian You seems to have mastered the skills of bringing a baby. After Xiao Lu’s cooking skills, she even gave Chiyan a sign.
Fang You didn’t arrange for Chi Yan to continue her cultivation.
These days, Chi Yan followed him or found himself in seclusion, scampering around the base or the Spark Oasis and the Fire Oasis.
He also took a break for a few days.
"Red Yan is far from recovering its combat power and is seriously damaged. At this time, it is definitely not possible to go to the front line. However, with the light red and the secret doll, it has already had two high positions and can barely have a combat power in the face of disaster."
In this era, disasters are getting worse and worse, and the evil camp is becoming more and more rampant. Only when there are high positions can they barely have the ability to dominate the battlefield.
High-ranking ants
The organizational strategy is still to look for the high-level means of killing the gods’ weapons on the basis of’ people’s cultivation’.
At the same time, enhance the existing two high-level combat power.
It’s very clear that Pale Red wants to ascend the road. Just kill the high-ranking Baal waiter and absorb their divine power. There will be no bottleneck before the repair degree is 999%
After all, the secret doll is not real life, and his secondary apostle recruitment voucher method is also a method to learn skills for the secret doll.
The secret doll’s own combat power has reached its peak, and it can increase its combat power by adding other accessories.
But Fang You still came up with a bold plan.
-make the’ nether emissary’ skill contract the secret doll and slowly increase its strength.
This is about feasible.
The difficulty lies in the contract.
It’s not enough to contract a high-ranking secret doll just because it sucks her dry.
So Mr Fang tried it himself.
Also failed.
"I’m already a demigod. Although I’m short of the talent of peace of mind, I’m worse than her in contract, but my comprehensive strength is stronger."
He can’t contract, let alone find peace and quiet.

Zuo Zongtang’s facial expression changed and he looked at Wang Lei with anger. He remembered the recent sudden retreat of foreigners in Japan and looked at the advanced care weapons of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He immediately became keenly aware of where the problem was.

Zuo Zongtang’s mouthful of old blood almost gushed out. These rebels actually colluded with foreigners!
He still knows shame, and he said it the other way around.
"Damn foreigners collude with you!"
Wang Lei smile step by step out with overbearing his voice unusually cold let zuo zongtang hear straight hair "no eternal enemy has eternal interests! Zuo Zongtang, you should know very well that the real attitude of foreigners is "
Wang Lei believes that it is impossible for Zuo Zongtang’s top leaders of Xiang Army not to have such simple political common sense.
Hearing this, Zuo Zongtang couldn’t help but be silent. He clenched his fists and couldn’t help but look at Wang Lei with less hostility.
When Wang Haiyang saw that the care weapon was in place, he didn’t wait for the reaction of the Qing army to directly make the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom soldiers at the city gate drive the care weapon immediately after seeing it. There was a light in the dark muzzle of the care weapon, and something quickly flew into the battlefield with fire.
The weather suddenly twisted, and a circular magic circle appeared. The magic circle was rapidly pressed from the middle to the ground, just like a cage that enveloped the Qing army. At the same time, the runes in the magic circle flashed violently, brewing terror than energy.
Suddenly, in all the magic circle, Qi Qi broke out in a thick way, and all the energy beams broke through the sky and tilted the battlefield.
Every shot set off a monstrous wave, the soil rolled and the ground cracked, and the ground waves out a series of semi-circular energy shields. The explosion energy shields of the Qing army and martial arts experts suddenly died on the spot.
Then the energy burst out and spread to the outside near the mask, and people were injured by the aftershock.
After a round of artillery fire, the Qing army and various factions suddenly suffered heavy losses, and there was a battlefield with residual limbs and broken bodies. There was blood flying in the air, and it was already mixed with flesh and blood. It was very infiltration to leave scenes along those residual limbs and broken bodies.
Tian Yue was also frightened by this scene at this time and hurried to the top of the Western Heaven to hide in the mountains and Woods.
Not to mention the ordinary soldiers, but the leaders of the major sects were all scared by this scene. They were all there for a long time and couldn’t say a word. The power of foreigners’ care weapons was a little stronger than what they had heard before. At this time, they all had already retired and fought again, and they would die in vain.
Harper left the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom with the most advanced weapons in Britain. Even Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang have never seen them. Let the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom be born against Harper of the Qing Dynasty at any cost.
These magic cannons have limited damage to the celestial masters, but they are sharp weapons that kill the fifth-order masters and pose a great threat to the sixth-order masters.
Harper dares to sell Wang Lei’s powerful magic weapons at a high price, and he is not worried about being attacked by himself. That is because today, the empire is in full swing and the sun is not setting, and it is absolutely arrogant and not afraid of Wang Lei’s remorse.
This is a great empire in full swing!
"He has perfectly integrated into this world!"
"And he’s changing the world."
"The flapping of butterfly wings finally turned into a big storm!"
"He let Miao Shan Lin completed the transition from birth to death the year before! The turning point in the destiny of this world and that Qing country has cast a very important weight! Plus his own weight, the original fate line in this country has been pulled by him. "
"He’s a world variable. He’s hiding.-It’s normal."
The Lord god of the virtual reaper looks at the world from afar.
There was a terrible killing of ants outside Tianjing. He saw the fact that they had been thrown into this world from Wang Lei, and "they" had been paying attention to it.
It’s a pity that they are foreigners who are excluded from this world and forcibly inserted into this world, which will lead to a terrible plane war and disturb the "master" to clean up the reaper. The Lord God can spy on this world like a thief but can do nothing.
Everything can escape by that world variable.
There are many countries in this world, and each country has its own plane.
Unlike the PQ plane, which gave birth to the Lord God, the birth of the world plane means that the world is about to usher in a "big trial", which is the death knell of the plane.
In this world where there is no God, every country has its own plane, and the whole country is lucky.

She is a mage, but she is never a quiet mage.

However, watching Iloshi gradually enter the gods, and the mysterious verve rippled all over his body. As time went by, these verve became more and more profound, as if to brew a regular rhyme.
A few days later
"ding! 」
"The Apostle’ Iloshi’, who showed his destiny, realized the law, and the stone tablet was slightly enlightened, and his fire skills were greatly improved."
"Liu Shang, the Apostle of Destiny, realized the law, and the square tablet was slightly enlightened, and his wooden skills improved."
"The Apostle Liu Feng, who showed fate, realized the law of" cutting and cracking "…"
The current front in front of the sword tablet suddenly opened its eyes, and he pointed to a crack as black as paint and ink when the sword was lightly scratched.
Never leave for a long time
"The Law of Sword Cutting and Cracking!"
"After understanding this law, I have the confidence to directly penetrate the disaster star of that day."
"But even with the sacred object such as the square tablet, it took me several days to get started. Isn’t it a little slow?"
He was lost in thought.
Swim in the distance, lost in thought
Oh, Liu Feng is an old-fashioned demigod, so it’s okay.
However, even if Liu Feng understands the law, even if he has a high-speed rise in the next period, he is still far from the ninth highest position in the opponent.
The gap between high position and demigod is too big!
Almost as big as the dimension gap.
The experienced tutor has a lot of experience.
"The years and time are full, and Liu Feng and Zhou Bao will have to wait until at least."
This is still based on rapid growth.
Thinking about Fang You, he turned his attention to the pale red weapon of killing God.
On pure combat power, shallow red is still in the forefront, martial brothers
He came to a training ground at the base to take out the myth of Heihe camp and the divinity left after the fall of demigod and feed it to Pale Red one after another.
Pale red, half crouched, slightly mouthed, Zhang Ga Bagaba devoured divinity and was as happy as a few hundred tons of children.
It devours divinity very quickly, and it takes only half a day to eat dozens of strands.
But the divinity brings less and less ascension.
In the end, the progress of repairing the pale red weapon of killing the gods stayed at 799%, and no matter how it devours the divinity, it will also increase.
This is the limit
He tested the light red combat power at this stage, which is a semi-god, with limited energy and enemy defense.
However, the gap between light red and high position is still huge.
not enough
"But to like to repair it? There is no clue. "
It’s completely stuck
Fang you is most worried that the light red can be repaired here. It used to be too damaged after all, and its mind was completely broken and disappeared.
He wondered, "It’s no good to follow the conventional thinking. What about the unconventional thinking?"
He set his eyes on the light red secondary apostles and made a brief attempt.
"ding! 」
"Does it take fate points to enlighten the pale red repair of the killing weapon? 」
"Showing Destiny Point-1w Enlightenment in Progress …"
Next door, the exploration module of the mysterious world flashes, and a golden exclamation mark appears as striking as the blazing sun in the extreme darkness outside the explored area.
Middle paradox
There is no oasis here, and there is a very strong fog floating everywhere, but the fog can see the terrible scenes of blood moon, Heihe River, shadow, frozen soil and so on.
Occasionally, there are human myths that dare not look up when they set foot in the middle world.
Come and leave in a hurry
At this time, two figures looked up at the changes in the sky and showed sadness.
"Evil spirits will wake up and become more active and terrible, which is probably true."
"Yes, there have been signs of awakening in many places now. If it weren’t for the constant attack of various Baal camps, there would not be many raw places for us humans, but even so, Yun Hui’s vast area was almost in trouble."

But there is one thing about two people, that is, they are quick to talk about their posture and make moves quickly, and sometimes more than a dozen moves have passed in a moment.

Because both of them are too fast, sometimes they pull out a series of strange images, and then their respective images hit each other’s images. The scene is shocking.
In this way, the two martial arts masters were locked in a fight for a while.
A growl keeps ringing, and a light roar echoes, and the yellow world echoes endlessly.
When I was promoted to middle school, I fell to the ground. Before I knew it, it was nearly 200 strokes. Each of them was hit by the other side. Many strokes were made. Hu Ling’s ribs were kicked off, but Hu Ling’s hidden spirits also beat the gray man to blood, and his left shoulder bone was cracked. However, it was still difficult for them to win or lose.
Lin Yi can see that both of them are looking for opportunities, so that if the master tries to find each other a little mistake, he will give each other a fatal attack. At that time, it will also be the most effective way to solve the problem. It can be seen that the gray man is also fighting for his life.
Because Hu Ling can’t be weak in front of the hidden soul.
After dozens of strokes, the gray man finally seized the opportunity again. His body turned continuously to avoid Hu Ling’s hidden soul, and the Hu Ling hidden soul struck the stone, sparking the flash, and the gray man kicked out the flash-like chain foot too fast!
Hu Ling Tibetan Soul dodged two feet but didn’t dodge the third foot. The gray man kicked Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s left calf, which is the strength. Previously, the two feet were confusing. The strength of this foot kicked off Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s left leg. Hu Ling Tibetan Soul roared, and his body staggered. This gray man’s figure instantly rose, and then he quickly reversed his position in his body and slammed his head toward Hu Ling Tibetan Soul’s huge head with his hands.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul raised his palm over his head to block it.
The people in gray came with strong hands and a strategic position. Hu Ling’s hidden soul was shaken and his feet fell into the ground.
The man in gray grabbed the lead, and it seems that he will no longer give Hu Ling a breathing space.
He still borrowed the palm of Hu Ling’s hidden soul from his head toward his feet, and raised his palm again. He didn’t give Hu Ling the hidden soul withdrawal machine, and Hu Ling’s hidden soul struggled to raise his palm and block the gray man’s palm again.
Four palms touching each other is another deafening sound.
Hu Ling’s Tibetan soul was shocked and his body sank half a foot. It was terrible that those animal eyes protruded.
The man in gray was also shaken by Hu Ling’s hidden soul force, and his body trembled. The blood in his mouth was dripping, and Hu Ling’s hidden soul lifted his face
The gray man once again borrowed his hands to raise his hands and hit Hu Ling to hide the soul.
In this way, I came to Hu Ling several times to hide my soul, and my body fell into the belly button.
Shocked the audience.
Looking back, he shouted excitedly, "Ha, ha, ha, play again and bury the Hu Ling Tibetan dog alive."
Lin Yi is equally excited. It’s really rare to see such a duel. Lin Yi picks up the bottle gourd in his waist, picks up the seal, lifts his neck and even pours it several times, shouting good.
Hope to come back and grab it for fear that Lin Yi will drink it all.
Qin Duoduo people feel heart sinking at the moment.
Hu Ling’s hidden soul in their hearts was hit by this gray man at the moment!
Their eyes are about to fall out, too
Hu Ling’s hidden soul was seized by the people in gray, and it was hard to escape. He was as angry as a trapped beast, unwilling to roar and deafening.
Chapter 59 People will die (1)
The gray man hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul into the ground while the iron is hot, but he didn’t give Hu Ling the hidden soul counterattack machine to continue and hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul. His body kept sinking into the ground, and he roared and shook the earth, making the nearby mountain forest return. The tired bird flew up in fright and sang uneasily, waving its tired wings and flying away in the distance.
The gray man combo fell into the ground, and Hu Ling hid the soul. The scene that the two men shook their hands and the earth trembled was amazing
Everyone knows that if you go to Hu Ling to hide your soul, your body will eventually be hit by the gray man until it is hard to resist the last blow of the gray man and your head will burst and die.
Qin Duoduo looked at the willies and was ready to run.
When the gray man’s body borrows power and rises again, his hands strike Hu Ling’s hidden soul again, the bones of Hu Ling’s hidden soul make a sound, and at the same time, the smell of carrion is stronger.
The gray man hit Hu Ling with both hands and lifted his hands over the top to block this sharp blow, but this time it happened, so that everyone didn’t think of inversion, and the four hands touched the instant. Hu Ling’s hidden soul did an incredible thing. His right palm suddenly moved to the right like a flash, and his left palm also moved strongly with the gray man’s left palm, but suddenly without the right palm to block it, the gray man’s right palm fell and hit Hu Ling’s hidden soul, covering his huge head with hides.
Although the lag of Hu Ling’s right palm first offset part of the force of the gray man’s palm, this palm is still nearly half of the force. Hu Ling’s hidden soul was hit, and his skull was cracked. His eyes almost protruded out of his eyes, and there was blood spurting out of his eyes. Even the skin that covered his mouth spit blood out, saying that he vomited a lot of blood.

"And the elements Lingting, the siren empire, the territory of beasts and other forces are bound to have greatness that does not belong to their country …"

Humans will have nothing.
It was not that mankind did not have top gods in those days, but believed in gods, and when the world changed greatly, the belief gods suffered the most severe impact and fell one after another.
Compared with the ancient god who was born in charge of Weili, he was less affected and could change to the mysterious road.
Who made human beings born ordinary?
Elements, such as Lingting, and other forces have natural myths and noble lives, and these noble lives are often distant relatives of some ancient gods.
However, human beings are born ordinary, but they are not willing to be ordinary.
There are always ordinary people who dare to climb the stairs of the gods.
They are human beings with limited possibilities!
Their future can be expected!
….. but it’s really a little worse now.
"We humans also have our own advantages. There are many people and soldiers all over the world. This is an ancient place that depends on us."
The sunrise shows that human beings need to form a whole to take the initiative in the face of ancient existence.
The paradox in exploration can but must not be cannon fodder.
He hopes that the burning organization can give a little strength to raise the glory of mankind, although he also knows that it is a bit overwhelming.
"Not much to say, that’s what happened."
"We will inform you as soon as there is any update."
The sunrise comes and goes in a hurry.
If he can rise to the top, will it make the human alliance heavier?
"It is duty-bound to restore the glory of mankind"
His birth and interests have been firmly bound to human beings.
Considering the overall situation, nature also needs human beings to have stronger power.
Only when the human alliance is strong enough for the ancients to face up to it can they take charge of their own destiny … and fight against the indescribable evil spirits.
"Set a small goal and take charge of the incomplete level handle before going to the ancient gods meeting."
This is a bit difficult.
A year is also a little less.
But it’s okay to get into the secret world of time and mix for another nine years
"But my personal strength can rise step by step, and it is difficult to make a big breakthrough in the short term, but the organization can …"
Not long ago, it was said that the emergence of standard deception made the overall strength of the organization rise a lot
The mythical realm has been qualified to participate in the war.
And now …
Fang Mentor hits the panel and enters the column of Apostle of Destiny.
At present, there are six high-ranking apostles: He, Chi Yan, Liu Feng, Zhou Bao, Pale Red and Secret Doll.
There are also some weapons that can be dangerous to high positions, and the world fortress in the sky is the most
There are also many apostles of fate who are climbing the high road here.
Black Knife, Anjianyou, Hitina, Punishment Thunder, Elohi, Qianqiu, Liu Shang … and so on!
With the guidance of fate;
Another tutor gave them some experience, and they climbed the high road more quickly.
Among them, the fastest entry is Black Knife and An Jian You.
The high position of the black knife involves "point the soul", "cultivate", "teach" and "consolidate the army"
Now Black Knife has an incarnation to guide the strong in the organization.

It is the alliance that considers that intelligent creatures may affect the stability of the alliance.

After all, extraordinary creatures of the same type as fierce beasts are not so easily accepted by ordinary people.
It’s one thing to pet animals and extraordinary creatures.
Being on an equal footing with humans can even become extraordinary creatures in their class, which is another matter.
If even supernatural creatures can become alliance leaders, what is it that they have been fighting fierce beasts for thousands of years …
However, the heavenly king war is a good opportunity.
The alliance has also faced many foreign enemies, and the alliance feels that it is time for intelligent creatures to enter the general public’s field of vision.
This time, there are many extraordinary creatures who participated in the Tianwang War.
Among them, Su Meng thinks that he can become Liu Yuan’s opponent Moon Ice.
Tongtian Tower Fantasy Veterinary College
"Teacher …"
Is the science of uniting the burn feather slowly opened his eyes to see in front of people.
See this is a special humanoid creature covered with snow white and ice crystals.
The body made of ice crystals and the cold and delicate noodles
Give people an inexplicable sense of nobility and coldness.
This man is burn feather brother body congenital Xuan Bing on ice.
And even the temperature around the moon ice has started to drop at an alarming rate.
Snow began to float in the air.
These snowflakes are very strange, even if they burn feathers and nirvana, it takes a while to melt them.
It can be seen that these snowflakes are powerful.
Burn feather looked at her and said, "Moon Ice belongs to you in our college, and you have the best chance to win the position of chief champion. I hope you can gain something in the battle of kings this time …"
"student white"
"By the way, one of the opponents this time, I hope you can pay attention to it. Although his physical fitness is quite different from yours, you may not be his opponent when you really fight."
I heard that the ice suddenly came to me this month.
"Teacher, who is this person?"
"The wild royal beast college is now the chief … Liu Yuan"
"Liu Yuan …"
Hear even the first strong burn feather this alliance so seriously the human foot said each other’s strength.
Think of this month’s ice also wrote down this name, ready to go back and get to know a …
Chapter 76 King War begins!
Great Wilderness Tower of Great Wilderness Veterinary College
The Great Wilderness Tower in the central area of the Great Wilderness is the most eye-catching place in the whole Great Wilderness.
Every move here attracts the attention of the whole wilderness
Any sign of trouble may cause a riot.
And with the Bi Meng clan and the later royal bear clan leading the wild to join the alliance.
The wild eyes have long been different from the fierce and miserable eyes of ordinary people.
But decades of hatred can’t be erased in a short time.
Although in order to reconcile the contradiction between the wild land and the alliance, both the Bi Meng royal family and the Xiongren family sent people to join the Wild College.
But it will take a long time to completely reverse the people’s views on the alliance, just like the elves.
However, although there are contradictions with the alliance, a major event six months ago attracted everyone’s attention.
When everyone pays attention to the same thing, the so-called ethnic conflicts will naturally be melted.
This is exactly what the alliance is holding.
After half a year’s brewing, the alliance king war has finally started.
At the beginning, everyone has a very high threshold. It is reasonable to say that there should not be too many talents.
But I didn’t expect a dozen or twenty people to participate in each of the six major divisions.
You know, these 40 or 50 people are all platinum in their thirties.
The outside world is the overlord who can become the domain master.